Rargle - Lost City Arc User


  • All depends on personal belief, or what you make of your own life I suppose; what purpose you give to yourself. We manufacture purpose because not knowing or understanding is terrifying - the same reason we fantasize different "afterlives." Although it's not a personal belief of mine for everyone to have the same purpose,…
  • Don't take it too harshly, I thought Da Vinci at first too. It's a rather interesting theory, could be an example of where the meaning of a metaphor becomes distorted between translation, etc. Through all the sexism in history, it'd be nice to think that there's always been a deep seeded "holyness" of sorts held by women.…
  • Sounds like you need to look at http://www.perfectworld.com/media/PWI_Installation_Guide_FINAL.pdf Usually I guess you just click the thing called "Installer" or "PWINSTALL" or whatever it's called. Much easier if you just download the whole thing rather than parts, though.
  • QFT. 20% off is hardly going to burn holes in their pockets - rather, people will take advantage of the discount, and people who never bought before are likely to buy now, if only when there's a discount. Bit of a department store scenario, and I'm pretty sure Walmart isn't just trying to be nice. In my opinion, out of…
  • Or you could link your credit card to PayPal for faster transactions (15min - 48hr max). =] If you're one of those types that doesn't feel safe having your credit card on the internet, grab a pre-paid credit card - they're easy to acquire, load, and use. I'm Australian too and I used Bopo for awhile, but they're out of…