Well I've already spotted one problem... sparks don't stack, the double spark would over-ride the damage bonus from the Demon Spark.
I know it's a bad avatar, but meh... I'm bored so I'm using it xD
Actually I know of another game with a loaning system. It works quite well, the system let's you loan it to the other person (you tell the system it's a loan, you aren't just making some agreement.) Then at the end of the set amount of time the item returns to its owner. It is all done in the trade window, if PWI…
As nice as that would be if gems that gave effects to weapons were to be implemented molds would become worthless. If you were also allowed to give any weapon an effect by simply using an item molds wouldn't even be needed. You could just buy whatever effect you wanted or keep re-making the item until it had the effect you…
b:dirty oh yeah!