Rangedraven - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Ya, that sucks. it's 'remarkably' hard to find anyone worth playing with that isnt going to bother me. I do prefer going solo unless I know who I'm dealing with.
  • So that quest you get in the Cave of the Vicious to waste some Stoneskins, thats FB19? I tried it tiwce (19 @ 99.9% exp thinking i might not be able to do it at 20) and got wasted, both times riht at the entrance... now im at 95.4% exp LOL.... ):
  • Why not just join an RP clan or start one.
  • I find if I cant handle a particular quest, i go out and get a level or recheck my equipment/weapon as i may just need to upgrade. The quests, at least the ones I've gotten, are geared to the level - so presumably, if you get it, you should be able to do it. Now, of course, it goes without saying that not all quests are…
  • lol no. it cant be played offline.
  • Thanks gattsuru. I thought that crafting was something you could do on your own and that it didn't require using an NPC. I thought using NPC was only needed if you didn't have the skill. Now I know better so a crafting primer is really pretty pointless lol. If I can't figure out how to use an NPC, I might as well not even…