It takes about half a second due to delay in order to start dropping and even then the BID should still be in range since it's in the middle of its casting animation. Also, 1 second isn't enough for an archer to launch a stun since their skills also have channeling and casting time.
Use sutra if you think you can kill the archer in 4-5 hits. Be sure to use undine if you're 79+ and have the skill or just use the genie skill extreme poison. Why are you attacking archers long range in the air? Why don't you fly away? Use distance shrink and if you're still alive after the stun, immediately use FoW. At…
Ahh ok thanks. I already have a wheel of fate that I got for 800k. So I guess I will resell the wheel of fate and use the 800k to get a perfect hammer once I reach 50.
Here's a new one.
Character Name: RainieYang