Rahnyw - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I was just going to say, as above, it's the octopus quest for the FB. It's not tabbed, and the squad leader has to talk to the NPC to start it. Buddy of mine couldn't get his lvl 19 skills because he thought he'd wait on the Tusker quest. When I told him I had them and was 4 levels lower, he blew up. Also, the weapon I got…
  • The ones I have on the list so far are: Extreme poison (20% of already ridiculous dmg can't be a bad thing) Second Wind (Pretty effective when in a bind) Relentless Courage (Uses same stat mod as SW to increase the attack speed) Leaf dance (Extra crit rate makes for a nice combo with Wolf Emblem) I'm still debating on Holy…
  • I could be wrong, but if i remember correctly, I read somewhere that invisibility ticks down by a % of MP not a fixed number. Adding more MP wouldn't have any effect then would it? I think the % was modded as you leveled the skill, but that was it. If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me. Can't wait until my lvl 12 sin gets…