lolololololol... aps seeker? seeker is a phy mage, we drop phy aoe ultis with zerk and crit. b:shocked
lol..... best would be go to auction house, and get some 3 star gear for cheap and temp use that.b:cute
the seeker pet is so bad. for 2 spks... its sad. and comes in half hp and gets aoed 1 shot by anything. lol. and i hate to control pets, if i wanted to do that id roll mystic not this seeking thing. and only 30sec? zzz bad bad bad....................................
does the def att skill, does it work like frenzy? so u cant transfer debuff, or im hoping it works like a debuff on urself so u can transfer it double sexy b:dirty
actually.... actually..... lol i aoed on sp mobs today, and hit 94k thn 98k i was like O_O .... i usualy do 82-84k most. so yeaa..... mayb .....just mayb b:chuckle
r u kidding me bm get 1 shot by any class. reroll if ur stil a bm. b:bye
i dont feel a thing... mayb yall having placebo effect lol, when someone tells u its higher u feel like it is higher. but i hope im wrong, id take an increase of 25% in output anyday. b:cute
enough said, anything u say after that is not valid.
Jadsia ..... suck what up? i dint say i drop anything while pking ... and what strategy? have u even pk b4 outsize sz? have u seen like 3-5 blue names on top of the person that dies. first of all u talking about something else, and u obviously havnt pk b4... or mayb u the one that die thats why u not in this situation. and…
the biggest guild should be able to hold as many land as they can, at the same time they must have the ability to defend them all. so maybe the limit to a daily tw for 1 faction to defend is raised to at least 4 or 5 instead of 3, making it nearly impossible or extremely hard to defend all the lands. so if u want more…
lol. never failed since last night. nice *** the buffs.
yea it procs like 20%. ur theory must be right, i test later. tats kinda fail, they should both work.
end game def>hp i shard all sap lol, cos i cnt afford deflv2. i have 10,1k mdef n 11.5kpdef with ep buff 39attlv 37deflv and 8.5k hp unbuff.
i 1 shot good geard bm evryday lol.... b:victory
hh90 too little dmg even if it zerk crits. pls never mention tat weapon again.
seeker = mage. full str drop ultis 1 shot.
i have helm n wrist for pve/gv. dont use main gear with mp shard. helm got 1k mp lol wrist got 600
end gear mystic more prob thn mage bcos of their constant seal from self buff. i got 9k mdef +37 def buff not realli prob 1 on 1 with magic class. however r9 +10 2 spk stealth is a bigger prob bcos unprepared and fast [ 0 skill method, funny how ppl stil hav fun doin it] if u want to kill without havin risk or challenge go…
let me just share some of my def with u. my ea has better gear then my seeker. however the def does not reflect on that bcos la armor is fail beyond *****. ea 102 7.6k hp 7kpdef 6.8mdef [ep buffed] seeker 101 8.3k hp 11kpdef 9.2kmdef [ep buff] + 37def lv i use full mdef shards on my seeker no hp shard at all. the…
the last thing u want is a cape with pdef... im using -chan cape, i hav -18chan atm, its ****ing awesome. tat is all.
this thread is about how useless this 79 skill is, not comparing class vs class, so gtfo with ur comparisons. it is useless enough to wait for 40% hp to use it, what makes it utterly useless is the fact it takes so long to chan/cast and to top it up it eats ur whole mana bar. WOW... now thats the fail last stand. solution:…
lol no i did not make a seeker to make psy n mages less useless in instances. seekers are end game high dmg and high def chars. ur right its a ha armor mage. u dont role a seeker to farm nv, pls tats just stupid. u role a sin/bm to farm, thn if u want u role a psy or a seeker as ur end game pvp char, and u farm ur stuff…
the question is does it proc for all skills? i heard it doesnt for medal skills. if it procs do u realise it is x2 dmg hh90 dmg is so cute even if it procs the dmg is stil cute.
im curious too, im using r8 sowrd so cnt try out... yo hh90 zerk dudes input
well im ok with how things are now, but yea since its 3 mins cooldown. make it worth the 3 mins wait. maybe instance cast and maby <60% hp
with or without jonas blessing ur 1 shot to +12 r9 anyway. So with jonas blessing u have better chance to kill a r9+12 with some help
seeker is a mage blessed with ha armor n def buffs. go max dmg, dnt even stat 1 in vit omg... b:shocked