PureSkies - Harshlands Arc User


  • they just need to make it so people can quest
  • Umm.... they wont get banned and the PWI rules are lacking in pking... so they can basically do what they want. if you ask the harshlands GM's what they see in world chat about rpking and people pking in secrect passage and other noob spots it seems that nothing has stopped them yet they dont fear the rules at all.…
  • then you really need to wake up and look at the hundreds of people i hear say that rpking sucks and how many of them are about to quit pwi because of that. its really not our loss if we leave the server PWI and rpkers lose out so if they dont want to make rules thats fine we will just leave and you wont have anything to…
  • they didnt go threw the same thing. You want to know why? Because they were some of the first on the server. now they are in big groups killing people. And im posting on forums because its a serious problem for PWI that if it doesnt stop they will lose more players then they gain and their wallet will soon start drying up.…
  • so half the game might as well not play? if we stay blue the whole time why play this game? why have ads for people just to get killed by high lvls for no good reason at all? This Rpk (random player killing) makes pking not fun and it ruins the game on the PVP servers so there should and must be laws against pking ones…
  • ok so you think its right on PVP servers to camp secret passage. Zulu members were doing it yesterday its how they earn red hours camp the noob spots during the busy times of the day. and yes so what if PVE allows pk more power to them. I picked a pk server cause its more fun but when people stand in the way of that fun…
  • they insult you if your a blue name and you want to be white to buy stuff from the pwi shop.
  • Well maybe pefect world should shut down the PVP servers if people cant lvl in them whats the point in even playing on 1 if you dont stand a chance against factions and factions who kill people daily for red hours because they fail. b:laugh
  • Well i want to be on a pvp server cause i like to pk but i like standing a chance. b:shutup
  • b:angry or they can make rules against it. You dont get killed because you must have friends in the high factions but they will still kill eveyone else its about time something is done about it.