Pking rules

Posts: 12 Arc User
edited May 2011 in Suggestion Box
b:angry its annoying not being able to lvl when your constantly being killed by higher lvls with no chance of fighting back. More people leave the game because there are no rules to stop these people. Even in secret passage they get away with killing people. And harshlands is filled with "RPK" factions that just sit there and camp mob locations with out punishment. So i say you need to make some kind of self protection so you can be killed while questing. With rules that like even more people will come and play Perfect world. b:thanks
Post edited by PureSkies - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    It's called a PVE server.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    It's called a PVE server.

    Well i want to be on a pvp server cause i like to pk but i like standing a chance. b:shutup
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Well i want to be on a pvp server cause i like to pk but i like standing a chance. b:shutup
    Then roll a PVE server and go white named when you think you are ready. PVE servers have PKing too, we simply have a choice when we want to start.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Then roll a PVE server and go white named when you think you are ready. PVE servers have PKing too, we simply have a choice when we want to start.

    ok so you think its right on PVP servers to camp secret passage. Zulu members were doing it yesterday its how they earn red hours camp the noob spots during the busy times of the day. and yes so what if PVE allows pk more power to them. I picked a pk server cause its more fun but when people stand in the way of that fun what is the point in playing on any of the servers?
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    ok so you think its right on PVP servers to camp secret passage. Zulu members were doing it yesterday its how they earn red hours camp the noob spots during the busy times of the day. and yes so what if PVE allows pk more power to them. I picked a pk server cause its more fun but when people stand in the way of that fun what is the point in playing on any of the servers?
    If you want to play on a PVP server, then suck it up and stop QQing because this is the environment of PVP in this game. The higher levels of the PVP servers went through the same thing you're going through. The only difference is they didn't come complaining on the forums about it.

    If they are camping secret passage and killing you constantly, report them.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    If you want to play on a PVP server, then suck it up and stop QQing because this is the environment of PVP in this game. The higher levels of the PVP servers went through the same thing you're going through. The only difference is they didn't come complaining on the forums about it.

    If they are camping secret passage and killing you constantly, report them.

    they didnt go threw the same thing. You want to know why? Because they were some of the first on the server. now they are in big groups killing people. And im posting on forums because its a serious problem for PWI that if it doesnt stop they will lose more players then they gain and their wallet will soon start drying up. Even if i report them it wont ban them for long if even at all. then when a lower lvl does it they get banned? so b:shutup i know more about harslands then you do
  • Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Um....if your white named....and they kill you....take a Screen Shot (SS) of it and submit a ticket. Chances are they will get banned.

    But, if ur non-white name chances are your deserve it b:thanks
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    they didnt go threw the same thing. You want to know why? Because they were some of the first on the server. now they are in big groups killing people. And im posting on forums because its a serious problem for PWI that if it doesnt stop they will lose more players then they gain and their wallet will soon start drying up. Even if i report them it wont ban them for long if even at all. then when a lower lvl does it they get banned? so b:shutup i know more about harslands then you do
    They did go through the same thing. Some of them might be some of the first players on the server, but it's most likely that the majority of the first players on the server have already quit. Think about it, Archosaur is the newest server and there are already level 90s there, and have been for awhile.

    So I will not b:shutup because in your rage you are obviously blowing it out of proportion. Stop your QQing and suck it up.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Um....if your white named....and they kill you....take a Screen Shot (SS) of it and submit a ticket. Chances are they will get banned.

    But, if ur non-white name chances are your deserve it b:thanks

    Umm.... they wont get banned and the PWI rules are lacking in pking... so they can basically do what they want. if you ask the harshlands GM's what they see in world chat about rpking and people pking in secrect passage and other noob spots it seems that nothing has stopped them yet they dont fear the rules at all. b:shocked so basiclly we are a rules free game?
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Umm.... they wont get banned and the PWI rules are lacking in pking... so they can basically do what they want. if you ask the harshlands GM's what they see in world chat about rpking and people pking in secrect passage and other noob spots it seems that nothing has stopped them yet they dont fear the rules at all. b:shocked so basiclly we are a rules free game?
    You only get banned PKing in SP if you pk the same person over and over again, because that is harassment. Being killed as a random target, that's PVP servers for you, deal with it or roll PVE.

    However PKing in Cube will get you banned. Lots of people have been banned for it.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    You only get banned PKing in SP if you pk the same person over and over again, because that is harassment. Being killed as a random target, that's PVP servers for you, deal with it or roll PVE.

    However PKing in Cube will get you banned. Lots of people have been banned for it.

    they just need to make it so people can quest
  • Posts: 2,427 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    However PKing in Cube will get you banned. Lots of people have been banned for it.

    uuh, no. You can PK in the cube wth are you talking about?
    ~~Blood Red since 30~~
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    uuh, no. You can PK in the cube wth are you talking about?

    That's only one of the threads, do a search on it.
  • Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    guardian scrolls are your friendb:thanks

    lol just try to be smart about it, personally, i would have a toon in a pve sever as well so when things get too hot in pvp i'll just play on pve for a bit. other than that, as stated, you can enter pk mode in pve anyways
  • Posts: 2,023 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    Um....The fact that your repeatedly getting killed inside SP means the people are blocking you from completing quests and being able to play the game. From that they can all be banned as long as you provide SS's of it occuring and explain what is going on, why your in the SP (or where-ever else), and what they are doing.
  • Posts: 2,427 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    That's only one of the threads, do a search on it.

    Ok, that's in the lobby of the cube of fate where it is glitched. It is bannable there, but not actually IN the cube.. hell there are rooms where YOU HAVE TO PK to continue ( or pay tones of stuff).

    Don't make blanket statements like "PKing in Cube will get you banned" when it is not true.
    ~~Blood Red since 30~~
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I figured that it was common knowledge that pking there was bannable so I assumed if I said pking there was bannable people would know what I'm talking about. I guess I assumed wrong sorry b:surrender
  • Posts: 130 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    These 3x posting about getting pked are starting to get annoying. Honestly, how many times can you have been pked between lvl 30 and 31, thats like 50k exp, so realistically not many. If there is a person camping the area, DONT GO THERE. Is he making you go back? Is there something forcing you to go get pked again over logging out? NO THERE IS NOT. Stop qqing on the forums and go roll a pve if you really are going to cry this much. If you are trying to just be a forum troll, well you are failing at it.
    I have nothing to say.
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited June 2010
    I have to agree with the OP, PK'ing people who are trying to quest by camping the common questing spots is nothing more than childish bullying, especially if the Pkers are a much higher level than you.

    I'm not bleating about being Pk'd, I accept that when I roll on a PvP server, but what I am bleating about is the fact that I'm being PK'd with absolutely no chance of defending myself when I'm one shotted all the time by much higher levels or groups of them.

    What is the point of a gang of higher levels camping common quest spots and ganking the lower level players who are trying to advance? It's synonymous with playground bullying where the 10th graders go around kicking ten bells out of the 6th graders. Always you see them in groups, and always bragging about how they just carved a new one for the poor kid who got on the recieving end of them.

    It's cowardice to the extreme, and in my opinion, it's just compensation for thier inevitably small wedding tackle. It serves no purpose other than to cause frustration and lack of game enjoyment to the lower levels, who invariably quit the game or go to a PvE server.

    While I couldn't be bothered to change my Avatar (you'll notice it's my PvE server Avatar) I do play on the PvP servers too, and the situation is dire with ragard to ganking groups. I feel they are just taking out their Real Life frustrations on the virtual avatars of other people to cause grief, and have a laugh about it later. Maybe they are frustrated that their parents are propping up the bar, drinking away the welfare cheques, maybe their incredibly small wedding tackle is to blame, maybe in real life they are the fat kid with zits errupting all over thier face. Whatever the reason, it's my opinion that they need to Suck It Up in real life, and stop the unnecessary, inconsiderate, naiave and immature behaviour they display on PvP servers.

    If a player who is 10 levels above tries to PK me, and I'm aware he is coming alone, I will stand there and fight to the best of my ability. If I lose, I have no problem when I consider it a fair fight with some chance to escape or defend adequately. BUT when a group of 5 or 6 much higher level players surround me and one shot me, then that is just harassment and I say, "What's the bloody point?".

    To all the people who have responded to the OP and said words along the lines of, "Suck It Up", or "Roll on a PvE server", you are probably the ones that are childishly doing all the ganking. Do yourselves a favour, there are many sites on the web that can help with **** enlargement, weight problems, face full of zits, and social services can help you out with your abusive parents, but DON'T bring your frustrations into the game, get some darned help.
  • Posts: 1,951 Arc User
    edited June 2010

    Ok, that's in the lobby of the cube of fate where it is glitched. It is bannable there, but not actually IN the cube.. hell there are rooms where YOU HAVE TO PK to continue ( or pay tones of stuff).

    Don't make blanket statements like "PKing in Cube will get you banned" when it is not true.

    Only when you just teleport from cube entrance which is obviously a glitch, yes its bannable, but not in rooms.

    To the OP, if you don't like it, then why join a PVP server to begin with? All forms of bullies in PK servers, its just the same as going white on a PVE server when a big faction chasing you down. Same stupid thing. If your trying to quest and stuff, do that on a PVE server or wait till the people are cleared, watch your map, or just join a faction to help you out. There are a lot of ways to get through good

    Thanks for Flauschkatze for siggy b:cool

    VIT > STR > DEX > MAG... GG
    HA > LA > AR... GG

    HA + VIT = win b:bye
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    The only time I have ever delt with a pker in SP was last night when I helped my wife do one of her quests there and this random BM comes out of no where and kills us both.
  • Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited May 2011
    Take a screenshot of them killing you and/or others several times then report them for 'grieving'.

    You can get banned for grieving other players (meaning you are preventing them from moving on in the game because you keep killing them)

    And yeah, it's bannable in entrance of cube only. And there are many rooms while in the cube that are dragon gate ex.. not only do you have to avoid the hands and bugs, you have to fend off players too. Lol.
    It was my fate from birth to make my mark upon this Earth.


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