cabes, babes, we're making a guild and I have a burning desire to name it Autobots! i better not see your ign as heimerdigger or i'll cry p.s i finally convince ice to let me go wiz again to zhen so feel free to be our bm b:chuckle
elusive won't take over the map, we're only motivated by competition and theres nothing worth rallying for, yet. for now whoever chooses to stick around in elusive will probably just chill out and enjoy the friends they made lol
cable...mustang.... you both are asian and are coming to my-en together with me get along noobs b:thanks
hows uncle Jack?
edit: forget these forums, posting it on elusive forums
rion, you have no idea how many thank you's you owe me b:thanks b:laugh
i can't even fathom the lack of responsibility and/ or blaming thats been prevalent in this thread from start to to finish because its too pathetic for my taste. first of all, even your beloved narla (potato) has a chance to restore their former image and do great things, providing they actually want to work hard at it.…