Narla's end
Skaidred - Archosaur wrote: »lol blood, the reason I say you're self absorbed is I know for a fact I have talked to you before, I may even have been your Squad lead in TW. I got the impression of you as being arrogant, a mediocre wizard that thought he was awesome. I don't go around bragging to people all the time or spamming wc so I'm not that surprised if people don't know me. I'm just surprised YOU don't know me.
And look at how you're dissing me when you say you don't even know me. If that's not random hate I don't know what is.
A. I have talked to alot of people before. Doesn't mean I remember them months and months later.
B. You may have been in my TW squad. If so, you were late. All the BMs I ever had in my squads were late or no shows. Without exception. I love having bms in my squads, so I take note when I don't. I take note even more when one has been assigned to me and they aren't there. That's not "dissing" you, thats just a fact, jack. And that's not dissing all narla bms. Most of them were never in my squad. (thats the other thing I hate about this server: you have to put a fn disclaimer on everything you write because noone actually READS what you IN FACT say, they just read into things what they want to allow them to pop off)
C. Arrogant/bragging? lol, check the forums, bub. I have said repeatedly I am not good at pvp. I have never said anything different. I have never told anyone that they are fail, or they suck, or any such thing, unless they do it to me first of course.
Funny that you are so mad that I don't know you, when you clearly don't know me. And as far as being "a mediocre wizard", while I don't necessarily disagree, you will have to come out to west gate some time if you have the stones for it before I'll give your opinion any weight. BMs own me. If you can't, not sure what that makes you - somewhat less than mediocre to be sure. Perhaps thats why you don't, ijs.
But do it before I finally try once again to leave the server. Probably after Elusive takes 1k. Unless Narla is giving us 60 min of tw weekly, I'm outta here. With a handful of limited exceptions, the players on this server are a snore. Just like you.
D. I am not sure what you mean by "spamming" wc. Yesterday I "spammed" wc saying I beat Dream in pk by throwing my robes on his daggers till they broke. Quite the braggart I am, to be sure.
E. I say I don't know you and you say I'm dissing you? Interesting interpretation. I suppose I am dissing your mom too by saying I don't know her either? Yo mamma.
F. Why would you take such offense at someone saying they don't know you if you yourself didn't have a giant ego? You know what I would say to someone that said they didn't know me? Nothing. Nothing at all. b:shutup
And why would I have remembered someone with such contempt for me had I in fact known you? Or the few times we may have spoken, did you think you concealed your feelings about me so well that I couldn't notice? You've all but admitted here that you are 2-faced. I tend not to associate with those people. And forget them as soon as possible.
Say what you want about me. One thing no on can deny: With me, you know where you stand. I say what I mean and mean what I say. I don't pretend to be someone im not. I don't pretent to like people I don't. I am not so insecure (especially on a computer game) to feel the need to do that. If having the confidence to do that makes me "arrogant", judge me guilty. I'll gladly accept that verdict."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
agentpotato - Archosaur wrote: »zhadi, You Know I Like You So Dont Take This The Wrong Way, But, You Weren't Even Playing The Game The Last Month Or Two, And Now You Start Playing More And Saying 'we This' And 'we That'... And... And... Most Of The Improvements That Elusive Showed Were While You Were Gone... And... Its Just Grinds Me A Little To See You Seemingly Taking Credit For It...
Elf Fight!!!!!!!
Elf Fight! Elf Fight! Elf Fight!AgentPotato - Archosaur wrote: »Edit: I just couldnt let well enough alone...
I just want to say, I'm extremely sad to see the state that Narla has reached, it is a guild I loved very much, and I am by far not the only one.
And whatever you say Mango, I do believe Elusive is the major cause of the internal problems of Narla. Stress and drama do that to a leadership. And for that I hold Elusive at fault. And I hate you for destroying my Narla.
I loved the TW you brought, but I hate the distrust, spite, and backstabbing you brought to the playing field. Some of your members were not involved in that, but most were.
Alot of us loved it, Agent. Ironically, however, some that purported to love it the most did the most to destroy it.
And this backstabbing that "most" of the Elusive members were involved in? I am not sure I get it.
First and foremost, Elusive was formed to take on Narla. It never made any statements to the contrary. We let you know it was coming, so that at least is the very opposite of back stabbing.
Second, Narla was the one that said they welcomed the competition, then had one or more of its officers set out to have Elusive's leader banned so as to not have to defend 1k. If you refer to narla's banks, Narla itself has blammed everyone from Nahk to Mango for doing that, and there is no evidence that anyone in Elusive took that bank. God knows, we aren't exactly flush with coin around here and if you check out proski's gear, its clear he isn't using it on himself.
So as far as I can tell, from personal experience and in terms of faction vs faction, the only backstabbing has been on the part of Narla.
Now "spite". Oh yes, I have that. In spades. But I wouldn't blame the reluctant warrior who throws the counterpunch simply because it was more effective. Blame the ones that started the fight in the first place."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
Tivas - Archosaur wrote: »Will be a plesure to *** u up on TWb:bye
A hem....where were you uncle Tivas in TWb:surrender....b:cryu never came!0 -
narla seriously stop being so butt hurt after 1 TW loss. its a game and yes u do occasionally lose, so what? who cares? get back together and try to get stronger like we (eluisive) did. god i swear when TW finally gets good and competitive u guys quit because we emerged the victors.
im not trying to disrespect anyone with this post and if u are then i dont care. its sad really i was expecting more from u guys.0 -
StudmuffinIX - Archosaur wrote: »narla seriously stop being so butt hurt after 1 TW loss. its a game and yes u do occasionally lose, so what? who cares? get back together and try to get stronger like we (eluisive) did. god i swear when TW finally gets good and competitive u guys quit because we emerged the victors.
im not trying to disrespect anyone with this post and if u are then i dont care. its sad really i was expecting more from u guys.
And you're getting exactly what you expected from those of us who have stayed to fight to build Narla back up, despite the mass exodus. We fended off 2 attacks yesterday, and have 3 more today. So don't despair, StudmuffinIX - Narla is still around and getting back to normal more quickly than even we ourselves expected.
So when you address Narla as having "given up" and "being butt hurt", you are directing your words at the wrong set of people. The "butt hurt ones who gave up" are no longer IN Narla. I'm just setting the record straight.
Anyway, thanks for your concern, but we're doing fine. We even have a lot of members coming back. Many only left because they thought Narla was being disbanded and they left because they were angry at such a show of weakness.
See you in-game guys! (I'm one of the ones STILL wearing the Narla name proudly over my head) b:kiss0 -
So who wants to come to Immunity?
No. seriously.★Immunity is an Arch Server TW Faction. If you want to join Apply @★ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
-Inactive 19 Sept 2011-0 -
Nice to hear that honeypot! Hope to have that 6 hour of tw, the next week. Proski is supposedly going to be unbanned, god i hope this finally happens. But this week will have to go as zero kill and zero play time for me QQ. Although Narla is bouncing back, i am a bit sad that they did not bid on us
Just because you cant win at the current moment....Elusive still bid when they had zero chance a few weeks back... I mean a TW against a disbanded Impulse....zzzz. From wat i see, even TW losses help with recruiting. The server will notice that you are trying, and I see that is wat happened with Elusive's impressive recruiting.
All the small factions that have bidded on Narla this week might get many recruits b:byb:pleased0 -
well thats good to hear HoneyPott, and yes butt hurt was originally aimed at those who left. i joined elusive for the sake of really good TWs (and the PK which u guys gave up in). hopefully u guys will get back to ur old selfs by next week so we can give 1K the long overdue epic battle it deserves. b:victory0
I look forward to proving Narla against Elusive b:victory
We aren't dead or disbanded, the few of us left are working our asses to rebuild our home. I'll be happy if we last 20 minutes against you and I'd weep with joy if we managed to beat you. See you on the battlefield.
FOR NARLAAAA b:dirty0 -
Oh god.
what a shame.
they will never know.
I might log on just to see the map when it becomes : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
XCableX - Archosaur wrote: »Oh god.
what a shame.
they will never know.
I might log on just to see the map when it becomes green.
Doubtful.0 -
the game is dead get over it. also we all knew narla was dead like a month ago....Elusive Enjoy ur 5 mins rolls in a dead server/dead game.
10 more days nuff said
0 -
:O dead game for high levels u mean. Look at our map its so colorful, dunno wat RT is like atm, but surely not as nice as Arch XD.0
elusive won't take over the map, we're only motivated by competition and theres nothing worth rallying for, yet.
for now whoever chooses to stick around in elusive will probably just chill out and enjoy the friends they made lol0 -
Kehrendorh - Archosaur wrote: »Doubtful.
hi : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
XCableX - Archosaur wrote: »hi Rob.
Hi Jerry0 -
Kehrendorh - Archosaur wrote: »Hi Jerry
can we make love? : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
cabes, babes, we're making a guild and I have a burning desire to name it Autobots! i better not see your ign as heimerdigger or i'll cry
p.s i finally convince ice to let me go wiz again to zhen so feel free to be our bm b:chuckle0 -
XCableX - Archosaur wrote: »can we make love?
You know you dont have to ask......0 -
"And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0
when and where?
Blood, you can't handle this man : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »ew
You know you want in on this bromance. Youuu cant deny itttt! b:cute0 -
Kehrendorh - Archosaur wrote: »You know you want in on this bromance. Youuu cant deny itttt! b:cute
I feel soooo left out now...just not fair b:cry0 -
XCableX - Archosaur wrote: »Blood, you can't handle this man love.
I don't want to "handle" anything, tyvm.
Well, 'cept for Katanyia's knockers . . . . ."And as for bragging, I don't need to brag. I am famous, yo. My accomplishments are legendary. I am BLOODMYSTIC, speaker of truth, bane of the Barbarians of Impulse, slayer of the **** of Narla, liberator of all the free peoples of the Archosaur server, former master propagandist for our leader in freedom, Proski, and Archtroll of the PWI Forums. And now? Amiable pve wizard, beloved by all, aka BLUEMYSTIC. Pleased to make your acquaintance."0 -
BLOODMYSTIC - Archosaur wrote: »I don't want to "handle" anything, tyvm.
Well, 'cept for Katanyia's knockers . . . . .
I know deep down inside you want to handle both of us.
Don't : XCableX's TW videos : Current BM Build for TW0 -
Mustang_Roy - Archosaur wrote: »A hem....where were you uncle Tivas in TWb:surrender....b:cryu never came!
I got a fking late call to go work, because one of the usually workers got sick QQ.......
i Swear on god thats true...
BTW HoneyPott is soooooo hoootb:dirty0 -
*Sigh* this thread is useless. Couldn't you do that in off-topic or even pm you ingame, as you play on same server??Feel free to PM me for help.
Mistress Myra forced me to use her sigpic ↑
With PWI since Dec 21st '08 -
i think narlas end needs some quality time with qlngfu b:dirty0
This discussion has been closed.
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