PrinceFlare - Harshlands Arc User


  • OIdpop you must be one of teh ppl who glitched it coz your awful defensive about comments made lol go back to yoru glitch char
  • yall notice how many ppl from harshlands are not complaining aboput teh gms ***** up ban/punishment . its because almost teh entire harshlands server mainly 105's (catalyst,absinthe,demacia,decide,and a few others) are teh main glitchers i know alot fo ppl that sold SFC or "the glitch and they were out and unbanned sayin…
  • ok for all those QQin about jones blessings and omalley's stop ok you dont need them to play a game all those who QQ about blessings being down who cares ,yall are just abunch of nabs who need to rely on blessings to play a game ,2nd its a free to play game stop QQin if you dont liek the way its is progressing quit and…