Thanks you two. I've looked at your answers and decided to just level it out by doing pure mage, and STR when needed for gears. I think that'll work out better, Ill check out whats needed at the NPCs. Thanks again!
The stats I have now are: 9vit 29str 91mag 5dex. Level 23b:chuckle
Spending a car payment on a game would be plain stupid. I think its okay if it's spare cash. No doubt a lot of people probably have gone to lengths that far though o_o
Thats a good way of looking at it, Its a good thing the game is free. Alot less people would play otherwise :\. Thats exactly what I've said before! Its all the same, just in a different context haha.
By sinks it, do you refer to sinking money wise? XD Cos Im a teen with a part time job, money sinkage isn't really an issue. And to the golf thing, thats funny. I know what you mean about preffering stuff when you're rubbish at it. Now that I've learned more about PW, Im starting to enjoy it slightly, not much but slightly…
I agree with both your answers. JanusZeal - I completely understand what you're saying. I would never spend money I DONT have on a game :S The only reason Im doing it is Its the summer holidays, dont need to pay for junk at college, so hey why not. I agree with what you said about people who complain too. Its pretty plain…
Thanks, that is exactly what I needed to know. Im sticking it out, and having fun actually, they're not too bad! I've tried to recieve Jones Blessing but thats not working out haha. Ill just buy some EXP stones off of someone b:shocked Thanks for your reply.
I got it! I figured it out, and SOLD some instead of buying, and made about 14 mill ish. Thank you very much. Is it me or does it seem to work out cheaper to sell your gold, then buy fashion/mounts etc In game? Just a thought.
Alright. So, if I wanted to buy for example 10 gold, i'd be paying a total of around 10mill give or take a few hundred thousand? This will give me a lot of clarification lol. Thank you for your reply, by the way. b:pleased