Pirodar - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I don't understand You here I'm afraid. The description for BT also says about x% of weapon damage (which in fact is gear m. attack + lvl, but that's a different story.). Both descriptions are constructed in the same way base m attack + x% of weapon damage + some constant By the way. Did You notice the difference in the…
  • We have 2 options. The description might be correct or not. Hm wait a minute... PWI description is nonsense (Oh, what a surprise b:shocked ) Lets look at the MY-EN one (taken from ecatomb, sage version) I'm not a native speaker, so I don't know any better, but this english seems odd. Never mind, it makes more sense than…
  • I wonder how long must it take, untill someone else finally realises, that the devs simply made a mistake and forgot about our mana. Just think for a minute. It must be a bug right? It should work similar to bab's armageddon. Now go and file a bug report. Don't hesitate :)
  • Yeah happened again. I'm sorry. I used Word again, but I really tried to get rid of the junk and paste plain text this time. Even the notepad hates me.
  • 10k spirit is 10k spirit. If You lack 10k for the next level of some spell it's exactly what You need. At 65 it doesn't take too long to get it, but at 35 it may take a bit longer. At 35 there is a lot to spend spirit on so 10k is not nothing. Wizards usually don't have a lot of HP so Morning Dew doesn't have to restore a…
  • Looks like people got wiser :) Or at least better informed. good.
  • Well people do differ I guess :) Sure it has a lot of uses and I did use it and sometimes abused it or maybe even more abused than used at some point, but I didn’t like it as a grinding tool. It may have to do a bit with the fact, that my wizz is pure mag and I used gear maximizing my M attack for grinding, so getting away…
  • It's not necessary, but it can make life easier (much easier). Some people fall in love with it, some don't. I didn't. I had it at level 1 for a long time and it was sufficient. After a talk with one wizard, who loved it, I leveled it and got disappointed. I have it at level 10 now but I try to avoid using it. It annoys…
  • The first part is just an explanation why I post the question. I just saw the difference in the descriptions and the difference is not only in the language used, but also in the numbers. I read both descriptions. Maybe I was misunderstood due to my lack of language skills. I'm sorry. Any weapon will do. I'm not asking…
  • :) I'm not a native speaker. My English is bad I know. Is it so terrible, that expecting someone to read my initial post is crazy?
  • Not in my case. I don't refuse to level my skills. I'm just arguing a bit, because I don't like the style of Your response to Coldflash. Jrudora did it with class Yeah, if someone is a poor ****, he must be dumb, but do You really have to state that so explicitly? How about Morning Dew? Ah finding use for them. This is…
  • It took me a while to respond. I'm sorry. I had to find some time. Ok claw boosts P attack, I agree, and speed has nothing to do with that effect. This is correct. But You said about claw being more effective for pets with high P attack and not higher DPS. As I said, the word effective may be understood differently, but I…
  • The wolfkin was the first pet, from which I started to steal aggro. Theoretically I could try to upgrade it's skills but I didn't feel like it was worth it.
  • At level 7 You will gain ability to tame pets for yourself. I don't think it really matters that much. At such a low levelsboth pets will be ok. I took the wolfkin and tamed the scorpion at 7. Later I got rid of the wolfkin, but I still have my scorpion. I think the wolfkin does a bit more damage at the start. Later the…
  • He he players from PvE servers and players from PvP servers are from two different planets. There shoul be two different forums, one for each group. There is no way to understand each other anyway. Of course most people on Harshlands play for those reasons. I can bet most people on Lost City too. There are planets however,…
  • Oh come on, don't generalize like that. Ok I think I can agree although in my case it's rather the opposite. I suck, so I don't. But it works the other way too. If You don't practice you suck. You meant something else of course, but that is just an irrelevant opinion. You could also say that people who like strawberry ice…
  • I know, but the damage from physical skills is the same and the resistance for physical damage and for magical damage is not that much different. If the pet attacks with the element to which the mob is vulnerable the resistance is less than for physical attack. Numbers are out of my head. I need to write down some actual…
  • I don't think it's just resistance. Yes resistance to magic is usually higher than to physical attack, especially for no element mobs, but in case of the element, for which the mob is weak, the resistance against that element is less, than against p attack. If You have a sawfly or other pet with toxic mist try Mutant…
  • He he Look what happens when You change the class in that calculator. Just the class. the formula (1 + mag/100) * (lvl + M attack of EQ) works for wizards and clerics. Venos have a bit different version. I have no idea what, but I suspect, the level to be taken into account differently. Don't ask me why and I don't want to…
  • For Zoe base M attack 5233 - 6029, mag 385 after spark min M attack = (5233 / 4.85) * 13.85 = 14943.7 max M attack = (6029 / 4.85) * 13.85 = 17216.8 I hope You can figure out what's going on
  • Ok here is my theory. The formula for base M attack is (1+mag/100)*(lvl + M attack of equipment) The bonus from spark is x% of the right part of that formula that is (lvl + M attack of equipment) For Teartroll base M attack 5430 - 6224, mag 378 min (lvl + M attack of equipment) = 5430 / 4.78 = 1135.98 max (lvl + M attack…
  • If You look at the descriptions of sparks for the MY-EN version (there it's Fury) on Ecatomb You can see it stated explicitly. I hate the skill descriptions here. Like they had no clue what they are talking about. total mess.
  • Teartroll pleas show us Your stats before the spark. Zoe what's Your mag?
  • The sexiest? Are You some kind of zoophilist or what?
  • The description for the first level of those skills says about 140% of base physical attack. I have Sandblow on my golem and Toxic Mist on my sawfly (both lvl 1) and those red numbers that appear over an enemy, when attacked, to indicate the damage inflicted, suggest it's rather 100%. I don't know it it's a bug in the…
  • Thank You for advice :) I think I'm doing just that. That question wasn't to get some guidance, but I was hoping to show something. I was especially interested in the answer form Miss_Tika. I think people forget too easy, that their opinions changed with time and weren't always the same as they are now. I can show You a…
  • Thank You. Do You remember what level was Your Morning Dew at about 82?
  • Would You 9x lvl wizards please tell us at what level (approximately) You maxed Morning Dew, Hailstorm, Dragon's Breath, Wellspring Quaff, Crown of Flames and Pitfall (if at all)?
  • I didn't use macros for a very long time until they broke the game :) Earlier I just pressed my hotkeys constantly and quite often half consciously after a while of grinding. But earlier I could press the hotkey for gush for example, when pyrogram was still being cast and gush was in cooldown, and it worked. Suddenly after…