MG is probably the closest in terms of which to choose Heaven or Hell. Heaven tends to do better in group pvp, but is much more reliant on kiting due to a decreased damage output. Hell tends to do more damage overall, but is less effective in groups and prefers 1v1. Your best bet is to go to ecatomb and read the skills at…
TW pvp MG, open world pvp Seeker
LA wiz is worthless. Learning to kite properly and stay alive with the extra damage is the best route. If you want to have some sustainability think of another class :)
I'm considering coming back anything changed since more cs dumps (r9)?
tbh I don't even know what the stats are it was so long ago. If it's immune to magic blade tempest it
I disagree 1/2 of us will be talking about fw
Did you not do kunkun or something? Hit it with your stick ofc
Its ok then we would just be back in a timeframe when I could maybe get my culti done. Go devs keep up these great ideas.
To stay on topic. I accidentially npced my gm cape can you replace that one for me since you have been in the giving mood lately. Oh and my 500,000 rep reset on me get on that too along with the 100,000 General Summer Tokens in my bank went missing I'd like those back
No never see it is correct. All those random world quest items were a part of it. Also no more p2p mmo's in china.
Now here is the most blatant example of someone who has no clue. 1 mill was the cap there for years. kthxbai Oh setth in reference to your signature...maybe they hate the letter T ijs
Good god fix the rubberband
I promise to bring a starter wand b:surrender Maybe the combo of wiz/py in party would be good enough as a secondary healer. I know I have on more that one occasion played healer while the ep was running back. 10% chance to full heal ftw <3 you sutra heal.
My best guess is they give us...wait for it Forsaken World a prieview More likely another patch that causes more rubberbanding and maybe some charms on HH mobs/bosses while they're at it. I don't think HH is hard enough yet
I feel bad for any lone ep in a 10 man squad :)
See the problem is it doesn't make him less of a oneshot to 90% of a pvp server. Now I know why he has his blue name on ijs :P
I wonder if they even read this anymore? Is it vaction time there or something? Oh and he's not the only one who's played MY here some of us have been around since p2p (and ran the guilds in MY). So he still has no clue as to what happened kthxbai.
LOL not only did he not get 9jun...he picked the bad weapon gg pwe keep raking in those dollars
MH did you quit or something? I haven't seen you on in ages
Oh Herbalism welc....wait who are you again? Get off the forums and uninstall your game. Save yourself the trouble of doing it soon anyway.
Tick tock PWE tick tock. If you thought the real world recession was bad wait until you see this crash. It's going to make the great depression look like an upside to a chart. Never forget you are a PUBLICLY traded company. So, how about letting your public know what's going on. Also Fistus learn what you are talking about.
Well all I can say is this better be a good patch or at least an informative one. If not expect to see your profit margin take a sharp decline as ghost towns will be the new trend
The having to talk to CN is my big issue here. Give this game its own individual path and stop dealing with their problems here. Let them have full control here and not have to consult for EVERYTHING of value /rant
I called dibs on his 1st quit :P
op should quit /thread
Yea if you think it's bad now wait til EA gets their hands on it. Just google EA mmo to see where this will be going
Again thanks for update number 2, but it's missing a distinct lack of ideas being thrown around in the office and a timeframe as to what to expect changes wise.
inb4 rank9 comes in packs b:chuckle
Miz <3 you should come back to LC and Mage whatever your name is if your going to put a damage log as your signature at least make it impressive kthxbai
I've been playing since p2p so why stop now. This isn't the first time they royally messed things up :)