OO_Byakko_Oo - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Hmm. Might be too late to say it DID happen on all servers. I was online on Sanc when it happened. I must say times like those are amusing to witness. I recall whispering someone from World Chat, making jokes like "heh, their system finally snapped", "BSOD, maybe?" and "This could become a fad".
  • Just a few ^^ omnomnomnomnom Proving that you don't really need wings or abnormally large ears to be able to fly! XD Just happy ideas, fairy dust and lots, lots of lag. Pretty Self-explanatory. Argh! I knew i did the wrong turn!
  • I can SO see that on a PWI-themed screamer prank XD And believe me, I've fallen to SO many of those...i keep having nightmares. DX
  • I had seen this topic when i was looking for random HDT stuff lol, since my Wizard alt in DW is in that faction. This inspired me to spot that guy someday, no matter which server, and yesterday by pure casualty i was playing in Sanctuary with my veno alt (yeah i have 4 chars in total :P) and i was exiting Arch to the…
  • - Before i erased my first character ever on PWI, RyuuseiTwain (lvl50 BM), i decided to do a last fb39 run. Almost all the team was in the cave, and the ones that were in (along those, me) were told they could start cleaning up. As i was lvl50, i thought i could take care of some mobs, so i targeted a Nether Servant. As…
  • Well just my opinion on clerics (My cleric char is /Hope\ lvl51 sanc. server): -My main reason to play a cleric was, besides trying out the "supporter" side of the game, was because of Tempest. When Nightfall (my first faction ever) existed, I once missed my fb19 boss kill on my then-existent main char, RyuuseiTwain, and…