Noggin - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • I'll accept random squad invites if its obvious why they are sent, usually because there are more toons than mobs nearby. Whoever finishes first says thanks and leaves, no douchiness involved. I don't accept randoms if there is no reason to, if someone needs help and asks, I will always help. Help being the operative word…
  • Pop culture reference to the song 'Things that make you go hmmmmm' by C&C music factory. The song has a number of verses, each an anecdote about someone in an unfortunate situation. The chorus describes each as a thing may want you to go 'hmmmmmm'.
  • If you feel trapped there is a gender reassignment scroll in the cash shop. But you have to attend a counseling session with a GM before you can use it.
  • Yesterday on a drake run another barb in the squad (to remain nameless), set himself to follow the assassin. He then followed the stealth assassin through all the mobs to drake. Oh how I laughed, near squad wipe. Some of the other members of the squad seemed less sympathetic though, not sure why.
  • Stato time. On single drops you need to do 19 runs before it becomes more likely that not you will have had at least 2 drops. Even at 30 runs there is still a 25% chance you wont have had 2 drops. I feel it would take a very persistant player to face those odds.
  • Them's be rocking horse ****. You can either buy one from the merchant for the prices mentioned above or go farming, there is less than 10% chance of a single drop though. About 15% under double drops. edit : maths fail
  • Absolutly, paying someone expenses for their teleports to get to you is probaly the best way to approach it. They save their time and you get your rez quick. Best of both worlds. But your original post read pretty funny imho. It sounded like - "**** you coming all this way to rez my **** and taking so long" lol.
  • *splutter* Wow, how dare they make you wait for your rez, the b*****s!
  • Wow what a lot of drama. I can ask a favour, if your cleric hasn't leveled revive can you mention it as your join a squad please. Most players would assume (rightly or wrongly) that that safety net exists and play accordingly. I would expect any other class to mention anything that may be out of the ordinary about their…
  • Great thread thanks guys, I've been looking at this all week trying to decide. Is gold you are talking about the Fengs Heavy Plate? If I go for that I won't be able to sell it later? The other chest set talked about was the mold, is that the proud plate of the cosair? I looked at and wrote it off due to the add ons not…
  • It seems to me that in most ethical situations there is a middle ground, when the person is showing neither virtue nor vice. There seems to be quite a few people here that view this middle ground as - fly all over the map rezzing me now! Any cleric that is willing to give up time rezzing my butt for free, then they are a…
  • I thought I would add this up to see what happens, if you assume you were to get this stuff from packs then..... 40 Chips = 2 Packs 1 Shard = 1 Pack 5 Do all Cards = 1 Pack So if you make the (questionable) assumption that 1 pack = 1 gold, you are getting the charms and the weapon for 1 gold. This of course assumes you…
  • Your 5 gold gets you from 50 to 75 which is in total.... The level 50 weapon 2 Emerald HP Charm 60K 1 Emerald MP Charm 60K 5 Do All Cards 1 Flawless Shard 40 Chips This takes you to 75, you need another hammer to open the level 80 and get the christmas tome. I would say its marginal at best. I opened mine, but that was…
  • My point exactly. I see no practical or totally fair solution to TT runs done in isolation. I will continue to follow a need based approach, I only take mats if I need them, and I only do TT if I need mats.
  • I doubt you are going to find a fairer solution for pickup squads than selling everything and sharing the loot after expenses. But then we get into arguments about expenses. Who spent what, why did you spend that much, there are cheaper ways to get mp, that's not fair, you know what you were getting into when you rolled,…
  • Lol, great attitude, my advice would be to not alienate a large section of your audience at the beginning of the great wall of qq if you want them to read further. You appear to be very unhappy in the game, perhaps for your own sanity moving on or taking a break may be in order because you seem to be taking this a little…
  • Not that I don't agree with you in principle. But this isn't correct, the ini files are integral to the PWI software and remain their property. There is a section in the terms of service and presumably EULA about this, you have to agree to those terms to continue to use the software. They state that any modifications you…
  • Your'll see..... Drake will have racing stripes and 'Cadillac' painted in big letters down his side soon enough.... mark my words.
  • If you are unsure, I would suggest PVP to start with. If you decide you want to swap you will know about it at a much lower level on a PVP rather than PVE server and have less to loose.
  • Also rather than drawing an arbitary line in the sand and have people whining about what they are and are not allowed to do in the files its just easier to say no to everything. Once you allow changes, however small or unimportant people will push the boundaries. The current rule is straight forward and unambiguous, no…
  • Thats the zeal genie initial skill. The only way to get it is to have a zeal.
  • My experience of the new patch. Me - They messed with the genies, I can't use my Genies skills anymore! PWI - Here's some stuff to get your Genie working again. Me - Thanks PWI! Hold on, I have two Genies! One is now useless! I just have to fix the one, lets take a look at the skills and get them working again. Right then,…
  • You can expect to get a return of 0.6-0.7 stamina per coin for dropped gear you decompose (in terms of value of NPC'ing an item). If you can get stones at a better rate than that off other players then sell the gear, if you can't decompose. Yiyaun stone give 40 stamina so you should spend no more than 55 coin for one. Even…
  • So that expires after a week, thanks, I missed that. What tome are you talking about here? I seem to remember there is a Christmas blessing in one of the supply boxes, is there another way to get one?
  • I checked that before I posted, you can't.
  • As some other posters have pointed out, if you will not squad to get stuff done then my advice would be, Uninstall the game. Play something else. First off, why would you want to play a MMO and solo everything, I just don't get it. Second, whilst everyone else is having a great time doing bounty hunts and TT runs later on,…
  • Yes.... You didn't way which skill you were interested in but.... To level the skills you need to craft things, then see the elder when you have enough crafting exp. You only get exp if you craft the best stuff you can. Sell or decompose the stuff you make. You may have a problem getting some of the mats, but you can…
  • I charge occasioanlly. Don't see a problem with it. About $50 since I started.... I don't NEED to, but if some people are willing to grind coin for me at an hourly rate that would land me in court if it were real life, then I'm happy b:victory
  • Ignore the comments about full attack clerics, they are just jealous b:laugh just make sure your squad know you are a cleric that can't heal, I'm sure they'll understand b:bye I would go for a Zeal, the inital skill still lures (for the moment).
  • The TW people are going to come on in minute and let you know how much TW costs and that it doesnt make a profit. But this is an interesting point, if as they say TW profits are used to finance charms and suchlike for future TW's why not just cut out the middle man. Make TW land rewards charms and pots rather than coin. It…