Good to know
Sweetiebot, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Search and you will find all the answers you seek.
no, do you even realize how many ****ing bugs and broken **** there would be?
Never said anything about me coming back, just wanted to see peoples thoughts so far =D
I solo FF in 40 minutes to an hour with +3 aps armor and +4 windpours, you can easily solo ff
I was away for 3 so idk, doesn't work, though.
I was watching an old video and the person left pwcalc links of her gear, i clicked them thinking they would not work, but they did load them up. So i cleared out all her stuff and made it blank
I hope you can get a GM to swap it out for you, that's a very expensive ring b:shocked
I've never had or seen a problem with event times
That information is outdated, you can no longer check when your account was created with that method. It was a necro, there was unneeded sweety spam. Thread was pointless, so is this one. INB4 Close
The swag seals for the flyer? I believe you talk to wang tsai
Sweetiebot, please show me a picture of a tiger. (Watching Life of Pi) Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scrolls for me
Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scrolls for me Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scrolls for me Come on, 60k packs and no crown of madness
Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scrolls for me Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scrolls for me thanks b:victory
Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scrolls for me
Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scrolls for me Sweetiebot, please open 10000 Joy Scrolls for me
You personally don't see them, but the PWI support team probably gets hundreds, or thousands of emails about the DQ system. As DoD stated, the new system will be up to date and working more smoothly (or will be eventually, i'm sure it will have bugs, but new things have that). But this also gives the community a chance to…
So, do any of these suggestions sound reasonable, DoD?
Hmm..true. People might not be able to farm enough DQ for it to be weekly (depending on the price. Maybe twice a month.
I agree with everything you have said! TT items for dq points would be awesome. That rotation is also a great idea..maybe like 3 new items per week? but keep the random dyes, makeover scrolls, and sage cards as normal things.
People where botting the dq items to NPC them for coins.
Regarding the things you can redeem with dq rewards...the only thing people wanted where the demon/sage event card. It would be awesome if you guys added more useful items. But keep the makeover scrolls, those where handy.
**** east ahaha b:laugh
Confirmed for HT being up, for me atleast. Thanks
Doing it twice wont change the outcome. Wait for the official response from Geno