Final Compensation - For All (12.12.13 UPDATED)



  • Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    No orbs yet on 2 accounts, 4 or more useless tickets. Tickets link to this useless thread.
  • Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i wish that someday pwi would care about their customers

    don't we all b:sad
    asheland1 wrote: »
    A member of our faction came back today from a 2 week ban...all refines still there.

    ^^ proof that pwi was lying to us all the time
    Quoting from another thread.

    My point was overall, PWI has, until now, encouraged people to exploit by having weaksauce punishments. The MOMENT my guild noticed a single person getting more than what they should've, we set out, in Teamspeak, to pinpoint the exploit. Not neccesarily to utilize it, but because we knew another faction on the server who'd exploited EVERY code they'd given out thusfar, and at the very least we wanted knowledge of how it was done, CUZ KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!!11 In all seriousness though, it is, and that's also why I posted several posts back telling the GMs our findings and how this glitch worked, AKA if you got the "please wait 10 mins" message, that was your greenlight to click like crazy/refresh/whatever.

    The problem is it's like leaving a kid in a candy store....after having done so three times. The kid has already learned it's ok to go wild because YOU (PWI) taught him that, and while you definitely need to punish him and teach him otherwise and while a perma-ban would DEFINITELY accomplish that, it seems a bit unfair to those that actually exploited, to be honest. If you have no sympathy for those who exploited the **** outta this (one cleric on Harshlands is now full +11 from this glitch, for example, and not many are happy with that person), they should realize that there ARE some, like my friend, who confidently used this as a chance to experiment and understand and learn how OTHERS were exploiting this glitch. He was logging multiple alts and trying multiple things until bam, one account got it. The attitude wasn't "yes now my alt is OP1!! (it's a damned alt)" but rather "cool now we know how they do it and I'm positive they'll roll this back so no worries."

    Now here I am posting his findings on his behalf, but he's gonna be punished for it when wtf, our goal was to help PWI by providing them with info. I realize it's a bit tough to double-check this since this thread is massive and spammed constantly, but the moment I saw the code I warned PWI their codes have been exploited nonstop, it's just that in the past it didn't matter so much.

    In some ways I don't blame PWI for permabanning if they do because they DESPERATELY need to show people they actually DO enforce rules, but in others? It's an incredibly lazy broad-strokes kind of justice where they argue "it's for the greater good" and don't bother to view each case individually. I realize that's unrealistic for a game cause yeah they'd never have the time to do so, but that's why the punishment should be adjusted in a way that allows for broad strokes.

    But again, the problem being perma ban is TOO harsh and anything shorter is TOO lenient.

    Perhaps a good system would be to permaban any accounts that exploited this glitch and notify them that they will be given a chance to make their case via the ticket system. Good responses get unbanned, bad responses remain banned? Alternatively, characters can simply agree to revoke all refines they have for being unbanned. That way, for example with my friend's case, he could easily inform them that his goal was simply experimentation because he can point out to them that the character that exploited was an alt by telling them to IP check his main and other alt accounts; they'd easily see it was indeed an alt and that while he did exploit, he didn't do it on a massive, ridiculous scale that shouts "greed" but rather "curiousity."

    no a good system would be to take advantage of every PWI **** up you can because you know you will get *way* behind if you don't and PWI isn't gonna punish you if you do. You get punished only if you DO NOT take advantage of every one of PWI's mistakes that you can. If you try to cut them some slack because you love the game, PWI is going to make you pay for it because all the exploiters will get ahead and you will have to "Bite the Sour Apple" PWI won't do a thing to make it right.. They might even delete your tickets.. multiple times
    PWI has learned not to give us expensive freebies >.> it turns adults into screaming babies

    and exploiters into sanctimonious bee-atches
    wyldheart wrote: »
    I bet if you were at an ATM to withdraw a $20 dollar bill and it started spitting out hundreds of them, you would blame the bank and want to keep the money huh....
    I'm so tired of peeps that KNEW PWI wasn't purposely handing out endless amounts of orbs and abusing the glitch, crying foul!

    That's a good point. But it it's not the bank (PWI) who got screwed its the public (the players). It's as if the bank's ATM spit out soo much money that the entire value of a nation's currency devalued. Maybe that's why they don't really care about fixing the problem because really its the players and not PWI who got hurt. And the ones that got many orbs are actually more likely to spend money on the game now because they are overjoyed at getting all the free orbs. So why should PWI care about those poor shmucks who didn't get anything anyway.
    tweakz wrote: »
    Lol @ yet more diversion touted as compensation. b:chuckle
    apparently that's PWI's standard method of operation
    I'm glad I stop spending much of my time and financial resources on pwi, it's honestly a waste, not to mention it's more frustration than entertainment. I abused the dream chaser glitch, if I could have I would have abused the orb one. Why ? I paid for what other ppl are getting for free, I wasn't really mad but I did say wtf? Lol 2-3 week ban for all those refines.

    Since the goon glitches I've always told my friends, if you can abuse an exploit do it. This company has failed over and over again, in my opinion their fix was the 11 and 12 star sale and not really the "ban".

    Every exploit that PWE, fails to oversight = chunk of the player base moving on.

    Thanks, that's the best summary of this mess I've seen posted
    im just saying... They totally went the wrong way with these bans.

    Goon glitchers/abusers - 3 day ban
    Dream chaser glitcher/abusers - 0 day ban
    Event demon/sage card glitcher/abusers - 0 day ban
    10 star orb glitcher/abusers - 1 yr ban

    Goon glitchers brought a flood of 105 players into the game and ruined the idea of hardwork for a player's level.

    Dream chasers brought a flood of free r9 and coins into the game. With all of those free chip packs and gears that can be npc'd.

    Event demon/sage cards brought a flood of people selling refine and dye services.

    10 star orbs require a player to bind their gear before it can be used. It is also localized to one account rather than affecting the whole server. How is this hardly worth a 1 yr punishment... a person can only use so many 10 stars anyway on their gear. They also need to bind their gear which will require them to buy new gear as new things come out. It also doesn't affect as many players as those other glitches have. Hell I still hear about it daily how tons of people still have hundreds of dreamchaser packs.

    Honestly, you guys saw this happen before with dreamchaser packs and nothing was done about it.

    ALSO, I find it really cruel to offer them black friday sale/charge rewards then have them spend money on the game only to find out they get banned the next day. That is a terrible thing to do to your paying customers. Pretty soon they will be doing a Kim Kardashian and doing a fundraiser and only giving 10% of the money raised to what the money was really meant for...

    Your comparison of PWI to Kim Kardashian makes me understand PWI now. Thanks Thanks
    They redeemed the code while it still worked, but never got their items out of their mailboxes untill now.

    half the QQing on this forum would have ended if they would have turned off the red text b:surrender
    Has this become the "Let's get as many people to quit as possible" thread?

  • Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    That's a good point. But it it's not the bank (PWI) who got screwed its the public (the players). It's as if the bank's ATM spit out soo much money that the entire value of a nation's currency devalued. Maybe that's why they don't really care about fixing the problem because really its the players and not PWI who got hurt. And the ones that got many orbs are actually more likely to spend money on the game now because they are overjoyed at getting all the free orbs. So why should PWI care about those poor shmucks who didn't get anything anyway.

    You are knowingly committing a crime and accepting money (without consent of Bank), so yea, you're still a criminal and can be still prosecuted. Law 101
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i Didn't comment at the time but, You don't know how Funny it was to see the "They will be Banned" in bold letters, I for one can not stand Simple minded one-track mind players, But i deal with it. i 100% Agree with the dishonorable people who thought they could have 100+ ten star orbs for free, Just so they could take it and brag.
    On a personal matter, im kind of a dark person, so it makes me Laugh at the people who worked so hard on their accounts, Like some Big-names alot of people know, For them to Lose everything, and i've dealt with the Costumer staff from PWI, They don't respond back to people's emails who's got the Permanent bann. and as messed up as this may sound, The staff will forget about your account, so one year is just like a perma, Some people Losing best friends, finding out their best friend or partner was a scammer, it takes true honor for someone to have been there at the time, Knew they could abuse it, But didn't. This who thing has gotten rid of alot of people who i never liked anyway in world chat over on dreamweaver. I doubt they actually will bann all of the crooked people even though they said they would, But if it was true, the moral of this story is Simple-mindedness never pays. Should have never did it.
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    IF BearClew Realy a GM pm me Someone name BearClew **** me befor two days at 5:25 pm time egypt +02GMT need help with that b:angryb:angry
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    After a long time and very hard work I made my gear to +4 and my weapon to +5.
    All only with mirages and a lot of patience ( I got no Orbs)!
    I was glad for every small success.

    What do you thinking how I feel to see the player with full +10 gear now?
    it is the same, as if one has reset all my gear to punish me!

    At Moment I am back to my old game and have more fun there!
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited December 2013
    Life. Busy time over holidays. Sorry about the wait.
    @ OPKossy

    Considering you have a direct line of communication, can you find out why some people are permanently banned from the game for dragon orb abuse and other aren't? To be more specific, why would someone who got under 20 orbs be permanently banned, while someone who got 60 orbs got 2 weeks?

    I know you cannot speak for the gms, but can you try to find out why this would be? Also, what are your thoughts on that matter?
    I'll try to find out but I can't say whether I'll be able to get any specifics or if it'll be something they'll let me tell if I do get the information.

    As for my thoughts on it, I've always found the disproportionate punishment as senseless and pretty stupid. Goon glitchers got 2 weeks, INI editors got permas. When multiclienting wasn't allowed (for what was widely known as an absurd reason) it was a permaban when they got you. Fast forward to dreamchaser glitch where many got away unpunished.

    Anyways, went and cleaned up a lot of **** from since I was out. You guys have are free to complain and be upset and all that. However, it doesn't give you the right to ignore the rules entirely.
    (Insert fancy image here)
  • Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    and exploiters into sanctimonious bee-atches
    i think its just most of the butthurt pple have a hard time accepting that not all sanctimonious pple actually glitched anything b:chuckle else theyd have to admit to being a screaming baby and it hurts their pride

    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    i think its just most of the butthurt pple have a hard time accepting that not all sanctimonious pple actually glitched anything b:chuckle else theyd have to admit to being a screaming baby and it hurts their pride

    if u dont need anything
    why u come here to be rude to ppl?
    u r way worst than the ones who QQ
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    One more week passed, and this idiots still haven't fix the +10 orb code...b:laugh
  • Posts: 152 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Sorry to beat a dead horse so to speak but was this new compensation code posted anywhere(like FB PWI site?) Just read that there was a compensation code this AM. I attempted to get use the original code to obtain an orb and each time it was entered I got the message of "code expired". Then a few days later I got 3 purple foxes??? so no pack, no orb -I put in code more than once since each time I tried it said expired..Now I am 3 weeks late on the compensation code lol. Gotta laugh
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    2. Or the most worse is that GM Lie about the patch scedule, what if that the real update is on 18 dec? what if "release an expansion ahead of schedule!" just an excuse?
    Probably it's a lie, wich is a serious problem...
    If it's not a lie, it would mean that release was scheduled on Christmas, when nearly all PWE staff at home, eating and drinking... and noboby ready to take part if important bugs come with expansion... wich would have been an even more serious problem...
  • Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    poupousse wrote: »
    Probably it's a lie, wich is a serious problem...
    If it's not a lie, it would mean that release was scheduled on Christmas, when nearly all PWE staff at home, eating and drinking... and noboby ready to take part if important bugs come with expansion... wich would have been an even more serious problem...

    As I posted in another thread:

    I don't believe this to be a lie. New Horizons was going to be release between mid-December to mid-January. I predicted it would be over maintenance on the 17th/18th.

    Waiting until after the holiday would make too much sense. Extra time to debug. Support staff available from the holidays.

    No, the 18th is pright up to par for PWI. Rushed to get it released and no support avaiable because of the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy exploiting New Year gamers.

    Sorry to beat a dead horse so to speak but was this new compensation code posted anywhere(like FB PWI site?) Just read that there was a compensation code this AM. I attempted to get use the original code to obtain an orb and each time it was entered I got the message of "code expired". Then a few days later I got 3 purple foxes??? so no pack, no orb -I put in code more than once since each time I tried it said expired..Now I am 3 weeks late on the compensation code lol. Gotta laugh though I am a little upset

    The original compensation code was an Ocean Orb exploit giveaway that was disable a few hours after the exploit was discovered.

    The new compensation code (to make up for the old compensation code) was for 5 hyper stones.

    I, like so many others, felt so satisfiled with the new code. Oh, by the way, for many the new code was expired.

    And, please keep beating this dead horse.
  • Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    ...New Horizons was going to be release between mid-December to mid-January.
    Lol, can you source this info ? I bet not...
    Read again the present thread, it has been announced for December
    The original compensation code was an Ocean Orb exploit giveaway that was disable a few hours after the exploit was discovered.

    The new compensation code (to make up for the old compensation code) was for 5 hyper stones.

    I, like so many others, felt so satisfiled with the new code. Oh, by the way, for many the new code was expired.

    And, please keep beating this dead horse.
    You missed a great part of the story.

    The original compensation was for Archausor only and was not disabled a few hours after discovering these codes were often sold to others servers. Because of code sellers and because some other servers also had issues, they made the final compensation code which was disabled a few hours after the bugs have been discovered. Even if part of players exploited some of these bugs, you should not underestimate how much PWE is responsible of this still living mess.

    The hyper compensation code is a bad joke from PWE.

    There is no dead horse...
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    As I posted in another thread:

    I don't believe this to be a lie. New Horizons was going to be release between mid-December to mid-January. I predicted it would be over maintenance on the 17th/18th.

    Waiting until after the holiday would make too much sense. Extra time to debug. Support staff available from the holidays.

    No, the 18th is pright up to par for PWI. Rushed to get it released and no support avaiable because of the holidays. Merry Christmas and Happy exploiting New Year gamers.
    Read again before comment
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    OPKossy wrote: »
    Life. Busy time over holidays. Sorry about the wait.

    I'll try to find out but I can't say whether I'll be able to get any specifics or if it'll be something they'll let me tell if I do get the information.

    As for my thoughts on it, I've always found the disproportionate punishment as senseless and pretty stupid. Goon glitchers got 2 weeks, INI editors got permas. When multiclienting wasn't allowed (for what was widely known as an absurd reason) it was a permaban when they got you. Fast forward to dreamchaser glitch where many got away unpunished.

    Anyways, went and cleaned up a lot of **** from since I was out. You guys have are free to complain and be upset and all that. However, it doesn't give you the right to ignore the rules entirely.

    Ok hahahaha that was a REALLY NICE POST...of course there is always better posts...but lets say that...this one is what we need to discuss a little bit more about this massive mistake, which is remind the people...the orb glitch of perfect world intenational...also known as pwi...and for some BS ... xd wooooo ...haha ok lets carry on. Damn feeling now like a ****ing writer...and im sure that several things im going to say here will also have some grammar or colocation mistakes...since im not from any example of country which has english as its national language..>.< guys might find this a kinda confusing but lets go on, i must try.

    YES ohhhh YES...this orb glitch for sure messed up with pwi's ecomony....a lot of people that hadn't the power of a full +10 ...or at least a good refine, found the redeem glitch a great way to finally taste the heaven ( quite nerd way compare heaven's sensation with a game) but yes you guys got it. Some players got a way more powerful than some others,...those that didnt use the glitch... would be the people that didnt show up at the glitch's time, or would be those who simply decided to dont use the glitch system.

    I dont actually know, how many reasons those people who havent used the glitch ( rich or porr in game) really had, i mean ...some players gave to me explanations...excuses ...wahtever about why they didnt use the glitch, here some examples:...some of them said...'' ohhh its agasint the rules. '' ...others ...'' i couldnt get more than just 3 orbs, i was trying to use the glitch but somehow it wasnt working ****!!!!'' more example...'' i found this ridiculously desperated...i got frull rank 9 gear with +12 refines..why would i use that glitch for...pff >.> noobs i will still kick your ***** DX<''. Of course there is a looooot of other reasons..and explanations and excuses, thats those players who havent used the glitch can tell us. THATS OK ...calm down, im not judging anyone. lets talk a little bit about ...THOSE PLAYERS.....OH YESSS those little ones....cute ....lovely ...ohhh sooo damn cute little low level...with low refines...usually poor player...also usually one shot ..with dreams ...expectations....a wild smile on their faces : ))...full OF HOPE ...and ...i dont know waht else. we are going to talk about those players who used the glitch ...but ... as you guys noticed..i was defining the (( not powerful character type of player)),that type of player which spend a lot of hours playing to get less or something close to 1millions..or...3millions.. of coins, perhaps more than 3 million coins ..poor all the time...( low level..or level 100/+ with nv/lunar/r8 ...maybe hh90..or legendary gears lvl 80...lvl 70 gear or....lvl 1 lol xd !!!!!!!), anyway...someone who had to spend really nice years playing perfect world to get everything waht she/he got so far. Those individuals...when found the glitch opportunity, sorry for saying, ****'ED THA HELL OUT OF THE GLITCH, ...they used or not the glitch ( some say it was an accident..which is totally possible since the redeem's page was lag), they used or not the glitch to improve their weak or not enough powerful gear finally be able to face those players who have spent thousands in pwi, as well to show off , ....err i cant define there is too many changes from person to person....everyone had a reason to use the glitch or the luck of, without intention, having the glitch.

    And to conclude....THERE IS ...!!! the players who are rich...!!!... in game( usually/probably in real life too ..for spending so much money in a game ...or really with the intention to spend that hard working money into a game to have some fun) (( NOT JUDGING)) could be STEALING could be doing a lot of bad things, but instead, re playing pwi , so thanks for that. This high level society...with own rules and which rules the game, ...with their own expectations desires, ...dreams, ..reasons, with power to change the game economy..and etc, also used the glitch, maybe to save some real life money ...who knows, they improved their gears status a little bit more, or a lot more, sometimes some players spend money into fashions ..packs..and other stuff besides GEAR and WEAPONS.

    NOW LETS FINISH THIS POST...MY JESUS IM TYPING TOO MUCH...EVEN AFTER WAKING UP X(( from a hangover, i am still freaking typing Xdd. There is so many other things i could say...but it would be too long to read..for most of you..not trying to offend anybody, but besides my post chats being horrible, sometimes we also dont have time, or enough interest at moment to read everything , i respect i will try to end this as fastest as i can.

    I could say...those who used the glitch SHOULD HAVE THEIR ACCOUNT BANNED PERMANETLY..specially because the players that spend real money in game and that work so hard in real life ...will not have a fair play with those who got such refine luck orbs from redeem's glitch...But besides some of the top rich players having used the glitch as well,... i also know a lot of nice people who havent used real money in game and that used the glitch and that had never stolen from anybody, they spent really a bunch of hours playing everyday for years and they helped me and other people even being poor and playing hard in game, to give to me some gift ..or signal of affection (friendship). So i cant say ban them forever.
    I could say RELEASE EVERYONE FROM THEIR BANISHMENT...IT WASNT THEIR FAULT ...THAT YOU....ADMINISTRATORS AND PROGRAMMERS COMMITTED SUCH MISTAKE. (which is human)...... Kinda must confess that a lot of people who used the glitch wanted to get stronger in an easier way....maybe because they re lazy...or maybe because ...they got too tired of working so much and not getting almost anything. So i dont know if its really right to unban some people...problem is !!!!!! who are those really nice people that really worked hard ...and were the ones being the base of the game economy ...which are suffering right now because of the glitch, fearing that their account will be froever banned.


    I REALLY **** hope that the gms know waht they re doing...if not ...lets play a private version server of pwi... or any other game...or breath the air outside. This game cant define who we are or what is our destiny...we are the god damn owners of our soul and life...lets just see ...and hope that their decision will not affect the nice players that followed the majority into a terrible inocent mistake.
  • Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    meckba wrote: »
    I abused the D.Orb system I got 63 orbs before they stopped the Code and I would have taken more if I could! b:pleased

    I never got ban and I really don't care if I do get Ban! I just thought I would like you all to know. I'll be owning you soon f:victory

    RU Serious someone ban this punk pls!! b:angry
  • Posts: 300 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    RU Serious someone ban this punk pls!! b:angry

  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    oh well

    ppl returned from bans and enjoying new content like nothing ever happend before

    gj not doing anything as ever
  • Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    oh well

    ppl returned from bans and enjoying new content like nothing ever happend before

    gj not doing anything as ever

    How do you even know if they have orbs anymore after ban?
  • Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    How do you even know if they have orbs anymore after ban?

    look at their gear, if they have bound rank (8/9) gear +10, they probaly use the orb not all, but most
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    oh well

    ppl returned from bans and enjoying new content like nothing ever happend before

    gj not doing anything as ever

    not everyone got their acc trying to help my sister to recover her acc...but seems pwi is not helping much....and im sure shes not the only one....seems the affecting those that didnt spend real life money ....or at least for most ...i hope they unban those ppl account ...there is too mnay players that were loya to this game..and they re really paying for a mistake that 90% of the ppl would probably commite...haha because after all ...if u see 20 dollars on the floor or 1 million dollars hahaha on the fking floor ..wouldnt u get it ....hahaha xd was just waht happened in the orb glitch ...the poor ppl enjoyed it..the rich ppl got richer....and those who lost...well sometimes some ppl lose events and stuff...but u cant blame them for taking some advantage ...specially if some powerful rank 9 players done it...and they havent gotten any ban punishment
  • Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    llrickrick wrote: »
    not everyone got their acc trying to help my sister to recover her acc...but seems pwi is not helping much....and im sure shes not the only one....seems the affecting those that didnt spend real life money ....or at least for most ...i hope they unban those ppl account ...there is too mnay players that were loya to this game..and they re really paying for a mistake that 90% of the ppl would probably commite...haha because after all ...if u see 20 dollars on the floor or 1 million dollars hahaha on the fking floor ..wouldnt u get it ....hahaha xd was just waht happened in the orb glitch ...the poor ppl enjoyed it..the rich ppl got richer....and those who lost...well sometimes some ppl lose events and stuff...but u cant blame them for taking some advantage ...specially if some powerful rank 9 players done it...and they havent gotten any ban punishment

    QQ moar , loser !
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    QQ moar , loser !

    tahbeast ..if u want to suck me..u could send a private message...there is no reason to ..say such things.
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    if ur sis is banned for orb glitch abuse..i hope she stays banned

    sorry but its only fair...since it was even said 1 PER ACCOUNT...not 100..u know
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    RU Serious someone ban this punk pls!! b:angry

    LMAO they wont ban me!! You have to learn to exploit everything in this game if you want to keep up fools! b:laugh
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    meckba wrote: »
    LMAO they wont ban me!! You have to learn to exploit everything in this game if you want to keep up fools! b:laugh

    ^^Why I left. This is a game of exploiting or paying. It's not even as fun as some other games unless what you enjoy is exploiting or paying. I confessed here to afk grinding for years and am still able to post. -Haven't tried logging in weeks: Just no interest in this game anymore.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    We've lost many good players because of the +10 orbs and PWI is watching their profits drop. This isn't going away .
  • Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    We've lost many good players because of the +10 orbs and PWI is watching their profits drop. This isn't going away .


    TW isn't any fun anymore because all the good people quit.
    When the 11 and 12 star orbs were removed due to
    "Client Instability"...
    Was PWE referring to the Game Client?
    Or the players?
  • Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    if ur sis is banned for orb glitch abuse..i hope she stays banned

    sorry but its only fair...since it was even said 1 PER ACCOUNT...not 100..u know

    easy for you to say since its not your account...and..besides not saying she doesnt deserve to be banned...she does...but forever?..i mean some players got over 100 orbs and are back..why does she have to be banned forever..since she even havent gotten so mnay orbs.
This discussion has been closed.