Nathamod - Sanctuary Arc User


  • naw man! i think she's moar mad!
  • LIZE! IT WAS ON VIDEO! WHO ELSE COULD IT BE!? :O stop pretending it was oonabetch! he was watchin soccer! nizmos said "go kill every1 else" hahaha and he wasn't even attacking u. Im pretty sure it shows something there! =P ijs! b:laugh
  • well hey! says the person who just said yesterday that she'll never turn white name! but omygaaaahd she did! *splat* stay blue next time trust me you'd rage less ;)
  • lol.. i know who it is! it was the hubby of that other other lg person ragin (fenora) gg. quit blaming kirby about your pk event getting ruined. go watch the vid, he was gladly pm-ing kirby the entire time on that video. =D
  • lol cool story bruh.. gg why didn't you! you would've done us a favor by doing that! then we would actually some pk. but MAYBE.... quotes: WE VINDI's WILL DODGE. we would all townport since 2 ppl ruined our pk event D: why dont u tell the truth why u didn't turn white... u were scared bruh
  • wut are u talking about? he's mrssaxwell. i'm pretty sure he gets enough love from MrSaxwell! Anyways, it was lg's fault that they all turned white named without even having enough backup! and as i keep hearing you had your pk event for fun! well we wanted to have some fun too! so stop raging about our actions! why can't…
  • My favorite quote from the video! "you've got to be the most pathetic person ever! GG i'll go head back to my bus now" mrssaxwell you are so pathetic that this pk party can't kill you even though you are uncharmed! SOOOOoOOO pathetic that, you ruined their pk event! There is no more fun in this server with you here! GO…
  • so if ever i miss any1 out i will put in names of ppl who quit so i pretty much will miss out on every1 active =D Cleric - dovienya.. he's always been my idol =D ohh and teeni.. his teamwork with ryamika was just remarkable hands down the best duo this server ever had.. archer - ryamika.. 90% of the time i die on tws are…
  • oh god i hate dai! she's the villain definately! no1 is as intimidating as her within the 8x tourney. its what drove jollibee to make alts just for pk tourney purposes
  • Wizard - Ayano-chan... took many months even after he quit for ppl to catch up with his pvp kills.. and consider he was LA and not to mention was a slow lvler.. no offence to ppl who are like this. but ayano was really impressive. but post packs and such. gotta hate seeing ppl like ghostring and blacknizmos Archer -…
  • OH hell naw! don't bring jollibee into this! lmao... ur gunna scare all my loyal customers from my catshop! b:surrender
  • lol.... oh i wouldn't be surprised with that.. since u can pretty much 1 shot our cata barbs. im sure u could 1 shot them too b4 they can come close to you :P and since ur that good maybe u should try going out of your keep sometimes and try to go closer to the enemy keep and 1 shot the crystal :O but then again vindi has…
  • omg u did!? :O ur so awesome then. wish lg ppl would have more ppl like you to have tws more interesting then :D oh wait.. sum1 with a bit more hp and def pls though :P i never even saw u in tw. u die too fast b4 i could even get to you. but either way. disappointing tw lg! i suggest u guys recruit your great old tw…
  • btw thats me who posted up there xD my first post ever! =D