Narcotic - Harshlands Arc User


  • Is there a new Harry Potter game based on Voldemort, that i don't know about, called, "The Game that Must Not be Named"?? I'll look out for it. Anyway I'm not sure this thread can be honest. Is it just me or did GM all but stated, if you bad mouth "The Game That Must Not Be Named" game no problem, but if you think of…
  • The 2 MMORPG's i have invested major time in seem the same. They seem to start out with the developers main focus is to make a successful game. Over time they tend to focus more and more on the quarterly bottom line profit. That the way of MMORPGs i guess. They also both have an overpowered class. Perfect balance is just…
  • I can understand why people would hate you and blacklist you. Just by reading your few post here i can tell your an annoying attention starved person who thinks he's is much more clever and funnier than he actually is. I speak for all those poor folks on your server. Save your money and stop spamming world chat.
  • I'm same frame of mind as this person. What's the big accomplishment. Leveling a full support cleric is a task that hard to accomplish. Making a Pure Magic, attacks skills only cleric is easier to finish basic quests and faster to grind with. Nothing to brag about. My cleric is all attack skills and buffs skill also.…
  • That's very nice and all. All advocating reselling must keep in mind that all the time you spend checking Auction House and Cat Shops for good deals to resell must be counted as time playing game. Many saying the only play a few hours a day is not right when they have to do all the scouring of shops and research to make…
  • But much more entertaining reading when peppered with insults and put downs. Unbelievable, this guy is complaining about me complaining about the OP complaining about other members always complaining. WTF. You must be just he type of person that caused this thread to begin with you complainer. Some nerve buddy.
  • Why do people start threads complaining about other people complaining? This has got to be about the 5th time i have seen a thread berating people who debate in this forum. You can learn a lot by listening to 2 or more people debate an issue. Also i think many are writing about something they don't like in the game, hoping…
  • I don't mind the first invite. But sometimes they keep asking up to 3 or 4 times. I have nothing against squadding and sometimes i do it. The problem is, 8 out of 10 people who want to squad are lazy grinders or maybe just bad at killing mobs and i regret joining. Unless you have really tight fast spawning mobs, squadding…
  • I agree this guy sucks when it comes to FBs. I would recommend if you see brendle as the tank, that you immediately leave party. You will loose as much or more in XP then you get in quest due to multiple deaths. He just runs around with no concern for the lower levels in the party and only thinking of going as fast as…
  • I just have one thing to say about this. FAC all of you. Your all a bunch of dumb FACers. So shut the FAC up.
  • This is not a guide. It's a introduction or a summary of healer. There is really no idept information, it just explains what a cleric is. Maybe one day it will grow up to be a guide.