Narat - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I always use Taran in games (Walt Disney movie ... Black Cauldron), but the name was taken so I just went backwards ... work well, kinda like it now and might stick with using it. b:chuckle
  • rofl, I guess it is a seafood thing
  • Face it ppl without the money these is no Perfect World ... get over it.
  • Hey, the guys are doing agreat job (GM's), be patient I'm sure they will get around to everything. And lighten-up, Perfect World is for having fun, we have the fun and the poor GM's must do all the work ... so cut then some slack b:surrender
  • stop hating and and just sit back and relook at the problem, 90% of the time you'll giggle at the thing you hate, and eventually love it. Hey, a fox in any language is creative ... take square pants for a sponge ... that is funny as hell, and not even creative ... and I'm sure everyone love him.
  • Hey, try to play Entropia, lol that will get you down!! b:sad Perfect World is great as far as that is concerned ... I've tried lots of mmo games and believe me this is is the best ... I'm planning on staying quite a while.b:victory
  • There is just no way I'll deposit, after being **** so many times. I mean, hell ... losing a 20Gold item to a hacker. I don't think so
  • Here is the problem I tested it and got **** a couple of x3 times. I loaded 10000+ from my bank to inventory, climbed onto my sword and hung in the air for about 15min. Guess what, opened my inventory and was left with 1000 the first time, 800 the next and 450 the third time. And this has happened to friend of mine more…