MsShandril - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Thx for all the info. I hope they do help the pets so you can have the one you like and still have them work out. Now as for the legendary pets I hope they are not planing to make them a cash shop item and cost like $500 each or something like that. I do not mind putting money into the game to keep it going but when it…
  • The only thinq I could think of is to place a time and place ahead of time and get it closer to a small range. I think basically just like FB's about 10 level parts and everyone has a fair shot. I know it would be a lot but maybe set up 10 different spots I know it could make a day of it for a few GM's but it is not a…
  • I would like to say that was the worst event I have ever taken place in and hope they decide to never do it again like that! I attacked and attacked and got no drops. No matter how much damage I did only people in their 70's got the drops. So no matter what people in their 50's were screwed. Please make things fairr to all…
  • I see Thanks maybe they will add the 2 in an upcomming patch?
  • So if I am following this right all mounts can go 11? I know the spurs say 9->10. So for examplw if I were to get a ride like the horse would I need to use 2 low spurs to go from 7 to and and 8 to 9 then use 2 gale spurs to go from 9 to 10 and 10 to ll. Or how does it work? I was thinking about a nightfall or midnight but…