MrsWideGlide - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Exactly. that might be the easiest fix. As long as players in Blue names are safe I do not think many would complain at all. I think most are upset from what i have read because they do not like PvP and its kinda feeling forced upon them.
  • True, and all i am saying is that the few who have posted that they like it and approve this pk area, some are saying stop crying about it.. but if people do not put what they think then things do not get changed. So i have seen other write before. If we do not tell them what we do and don't like then they do not know. So…
  • I don't think it is right to force lower lvls to pk ... I agree that if pkers want a place to pk and not drop things then i am pretty sure there are other instances that dont even go anywhere yet that could be used for this. Saying that u do not have to go into SP is not right.. and hoping higher levels dont pk lower is…
  • i know its not a location problem,. I know some in England that can get it and some that can't and if that isn't proof lol.. I can't get one but my husband can.. We live in the same house and use the same network! Some i know have sent in a ticket and had no help. I just put one in today. I hope it starts to work soon. So…