oops wrong Avatar, Martin u super sayian hoe. =P
Gloom whats up! Blade, Chip, Ajani ! pk at butterflies? If only the world was still perfect b:sad
lot of familiar names popping up, good times back then. b:bye
Retain b:pleased kk night
bleh! super long text o walls to say, o im right and bad ****. i miss pwi. b:victory Hope u all ok :)
Ascii, no. dont be bad ima tell on you.
Martin! whats up man, lets go old school dragon and barrage entire PT .. now adays its lol, this game is over i log in for fun with old buddies... Power lvl me man! give me free stuff! come on man! pleaseeeee!... haha good seeig u online hit me up non msn. lol at drama.
was fun ! b:victory
LOL at all of you who lol at someone for oracles rather then spend 10+ hours a day tapping on a keyboard. Gratz to the smart oracle users for taking advantage of them. Top 20 i see a few players i started with in the begin of server. As for me i am a troller of the forums as of today after 4 weeks inactive. Hope the server…
Hey True! <3 xD Maybe ill log in game sometime soon... i need to reinstall it though... QQ long update.
I vote Tim, He keeps me trapped in his cave b:cry
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! im late but was not online QQ b:dirtyb:victoryb:kiss
PvP b:victory
xD its because his Guardian was under my desk
awesome fight!! <--veno pulling cata.... tank! hahaha good times! b:victory
"Okay well.. I'm too lazy for this story telling ****" such a long post to say this. All i see is an attention ***** who has so much hate built up he takes it out on a game. STFU already no one cares about u. kthnxb:bye
Ixta! whats up man! long time no talk! pm me in game
Good luck in life man, been fun. I am doing the same. Take care. Live life to the fullest! b:victory
Lulu <3 wake up.. skip school Msn time... webcam wooohoo!
i got them and i wont give them back.....
Indigo U are such a badass! My new Fav Ninja!... :) Juggernaught lol , dont act like u dont know who she is , i saw u drop flight when she began to attack u Lawl! Fun day indeed.b:victory
WTF how are u all 97-98... i play a lot i thought, but work, school, life etc.... QQ i will never be high lvl. b:shocked
hey im helping out i posted a bunch of gold today at 206k.... dont look bad at me xD i take advantage of anything that helps me or my friends out :)
Today was a fun day... most fun i had in pvp in a while...well im off into the night now... cya all when i wake up if im home. b:victory good night.
i dont even know what a bot is.... if i cant wear my Officical Harry Pottor wizards hat and cape then i dont give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. xD b:laughb:bye
just rename this thread to Lulu... Lulu brings the heat in HL.
Lulu is by far the Sexiest and will be always on HL rest of u are some ugly **** MFs.... buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut. Moon would so win this vote!
cool can i kill u now. b:thanks
i saw like 3-4 pics? QQ prople to shy on HL.. b:chuckle whats wrong? im not shy im just lazy atm and really sleepy so i wont host the same pic posted on every forum like some people do, ill give u the link to my so called myspace which does anyone even still use? well have fun dont have nightmares of me. and no im not a…
b:victory heeeeeeeeeeey.