Minatzuki - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Its only 7.3? dam it feels alot faster in-game Its a possible alternative but I doubt running away from mobs is the only useful aspect of holy path to list a few things i use it for; * running away from mobs* * use to lure the last couple mobs around when aoe grinding * Catching up to squad when i enter fb/bh/isntance late…
  • I'm actually....really...really...really curious as to what those 4 "necessary" genie skills are because maybe its just me but holy path IS the MOST important skill on my genie, whether to run from mobs in case of heal agro or to catch up to a 10m/s barb ( b:infuriated why the hell did they even make tank class run at…
  • I believe you would do HT server a GREAT favor if you stayed a FAC b:chuckle because you are the worst cleric I have every squad with I'm not too sure how you got all your gear (maybe you cash shopped it all? iunno gave people sexual favors?) but you sure as hell didn't farm any of that with your fail skills. Any other…