Fail squads and awesome Clerics.



  • ExELFine - Heavens Tear
    ExELFine - Heavens Tear Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Who are you?
    drmarley wrote: »
    Duck, you are one of my best friends here but I respectfully disagree with your assessment of ExEl. She was wrong to bring this up on the forums and she is clearly in the wrong here; if she had a problem she should have talked to Max directly, because the way she went about presenting "the facts" in itself is shady.

    You think I haven't? Problem is, vodka interfered and Max was impaired... need i say more?
    The Facts (From my POV):
    - TheMax is an excellent BM. I have frosted with him, my wife had done numerous TTs with him and we've never had a problem with him.

    -ExEl doubts that Max can tank Pole. I have healed level 80 BMs at pole with ~4.4k hp by myself without hitch. Max clearly is superior to that - and there was a second cleric present which just.... leaves no excuse for the party wipe.

    Yep, usually he is up to it. But on that particular night, he was, let's say... distracted. He had just got "sage" and was besides himself, therefore could not think properly. And remember, we were 2 clerics, other one was much higher level than me.
    - Said cleric proposed an absurd FA build and detests healing, has not leveled her res, and dislikes support in general - looks at her class as a primary DD and believes Clerics should be devoted to either attacking *or* healing. It wouldn't be a stretch to believe she isn't capable/is unwilling to heal.

    Hmm... who are you to intervene? You were NOT present at the BH nor were you nor your wife at any of our encounters, so why don't you just mind your own friggin' business?

    But, FYI, my rez is maxxed, and so are my other squad goodies because, in the end, all my FAC skills have been maxxed previously so... hehe what's your problem? You prefer slave clerics? Go FY :)

    -You are a good tank Duck. That covers for her deficiencies as a healer.

    Duckie is a good tank and not only that, he is a good friend... he is not the crazed greedie like you and your friends are. In fact, Duckie takes nothing from TT runs and such. Have you seen Max in TT? He is truly hysterical..."drop mats, you swines.." "you really make me mad by keeping mats for more than 2 seconds" and so on, he is truly pathetic. I have seen squaddies log off after hearing him scream for mats in TT runs.
    - Min is an excellent Cleric. We did Belial earlier. We've done Frost together. We've done TT together. We've done BH together. He knows both Max and this cleric and I trust that his assessment of either of them is objective and reflects reality.

    Good for you but you know what? I don't even know "Min"... I suspect you had her/him intervene in this thread just to make Cearia/Max look good but... in the end, who the hell cares?

    If you're out to drag me in the mud, I must be doing something right in the end and you know what? That's all that matters :)

    You are one ugly a/hole for:

    1. logging in as an anonymous char

    2. who the heck are you so that we can really discuss the topic?

    Now you want to root for Mina. Hmm, she's not discussed here, she just only barged in to cover for Max, I hardly know her/him.

    And hmm.... how wonderful you make me feel hehe, bunch of failed oracle-levelled characters... i have never encountered you before, could you be one of Max's alts? If so, geez thanks for the attention!

    Special thanks to Duckingtiger, who is a sweetheart in any kind of ingame encounter, there is always fun wherever he/she is.

    And to the rest of you sore losers, TheMax, Caeria, Mani...(whatever your name is)... just stay away from me and learn to play your classes and characters otherwise, you will remain losers)
    Tailor: lev 7
    Blacksmith: lev 6
    Craftsman: lev 6
    Apothicary: lev 5
    SEMI to 7/8 RETIRED, not from PW but from PWI :)
  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I did not want to reply to you, because I believe that it is simply beneath my dignity to engage into any form of communication with a liar, but constant flow of lies and ignorance from your side leaves me no choice but to reply to you.
    I don’t know if “joints” of which you talk so often affected your short term memory or you just have a creative imagination, but it seems to me you ether completely make things up or you twist things around like no one’s business.

    Now let’s see, “Pocket Cleric” ? During all the time of our unfortunate friendship I have asked you only twice for help, first when I needed heal for Cultivation 89 quest, second time I needed some heaven stones for that exact same quest. The rest of the time, you were invited to our squad to either TT or FF. ( I shall mention , when you were invited to our squads not once you bothered to use a tele or invite someone from your friend list, but that’s beside the point , me and Caeria don’t mind to waste teles in order to get a TT/FF squad together ). As you can see your theory of a pocket cleric doesn’t really add up…

    Let’s continue, shall we?
    You think I haven't? Problem is, vodka interfered and Max was impaired... need i say more?
    Were you pouring me some vodka? Were you here to witness me drink? Tea with a lemon is my beverage of choice when I TT, BH or Frost. Where do you come up with these things? Well I should not be surprised at this point really, you went as low as one can get.
    To the next quote we go,
    Yep, usually he is up to it. But on that particular night, he was, let's say... distracted. He had just got "sage" and was besides himself, therefore could not think properly. And remember, we were 2 clerics, other one was much higher level than me.
    First of all, getting sage was not a big deal for me , I never really cared about leveling that’s why on multiple occasions during my late 80s I fed the XP to my genie. I was distracted? What, are you a psychiatrist now? Giving mental evaluations over internet, deciding who is thinking properly, who is distracted and who is not?
    Second, It was FB 69 you were 85+ no matter what you say , other cleric could not be MUCH higher than you, if he/she was atleast level 90 he/she wouldn’t need FB 69 anymore. Everything you say makes no sense, even secondary indifferent remarks…
    Hmm... who are you to intervene? You were NOT present at the BH nor were you nor your wife at any of our encounters, so why don't you just mind your own friggin' business?

    Who are you to tell that person to mind his/her own business? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, he / she has as much rights to share his/her point of view on an online message board as any other member of this forum.
    But, FYI, my rez is maxxed, and so are my other squad goodies because, in the end, all my FAC skills have been maxxed previously so... hehe what's your problem? You prefer slave clerics? Go FY :)
    FY? A difference of opinion can be expressed without resorting to insults, but I don’t think you will ever understand that.
    Have you seen Max in TT? He is truly hysterical..."drop mats, you swines.." "you really make me mad by keeping mats for more than 2 seconds" and so on, he is truly pathetic. I have seen squaddies log off after hearing him scream for mats in TT runs.
    I’m tired of reminding you not to lie, I see you quoted
    ”drop mats, you swines.. “
    I never swear at my teammates, just isn’t my style. (Next time before you claim such a nonsense, provide some screen shots first )
    Have you seen Max in TT? He is truly hysterical..."drop mats, you swines.." "you really make me mad by keeping mats for more than 2 seconds" and so on, he is truly pathetic.

    Yes! Have you seen Max in TTs? That Max who told ExELfine: “What are you doing ? Why are you taking such a cheap drops?” Have you seen Max , who barely knew Exelfine and told that random cleric all the prices for TT mats and what to pick in every TT, which item makes the most profit, have you seen that Max? Have you seen Max who oftentimes does not take any mats at all if people in his squad need those mats for their armor or weapons?
    “you really make me mad by keeping mats for more than 2 seconds" and so on, he is truly pathetic.
    Folks imagine the following picture, we TT - boss drops mats, everyone picks it up and drops it right there at the boss, everyone BUT EXE, she tends to run with the mats to the next boss , another boss… and further.. and she won’t drop the mats UNTILL YOU REMIND HER TO DROP. That happens 9 out of 10 times. Long before “all this” happened I told my squadies: I will either stop banking or wont TT with Exel anymore, because it is rather tiring to remind her every run to drop mats.
    Good for you but you know what? I don't even know "Min"... I suspect you had her/him intervene in this thread just to make Cearia/Max look good but... in the end, who the hell cares?
    I barely know Min, TTed couple of times with him/her , awesome and fast cleric I’m glad I know him/her.
    make Cearia/Max look good but...
    I care not what I look like, as long as I’m speaking the truth.
    ... in the end, who the hell cares?
    Apparently you care , you crave to look good and sound appealing to forum audience( But you fail miserably ) , I frankly don’t care what I look like to them to you or anyone else, I will be telling the truth and truth only even if it’s ugly.
    If you're out to drag me in the mud, I must be doing something right in the end and you know what? That's all that matters :)
    Believe you me, you are doing an awesome job at dragging yourself in the mud , face deep and mouthful, no one could have done a better job.
    You are one ugly a/hole for:

    1. logging in as an anonymous char

    2. who the heck are you so that we can really discuss the topic?

    Now you want to root for Mina. Hmm, she's not discussed here, she just only barged in to cover for Max, I hardly know her/him.

    And hmm.... how wonderful you make me feel hehe, bunch of failed oracle-levelled characters... i have never encountered you before, could you be one of Max's alts? If so, geez thanks for the attention!

    Special thanks to Duckingtiger, who is a sweetheart in any kind of ingame encounter, there is always fun wherever he/she is.

    And to the rest of you sore losers, TheMax, Caeria, Mani...(whatever your name is)... just stay away from me and learn to play your classes and characters otherwise, you will remain losers) b:chuckle
    Once again resorting to insults, nothing else expected from you.

    P.S. Interesting how those four people who TTed with me and Exel left their opinions here and were instantly insulted and claimed to be losers by Exel. Is that a coincidence that random people who I barely know but who TTed with me and Exel, all as one disagree with you?

    P.P.S I regret time spent on this post , for I have no desire to speak with a rude liar.
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Edit:Accidentally double posted.
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • ExELFine - Heavens Tear
    ExELFine - Heavens Tear Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    You don't care how you look and what people think? Then why did you barge in this thread in the first place? I never mentioned yours or any of your friends' names, I just stated a situation that is sadly too common, replying to the OP by telling a story which is too often frustrating.

    I'm surprised you haven't replied to Deceptisar or to Duckie, who were trying to tell you what can and did go wrong. You just never want to admit your own mistakes, nor to apologize in any situation where you place other players in harm's way and you prefer to blame others for your own blunders.

    So typical of you...

    Why do you keep insisting that I'm a liar? Why do you take it/make it so personal? Maybe it's because I'm the first one to tell you, in your face, that you're a failure and you dislike that?

    In the future, it would be a good thing that you stop running all over the place and start thinking about other people around you who are getting killed because of your cowboy'ish ways.

    Oh, and another thing, stop mentioning my name in world chat, telling people not to squad with me 'cause you think I'm a failed cleric.First, it's against the rules and second, you're only making a stupid fool of yourself.
    Tailor: lev 7
    Blacksmith: lev 6
    Craftsman: lev 6
    Apothicary: lev 5
    SEMI to 7/8 RETIRED, not from PW but from PWI :)
  • drmarley
    drmarley Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm not an anonymous account. My Archer's name is Dr_Marley, thus my avatar says drmarley. It doesn't take a genius to put 2 and 2 together. My cleric's name is Marley_MD, unfortunately the only avatar this forum is allowing me to display is this one. IDK why, ask the devs?

    Anyone who knows me in game can vouch for me, including Duck.

    Again, whether it was anonymous or not, you decided to put someone on blast and this is what resulted. You reap what you sow.
  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    You don't care how you look and what people think? Then why did you barge in this thread in the first place? I never mentioned yours or any of your friends' names, I just stated a situation that is sadly too common, replying to the OP by telling a story which is too often frustrating.

    I'm surprised you haven't replied to Deceptisar or to Duckie, who were trying to tell you what can and did go wrong. You just never want to admit your own mistakes, nor to apologize in any situation where you place other players in harm's way and you prefer to blame others for your own blunders.

    So typical of you...

    Why do you keep insisting that I'm a liar? Why do you take it/make it so personal? Maybe it's because I'm the first one to tell you, in your face, that you're a failure and you dislike that?

    In the future, it would be a good thing that you stop running all over the place and start thinking about other people around you who are getting killed because of your cowboy'ish ways.

    Needles to reply to such a nonsense, your messages don't make any sense what-so-ever.

    As for Ducki,I did not reply to Duckie because , in the past 6 or 8 month I TTed only once with him and second time he helped with a drumm boss in 1-3 ( BTW thanks Ducki I owe you one ), other then that I did not do anything with duckie. Apparently he doesn't know the full picture when it comes to amazingly slow cleric called Exelfine. People who TTed with you though have spoken above, you did not like it.

    Oh, and another thing, stop mentioning my name in world chat, telling people not to squad with me 'cause you think I'm a failed cleric.First, it's against the rules and second, you're only making a stupid fool of yourself.

    Lies again and again , SCREEN SHOT or zip it... pathetic...
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • Kawakami - Dreamweaver
    Kawakami - Dreamweaver Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Beverages and snacks stall has opened at 232, 642
    Few people make mistakes with fire after being once burned, of people who regard water lightly many have been drowned - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    You know why I keep asking? You, the archer, keep begging for RB while other squaddies cry for BB. I was only trying to accommodate the whole team.
    Well you ASKED if you should BB or not on Soulripper or any other bosses doesn’t do anything that requires you to BB. Usually I would ask for an RB to speed things up a little bit but, of course there are times that requires you yourself as a cleric to know when to BB and not to be asked for it and place it where it DOES reach the ones in need of it.

    So if you and your stupid partner could learn a little patience, maybe we clerics would really enjoy teaming up with you.

    But, as for now, well... keep begging for clerics in WC while I laugh my heart out, and join really nice and friendly squaddies.
    So what? Most of the clerics I’ve gotten from WC were better than you in what they do. Well the people I like to do TTs and other things prefer doing it in a fast pace. You who still haven’t gotten Holy Path or any movement speed oriented skills/items to keep up with us.
    Oh, and while we're on this topic, how many gold mats have we found in TT runs, that you said you'd sell and share with us? So far, all I got was 100K from you. Honestly, Caeria...

    I won't get into deep calculus but between you and me (Max included) there was more than one instance where we found gold mats.

    Am I hinting that maybe there is a chance that I have been cheated? Hmm... kind of looks like it. But hey, you had a good laugh. Isn't that what the game is all about?

    Think about all this when you cuddle up to your next targetted pocket-cleric.[/COLOR]

    Out of all the times I’ve subbed/banked runs with you only once have I been charged with selling and splitting it since most of my subbed runs tend to be unlucky. And I did mail your so called “share” a long time ago. My friends are NOT “Pocket-clerics.” They are my good friends I like to do runs with.
    You can check all my gear: most of them were made by my friends or by myself, with mats farmed/hardly won in game... truth is, if "subbers" would have been more honest, I might have much better gear but hey, that's the way the cookie crumbles in PWI.

    Back to topic: my skills... you sure haven't been following my journey since I was just a little elfin (hence ex-elfine) crying for FAC powers in this forum, otherwise you would have found it wiser to STFU about my skills.

    So, about my skills... I am a fighter who heals, as everyone knows. But now that all my stuns, debuffs and nukes have been maxxed, I have compromised in maxxing rez, squad heals & buffs and BB for the benefit of failed bm's and archers who can't even solo TT 1-1, which I can.

    Duh. We ain’t cleric nor am I willing to burn a charm for it. Waste of time and money. How can we be fail when you yourself didn’t get or max your healing skills until what? Lv 85?

    If you wanted to be a fighter only then you should’ve chose a different class to play DDer. Most of the clerics I know of just wants you to DD BECAUSE you can’t “play” your “support” class properly or otherwise remember how to.
    No, I have decent hi-speed cable. But it does seem that you and your friends expect us, clerics, to be at their beak and calls the minute they show up, so eager to squad me the minute I enter the game??? Are you envious or something?

    Yeah, so what? You are a cleric not a DD class which people look down on from time to time because there are so many around and not needed as much. DDers will always be the first to be kicked from a squad to make room for others.
    And maybe you should learn to mind your own business. Hey, how much did they pay you to intervene here on their behalf??? Or, sexual favours? (whatever that means).[/COLOR]

    Okay… whatever. Why would I need a sexual favor to help a friend in need? There is a thing called a “dictionary” if you don’t know what it is.
    Duckie is a good tank and not only that, he is a good friend... he is not the crazed greedie like you and your friends are. In fact, Duckie takes nothing from TT runs and such. Have you seen Max in TT? He is truly hysterical..."drop mats, you swines.." "you really make me mad by keeping mats for more than 2 seconds" and so on, he is truly pathetic. I have seen squaddies log off after hearing him scream for mats in TT runs.

    Funny. You don’t seem to drop any of the mats until he asks you to. –Wonders how many times you’ve run off with drops.-
    Good for you but you know what? I don't even know "Min"... I suspect you had her/him intervene in this thread just to make Cearia/Max look good but... in the end, who the hell cares?

    And to the rest of you sore losers, TheMax, Caeria, Mani...(whatever your name is)... just stay away from me and learn to play your classes and characters otherwise, you will remain losers)

    Well SORRY for playing my class properly in my own way.

    Now let’s see, “Pocket Cleric” ? During all the time of our unfortunate friendship I have asked you only twice for help, first when I needed heal for Cultivation 89 quest, second time I needed some heaven stones for that exact same quest. The rest of the time, you were invited to our squad to either TT or FF. ( I shall mention , when you were invited to our squads not once you bothered to use a tele or invite someone from your friend list, but that’s beside the point , me and Caeria don’t mind to waste teles in order to get a TT/FF squad together ). As you can see your theory of a pocket cleric doesn’t really add up…

    Yea I burn most of my TT gains on teles. I hurt for burning my money that way. But, what can I do? Sit around idle for a while no one else is not helping to look for people? I’d rather not waste an hour trying to get people when I could’ve done something else.

    Yes! Have you seen Max in TTs? That Max who told ExELfine: “What are you doing ? Why are you taking such a cheap drops?” Have you seen Max , who barely knew Exelfine and told that random cleric all the prices for TT mats and what to pick in every TT, which item makes the most profit, have you seen that Max? Have you seen Max who oftentimes does not take any mats at all if people in his squad need those mats for their armor or weapons?

    Folks imagine the following picture, we TT - boss drops mats, everyone picks it up and drops it right there at the boss, everyone BUT EXE, she tends to run with the mats to the next boss , another boss… and further.. and she won’t drop the mats UNTILL YOU REMIND HER TO DROP. That happens 9 out of 10 times. Long before “all this” happened I told my squadies: I will either stop banking or wont TT with Exel anymore, because it is rather tiring to remind her every run to drop mats.

    Max has occasionally left without taking any drops at all when he didn’t need them at all.

    I don’t even know why I am even bothering to reply to this thread at all. Hmm, maybe it was your insults and lies you threw at my best friend.
    Siggy by Santacruz
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Beverages and snacks stall has opened at 232, 642

    I'll take a popcorn and a medium soda please. b:pleased


    Aww. That post was far more entertaining as the multi-quote wall of text with the color code being messed up. b:laugh
  • ExELFine - Heavens Tear
    ExELFine - Heavens Tear Posts: 362 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    @ Drmarley:

    I still don't know who you are and what server you're on. All you are doing is pour oil on the flames... geez, you must be lonely. I suspect double play here, hehe.

    Lies again and again , SCREEN SHOT or zip it... pathetic...

    Screenshots, hey? Well you spilled your misery all over World Chat when I'm offline, at a time when you know I'm not on yet. You want to make sure that no one will ever squad me. How do I know this? Hmm... maybe I have friends in game who were not too happy about you trying to destroy my reputation?

    Now back to topic, I'll say it once more so that maybe, after we all cool down, it can go through your thick skull and shed a light that will make you understand my character.

    Since the first days of ExELFine's creation (my female cleric), I had already decided on her build, which was to be a pure MAG Full Attack Cleric.

    When you and Caeria first squadded me for TT's, I made sure that:

    1. you were aware of my build and
    2. I would act as secondary cleric.

    because of my build, my rez was lev 3 and I had absolutely no group heals/buffs.

    Everyone else was aware of that, here in the forum and in game.

    So this is one reason that makes you look stupid saying I'm a failed cleric. You could have said I'm a failed healer, but not a failed cleric. Well before, not anymore.

    What your other cleric friend forgot to mention is that whenever we entered TT or bh, I would give them a guardian scroll in case they died, because my rez was still low. I never told you, it was between me and the other cleric.

    Since I levelled, I had time to max all my stuns (including chromatic seal), debuffs, nukes (including tempest), 1 lev 79 skill (guardian light) and, with the spirit I had left, I got goodies for teammates such as BB, group heals and buffs, 2 genie skills (expel and absolute domain), and maxxed rez.

    When I let you know, and Caeria about my new squad skills, you stopped taking in another cleric for our tt runs, and that, imo, was a mistake on your part right there, forcing me to become a full healer when I was still, in nature, a full attack cleric.

    I do appreciate the fact that I can heal, protect and rez my teammates but I sure don't expect them to be dependant on me for their basic needs. I expect other players to play responsibly, which means carrying guardian scrolls and, if too squishy, be charmed at all times... 2 things that obviously, you keep forgetting.

    Problem is with cowboy tanks like you is you think you will get rezzed if you die but you don't realize that other DD's will get boss aggro and it's party wipe the second you die. That's why it is a must for us clerics to keep you alive.

    At your level, you should have known all this a long time ago, which is the second reason why QQ'ing in World Chat made you look stupid.

    Didn't I tell you I was leader of Feathers, the home of the fighting clerics? Hmm, maybe you should listen too sometimes and try to understand what is being said to you. That way you will look and sound more intelligent.
    Tailor: lev 7
    Blacksmith: lev 6
    Craftsman: lev 6
    Apothicary: lev 5
    SEMI to 7/8 RETIRED, not from PW but from PWI :)
  • ewingoil
    ewingoil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The only thing I can say is expect for the worst to happen as the lack of communication and other who don't play the class.They don't understand the role of cleric and how most of the skills work like using bb on wyvern.
  • Themax - Heavens Tear
    Themax - Heavens Tear Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    @ Drmarley:

    I still don't know who you are and what server you're on. All you are doing is pour oil on the flames... geez, you must be lonely. I suspect double play here, hehe.


    Screenshots, hey? Well you spilled your misery all over World Chat when I'm offline, at a time when you know I'm not on yet. You want to make sure that no one will ever squad me. How do I know this? Hmm... maybe I have friends in game who were not too happy about you trying to destroy my reputation?

    Now back to topic, I'll say it once more so that maybe, after we all cool down, it can go through your thick skull and shed a light that will make you understand my character.

    Since the first days of ExELFine's creation (my female cleric), I had already decided on her build, which was to be a pure MAG Full Attack Cleric.

    When you and Caeria first squadded me for TT's, I made sure that:

    1. you were aware of my build and
    2. I would act as secondary cleric.

    because of my build, my rez was lev 3 and I had absolutely no group heals/buffs.

    Everyone else was aware of that, here in the forum and in game.

    So this is one reason that makes you look stupid saying I'm a failed cleric. You could have said I'm a failed healer, but not a failed cleric. Well before, not anymore.

    What your other cleric friend forgot to mention is that whenever we entered TT or bh, I would give them a guardian scroll in case they died, because my rez was still low. I never told you, it was between me and the other cleric.

    Since I levelled, I had time to max all my stuns (including chromatic seal), debuffs, nukes (including tempest), 1 lev 79 skill (guardian light) and, with the spirit I had left, I got goodies for teammates such as BB, group heals and buffs, 2 genie skills (expel and absolute domain), and maxxed rez.

    When I let you know, and Caeria about my new squad skills, you stopped taking in another cleric for our tt runs, and that, imo, was a mistake on your part right there, forcing me to become a full healer when I was still, in nature, a full attack cleric.

    I do appreciate the fact that I can heal, protect and rez my teammates but I sure don't expect them to be dependant on me for their basic needs. I expect other players to play responsibly, which means carrying guardian scrolls and, if too squishy, be charmed at all times... 2 things that obviously, you keep forgetting.

    Problem is with cowboy tanks like you is you think you will get rezzed if you die but you don't realize that other DD's will get boss aggro and it's party wipe the second you die. That's why it is a must for us clerics to keep you alive.

    At your level, you should have known all this a long time ago, which is the second reason why QQ'ing in World Chat made you look stupid.

    Didn't I tell you I was leader of Feathers, the home of the fighting clerics? Hmm, maybe you should listen too sometimes and try to understand what is being said to you. That way you will look and sound more intelligent.

    I'm not a tank at all I'm a DD, 3 str 2 dex every level.

    STOP YOUR LIES about me saying something in WC, STOP YOUR LIES in GENERAL. If you or your friends come up with a screen shot of me doing that , I will hand my armor , weapons , all what I have in my bank and all of my coin to the person who provides me with a screen shot of me saying something about you.

    You are clearly delusional.

    NOTHING BUT A LIAR. Liar and ExELFine is a synonyms in my book. Do you not understand that your words mean nothing, if you have something to say fortify it with the solid evidence, in the mean time I will simply ignore your SAD / SORRY / MISERABLE and PATHETIC behind.

    You are not worth my time.

    P.S. Now that I know what a nutcase you are , I should probably spam the world chat to warn people not to ever squad with you , just to save some nerve cells which can not be recovered if lost. But as I said earlier , you are not worth my time.
    Inactive on HT

    Rerolled on HL
  • Caeria - Heavens Tear
    Caeria - Heavens Tear Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    When I let you know, and Caeria about my new squad skills, you stopped taking in another cleric for our tt runs, and that, imo, was a mistake on your part right there, forcing me to become a full healer when I was still, in nature, a full attack cleric.

    I do appreciate the fact that I can heal, protect and rez my teammates but I sure don't expect them to be dependant on me for their basic needs. I expect other players to play responsibly, which means carrying guardian scrolls and, if too squishy, be charmed at all times... 2 things that obviously, you keep forgetting.

    Problem is with cowboy tanks like you is you think you will get rezzed if you die but you don't realize that other DD's will get boss aggro and it's party wipe the second you die. That's why it is a must for us clerics to keep you alive.
    You had the skills but did not put it to good use. You had months to practice how to use it and when to use it. And did I not tell you that I absolutely don't care about the exp loss when you used lv 3 res on me? I'll town if I have to if the situation rises.

    I am used to dying and heck I expect to die every run I do anyways just because I can steal agro. When I do steal agro I just hope the cleric in the squad will bother to heal me. I know my limits of what I can and can't do. I would be using a charm if I could afford to use one constantly but I can't. Not with this current gold prices. DDs being at the food chain ain't helping.

    But, hey at least I try to stay alive and keep the boss off of you for as long as I can for you to ress/run if the tanker dies. Of course you didn't do either of that. I have seen you quite a few times not doing anything but DD when you need to need to heal instead when hp was jumping like crazy.

    G'night and laters

    Siggy by Santacruz
  • Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear
    Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ok.Marley i agree with you completely,this should have never hit the forums.The name calling should stop all together.Cant we solve somthing in a,should i say it,non-barbaric way.kind of hypocritical coming from a barb b:laugh lol.anyways back on subject.Max,you dont owe me anything,you know anytime you need me all you gotta do is call.if im not busy,which is almost never b:surrender ill help you.same goes for the rest that reads this.marley thanks for saying im a good tank,sometimes people need to be told such things.but this whole thing needs to stop.youve all said your peice lets leave it at that.
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    *shoos all the non clerics out of the forum* >> off with ya maggots, leave us hermits in peace
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • StreamElf - Sanctuary
    StreamElf - Sanctuary Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Stop calling each other liars >.> There are as many truths as there are people.
    And if you can't communicate/work with each other. Stop squading... Saves a lot of fights.. And I don't know if it's true that you, Max, are telling people not to squad with exelfine, cause i'm not in the same server. But if you say that he/she isn't worth your time, STOP ANSWERING HIS/HER POSTS. The same goes for anyone who're arguing here..
    8x Cleric (Sanctuary)
    6x Veno (Sanctuary)
    5x Assasin (Harshlands)
    3x Archer (Sanctuary)
  • ChainedDust - Heavens Tear
    ChainedDust - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Wow, i could choke a horse on the Drama in this thread.....

  • Minatzuki - Heavens Tear
    Minatzuki - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    So what, you say, "get Holy Path on your genie, end of story"... Like hell. With already 4 necessary skills on genie, I won't jeopardize anyone's life, including my own, just because you're too impatient.

    I'm actually....really...really...really curious as to what those 4 "necessary" genie skills are because maybe its just me but holy path IS the MOST important skill on my genie, whether to run from mobs in case of heal agro or to catch up to a 10m/s barb ( b:infuriated why the hell did they even make tank class run at 10m/s and healers run at 4.8m/s base?) agro'ing 2 screens away or to keep up with the squad when rushing TT2-x's.

    no flaming just curious...
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I don't really expect clerics to use holy path if I'm tanking, nor do I even have holy path on my cleric. People really need to learn a little thing called patience. So you finish the instance in 32 minutes instead of 30 because the cleric was slow....big whoop.
    Infact, if there's a cleric in the squad I make it a point NOT to cloud sprint. And if I'm on my cleric and the tank wants to rush off 100 meters ahead to save 30 seconds and dies....he's free to kick me and spend another 15+ minutes trying to root out a replacement. :P

    Also very amusing drama. Excessive flaming and name calling kinda loses my respect though :/
  • Vivre - Harshlands
    Vivre - Harshlands Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    in b4 lock? b:surrender
    What is this 'res' you speak of? b:cute
  • ewingoil
    ewingoil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Stop calling each other liars >.> There are as many truths as there are people.
    And if you can't communicate/work with each other. Stop squading... Saves a lot of fights.. And I don't know if it's true that you, Max, are telling people not to squad with exelfine, cause i'm not in the same server. But if you say that he/she isn't worth your time, STOP ANSWERING HIS/HER POSTS. The same goes for anyone who're arguing here..

    It seems like it is just Heavens Tears players doing this isn't great to be in Sanctuary.
  • Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear
    Duckingtiger - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol barbs run 7.3 in tiger form.just thought id throw that out there.
    mmmmmm tacos mmmmm

    Retired for good.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm actually....really...really...really curious as to what those 4 "necessary" genie skills are because maybe its just me but holy path IS the MOST important skill on my genie, whether to run from mobs in case of heal agro or to catch up to a 10m/s barb ( b:infuriated why the hell did they even make tank class run at 10m/s and healers run at 4.8m/s base?) agro'ing 2 screens away or to keep up with the squad when rushing TT2-x's.

    no flaming just curious...
    you can make charger orbs instead of taking space with holy path on your genie b:victory frees space. The only time you should be using it would be to run from mobs and that itself should not be frequent.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Minatzuki - Heavens Tear
    Minatzuki - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    lol barbs run 7.3 in tiger form.just thought id throw that out there.

    Its only 7.3? dam it feels alot faster in-game
    you can make charger orbs instead of taking space with holy path on your genie b:victory frees space. The only time you should be using it would be to run from mobs and that itself should not be frequent.

    Its a possible alternative but I doubt running away from mobs is the only useful aspect of holy path to list a few things i use it for;
    • running away from mobs*
    • use to lure the last couple mobs around when aoe grinding
    • Catching up to squad when i enter fb/bh/isntance late
    • catching up to...7.3m/s barb
    • double holy pathing across cube (and not getting pk'ed by noobs camping the glitched spawn point)
    • In pk (like hell i'm gonna stand next to bm and get chain stunned)
    • Rushing in TT (saves much more than 3mins btw >.>)

    Thats all i can think off atm and i don't think using charger orbs in all those situations would be suitable but thats just a matter of personal opinion/preference.
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Its a possible alternative but I doubt running away from mobs is the only useful aspect of holy path to list a few things i use it for;
    • running away from mobs*
    • use to lure the last couple mobs around when aoe grinding
    • Catching up to squad when i enter fb/bh/isntance late
    • catching up to...7.3m/s barb
    • double holy pathing across cube (and not getting pk'ed by noobs camping the glitched spawn point)
    • In pk (like hell i'm gonna stand next to bm and get chain stunned)
    • Rushing in TT (saves much more than 3mins btw >.>)

    Thats all i can think off atm and i don't think using charger orbs in all those situations would be suitable but thats just a matter of personal opinion/preference.
    Hmm i guess its diff. for me I will:
    • running away from mobs* Use charger orb
    • use to lure the last couple mobs around when aoe grinding Find a place where the mobs spawn all over me so i dont have to lure
    • Catching up to squad when i enter fb/bh/isntance late Let them wait ^^
    • catching up to...7.3m/s barb Let them wait ^^
    • double holy pathing across cube (and not getting pk'ed by noobs camping the glitched spawn point) Use charger orb
    • In pk (like hell i'm gonna stand next to bm and get chain stunned) Orb MIGHT be usable not sure, but the cool down is similar
    • Rushing in TT (saves much more than 3mins btw >.>) I never rushed in TT :d
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Black_lce - Heavens Tear
    Black_lce - Heavens Tear Posts: 320 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    sry, but ur a fail cleric(should've rolled a wizb:bye). the main reason that screams "i'm fail" is u calling urself "FAC" at 87. fyi im the same lvl as u and i have all but 1 skill maxed, noting that i am a "cleric". no fancy "full" anythingb:chuckle.

    now i know im a nub cleric and all, but one that asks when to use wat skill, or plays as a glass cannon, yet ur supposed to be alive to keep the others alive. Is just asking to be fail.

    i've ran countless TT runs w/ Cae and Max. and i can back him up saying that wat u've said about him WC'ing u was a lie. theres no way he should've died on pole as i've solo healed him through many TT bosses as he tanked. so i know he can tank pole easy.

    abuse is a part of a clerics game life, everyone knows that. hell, i abuse other clerics when they don't do wat they're supposed to, i just held my tongue when it came to ur mistakes as i knew u for so long. but u havn't changed since lvl 40. u still seem to not know ur own class.

    oh and to the readers, ex removed me from her FL, although i was on it and hlping her since lvl 40 in TheCore, because i was a LA build and not pure magb:chuckle.

    @ Cae and Max: -poke- o.O
  • Ahira - Lost City
    Ahira - Lost City Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ewww this thread was becoming pretty good before the huge green blocks of drama started intruding! b:spitb:chuckle

    I do think its safe to say that Holy Path is one of the essential genie skills to have, if not on your main genie- you should have it on a backup genie.

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • Moeppi - Heavens Tear
    Moeppi - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Okay now my opinion:

    Holy path: essential (i even got hittet while rushing TT 2-x and used holy path because the mob lost aggro on barb and came back to his spot were i was but Holy saved me)

    To Pole: well good for u doing it with a BM and 1 cleric but i would never do that because: one fault one doulble IH when wanting only one or one lag or even one dmg spike and the bm is down (even with 2 clerics he can still oneshot u guys so stop overestimate yourself like some of u always do). I have healed a BM there with 2 cleric but made me sweat i like the propper done save runs more then the experimental stuff. (oh btw i once soloheald a BM there but he had 10k+ hp so it dont counts)

    To all the drama: its a bit out of topic isnt it? But i just say i squadet 2 times with Themax and he was the first person on my BL ever in this game. (The reason why is my thing and all the other ppl making drama i dont know or cant remember)

    Buuuut btt

    BH 69 lvl 95 barb was up to help us we had 2 clerics me and another one around 85 then a 85+ archer and some other random stuff.

    We were on the Nob (i hate him more then Pol because of his massive aoe that keeps me busy if DD not in grp heal range or in his closer range aoe range) 50% the 85ish archer stole aggro from the 95 well equitet high hp pro acting barb. (never saw that before) and he didnt managed to get aggro back until the boss was down. The archer keepton nukim him like hell and since we all know: when Nob is on range he keeps on and on aoeing one right after the other.
    I was kind of stunned that that happened but cleared my minde up fast the other cleric reaktet a bit faster then me and IHed the archer already so he didnt died right away i Ihed him to and as his HP dont tickes anymore i could use a grpheal to heal the first wave of dmg on whole squad and then Ihed archer 3 times again (now i had 2 sparks thank god) and drew BB the other cleric keep on healing archer and quick healed one of the DDs who was very low on hp in the meanwhile my BB was up and thank god i wasnt interruptet. (fyi all other classes BB is good but its not a uber skill even if u see the bubble going up it has a cast time of 5 seconds till its up and healing/reducing dmg plz keep that in minde in the future). in the end the Archer tanked Nob and i had to use some mp cookies (normaly i heal that BH without any pots or something)
    Till today i dont know y the barb was not able to keep aggro and reaggro after losing. And unfotunatly i dont remember the name of the other cleric... should have send her a FL request... stupid me. I was impressed That we both done the right thing to do even without communication. (the prob is when u dont talk u might get 2 channeld grp heals or even BBs at he same time and till the 1 sec passing until one or in worse case both interrupt their channelig a whole squad can be wiped.

    Other story: ever solohealed the ape on 2-3 wit a 89 cleric (me) and a 89 Barb and a 89 veno with purge cooldown of 80 secs?
    Was kind of entertaining because if the barb dont uses ToP its hard to survive his hard hitting phase were he does that massiv dmg for some secs and u cant hold him up with only IH spam (yes im sage and no i dont have sage IH shame on me i fail i know) so he have to do a well timed combination of his invoke (wich alone cools down to long) and a expell right when the next hiw would kill him (in worse case the barb could get 7k dmg i guess so many barbs are 2 hit there but most are 3 hit with only spikes). That was the longest boss (in my feeling of time^^) i ever been on (no dont done belial yet i have to low hp atm)
  • Yuufa - Heavens Tear
    Yuufa - Heavens Tear Posts: 118 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Story too this pic was, veno somehow pulled all the clones and Wurlord at once on the 4th pull. For the other 3 pulls me and the other cleric where alternating BB, so at the start of the encounter was a real OMFG moment as i was the only BB. Our other cleric needed a few seconds (with 20 wurlords thats an eternity) to get sparks.

    We lived, DuckingTiger our tank was so pro no hp charm left tanking half. and EvilCzar offtanking the other half.

    Awseome experience ill never forget. Even though im like "Epic Fail" we turned it into an Epic Win.

    I know i posted in another thread, but it fits here, not grandstanding or saying look how l33t i/we are. I even pronounced this is a Fail the moment it began, Just sharing an awesome story, i think its TT2-2, could be wrong its been forever since i played PW.
    I have no use for signatures... hypocrisy aside xD
  • ravenlis
    ravenlis Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Its only 7.3? dam it feels alot faster in-game

    It is faster. Of course, this may be because one of the barbs I talked to is Sage and has Sage True Form. They run 9.3m/s with Sage TF. b:victory Of course, Demon Veno is still faster and it does not consume chi, if a BM should like to dispute speed.