Michiko_x - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • http://oi58.tinypic.com/2afzpn5.jpg Michiko_x Heaven's Tear Bayside Beanie Millenial Top Classic Banquet Skirt Barfighter Boots Thank you b:cute
  • Sorry I was not talking about seeing a crit vs. non crit. The amount refected as magic damage on an increased mag def mob is what I was focusing on. I always thought it worked like soulburn where the damage is consistant on any mob. I've been corrected so it all makes sense now b:victory
  • Okay so, wtf did I do to deserve being kicked Anne? I never caused any drama, nor am I delusional... I might not have been a core Enrage member, but I've been here for 9 months and still barely even know you. I regret feeling bad that so many people are ganging up and blaming you for killing Enrage, because honestly...you…
  • Lol ty for including me, wondered who did it b:chuckle Ring/Weapon was a combination of zen/farming. Recently acquired sleeves and pants earned by in game coin only. PWI will NOT be getting any more real money from me, however still going for full set. - Medals of Glory in the boutique is ridiculous, but expected from this…