MarleGuardia - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • in case others make a video game archer, themselves so... last minute bump :P ~MarleGuardia xo *loves* xo
  • i say make up for them with genie skills unfortunately, Psychics & Archers are screwed Archers don't get anything except for the Elf Generic skills [1 Advanced Genie Skill: Dance of the Phoenix] Wt4, Wd4, Fr4 it sort of makes up for stuff, except the affinities :P (sort of) don't know what could be used from off from those…
  • which people fail to mention -.-; then wearing Natural Elven Wings and using Flight Mastery is your friend so what's a few points into Mag?~ that and you get around faster especially as opposed to slow Untamed (stupid animals) NATURAL ELVEN WINGS INSTEAD OF WAVE PACERS FTW^^ on my other Archer, and no Not Elveenah, i have…
  • 1 Str 1 Mag 3 Dex so considering i use LA & ERA and wield a CB that would make me a, who am i kidding, i'm just me *wink* glad to be a video game build than any of those, anyway ~^*^~ Unique any build that doesn't fit the cookie cutter molds the OP expects us ALL to fit in~ at least if i did a poll, i would be sure to…
  • i want slow, myself, or wisen that looks like quite the list ~^*^~ it's a shame that PWI separates itself from the rest of Perfect World, since they are essentially the same game :P that would be like saying Grand Fantasia does not have anything to do with Dreamy Journey Online again, same f*ing game!!~ aeria games doesn't…
  • but, since i fixed my character *giggle* i should be getting less trolls, hopefully ~^*^~ Crossbow {CB} Light Armor {LA} Elemental Resistance Accessories {ERA} 1 Str 1 Mag 3 Dex and stat bonuses are +Mag~based and sockets for weapon: Water Dmg and sockets for armor/acc: Mag Res that should make me happy along with other…