Maicnia - Archosaur Arc User


  • Thanks. I totally forgot about it. We did bid on a land but then were outbid literally 5 secs later so I spaced it out. It didn't click when I got the mail because in the mail it said the same thing is does when you send in a ticket. b:beatup
  • I'm more concerned about the person who was suppose to get them. 9 mil coin is a lot to some people. It could be a persons account glitched and that was all the coin they had and are now broke. That persons ticket was probably closed as being resolved when in fact I got it. At least now if they send another ticket saying…
  • Ok thanks. I had a feeling it wasn't true, but I just wanted to make sure. I spent a lot of time making our icon and did not want to risk losing it in case I missed an updated post or something.
  • Quick question about the icon glitch. On our server people are saying that if a faction wants their icon back the leader has to request it, but if the faction that currently has it does not want to give it back then we lose the icon. Any truth in this? If we do have to request the icon back do we submit a ticket or can we…