Lyiger - Sanctuary Arc User


  • ROFLMFAO!!! Woo, I need a breather... Anyway, grinding sucks and I pity anyone that thinks they have to accept it. I say if you can find your friends then you have a fun game. find 5 active players that you can stand to be around and ask them if they want to do stuff. most of the time they will feel just like you and will…
  • I agree with it all.(7) I always think that I'm getting attacked by something else but, it's just that dumb last hit! I'm guessing that's to get you if you have low health, well it's working! (1,2&5mix) O.K. it's bad that you have to search for the odd ball when there is so much mob clutter, it's even bad when a increase…
  • So, from most of the comments I have read on this thread, a lot of woman are angry and/or disappointed because they cannot pick up a 220lb male. correct? Well considering that this is an old game and that the Chinese do have different thinking than the entire world, (Thank you Evrilysis) can we cut them some slack and not…
  • Hey! Lyiger here. I'm lvl 26 and I like PW a lot! =) I don't care about the massive grind I will run into at lvl 40+ because I have played WoW and PW gave us players a break compared to WoW. Many ppl I run into wile playing PW say that I'm a great person and that I am everywhere! I don't really believe them because I sleep…