Oh I'll make suggestions alright :P

imaginos Posts: 27 Arc User
edited October 2008 in Suggestion Box
Ok, I haven't really played MMOs before this one, so I have no idea if the annoyances I've noticed so far are commonplace. If they are though, it would go a long way to explain why I haven't really caught on to MMOs in general. Dealing with these issues would certainly help make this game more enjoyable and less stressful (ya know, stress..the thing many people play games to get away from?)

1. Fix the clown-car tangles of mobs that dot the landscape. I pity the dope who needs to kill 40 mobs in 20 minutes only to find that the majority of such mobs are packed so close that they clip through each other. I mean, look at this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v518/Monad/monster-tangle.jpg. All I can say is it's a good thing one can occasionally find instances of those mobs outside of that little singularity. And that's not even the worst I've seen that particular area or others. I now know what causes species to go extinct. It isn't deforestation, climate changes, pollution, or any of that other garbage. It's caused by creatures packing by the score into a 20 square meter area and then refusing to ever leave, even for food. If that's too much to ask, just turn off aggro on everything. Otherwise either I have to frequently aggro about 10 things at a time, or hunt for stragglers for hours on end just to finish one stupid quest while dodging other players who are forced to do the exact same thing.

2. Do something about running mobs. Many times when I need to chase after runners, my character will frequently forget that he's in the middle of a fight, stop pursuit, and just stand there like a slack-jawed idiot while the mob continues to rain doom on him. If my guy can't be bothered to remember that he's in the middle of a pitched battle, you don't get to have running mobs.

3. Fix drop rates. The number of crafting items needed to make enough things just to level in a skill is bad enough as it is, but combined with those absolutely ridiculous "how lucky are you?" quests to reach crafting level 4 it just sucks (And what's with a 3-star item not counting as 2-star? That's like rejecting payment of a pound of gold in favor of a pound of silver).. And I can't count the number of times I've repaired up from questing/grinding only to find that I just barely broke even on the whole venture. Forget the week of 1.5x XP/SP, give me a week of decent drops. Without the income to supplement it, 1.5x XP just means you'll get a**-rammed 50% sooner.

4. What's with all the bosses in this game? You can't go to the can without needing to kill a boss of some sort. I get sick of thinking I'm making some kind of progress only to find out I need to kill about 4-5 bosses to actually achieve that progress. So then even those who are in a guild have to constantly pester their similar/higher level guildmates to help out, which I'm sure they would rather not have to do (I know several members of my guild endure it at best), since bosses don't give xp or drop worth **** (And whose idea was that? That doesn't even make any sense). That's why everyone I've run into seems to enjoy running the FB bosses more than the Cultivation or other miscellaneous bosses: 1) they actually give XP to more than just the one player who needs it dead, and 2) there's a chance of quasi-decent loot being dropped.

5. Do something about mobs respawning close to players who are already killing something else. Maybe an aggro countdown or something similar. It's just really irritating, especially when an 'increased life' or 'increased attack' mob spawns, which I usually like to prepare for even when I'm just going to kill one individually.

6. Squad loot distribution needs to be re-thought. Setting it to free just rips off the distance PCs, and setting it to random frequently leads to lopsided distributions in my experience ("3 straight DQ items? Oh, those all go to your one hunting partner--here's some ammunition for you though, melee character. It's worth no more than coins and it takes an inventory slot. PS, I hate you."--PWI).

7. Get rid of the lol-mob-gets-another-attack-even-though-it's-already-dead garbage. It wasn't even funny the first time. Any further elaboration really should be unnecessary.

I don't know about other players, but these issues just bug me to no end. >_< Fixing them would certainly help improve the overall game experience.


8. Abandon your almost fetishistic faith in the auto-patcher. I believe there has been exactly 1 instance where it eventually worked for me. Other than that, I need to wait for someone to upload tasks.data, element.data, and even possibly the manual patch itself depending on how your site seems to be feeling that particular day/week. Whatever the case, something is fundamentally wrong somewhere. Manual patches/files hosted on not-this-site have never yet failed me. So even officially mirroring the manual patch/files (protip: don't do this several days after the patch is rolled out) would be great.
Post edited by imaginos on


  • /haiku/ - Lost City
    /haiku/ - Lost City Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree with 6&7.

    -It would be nice if there were a round robin addition to the drop distribution as well. (Where drops go down the squad list in a specific order, then start at the top again)

    -Particularly low vit builds suffer greatly from those stupid mobs that hit you after you kill them. It's not just annoying, it makes soloability for a lot of builds practically nothing.
    /Haiku/ -- Cognitive atrophy at its finest.
    No longer the mistress of being ohko PK'd.
  • markillian
    markillian Posts: 293 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    7 ftw! I hate that.
  • Lyiger - Sanctuary
    Lyiger - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I agree with it all.(7) I always think that I'm getting attacked by something else but, it's just that dumb last hit! I'm guessing that's to get you if you have low health, well it's working! (1,2&5mix) O.K. it's bad that you have to search for the odd ball when there is so much mob clutter, it's even bad when a increase Def monster respawns right after you get done fighting 3 mobs already and are meditating to gain back mp/hp but, the worst is doing all of that at once and if you do survive, your kill starts to run into more mobs!! I'm like WTF! I do wonder if I was getting quills thrown at me by a giant hedgehog would I just stand there and wait for death? NO! I WOULD CHASE HIS POINTY **** DOWN! Anyhow... I remember doing quests with 3 of my buds and we were low on HP/MP and were med. (meditating) and 1 mob respawns almost on top of me, so I have just enough health the kill him and begin to med again, this time i moved. The same thing happened 3 times in a row with the same monster, I was pissed! b:angry I just went on a massive killing spree of all of those monsters afterwords... Anyway, I agree with everything Imaginos has stated. Some more than others but, we do have to think of it from the game maker's side, this might be a hard thing to do. I don't know so i won't complain until a few more months but, I will complain! b:angry

    PS. I love the thread title! It made me laugh so hard! b:laugh

    Edit: I also hate the random loot...thingy. I remember one time I asked a WR if she needed help killing mobs and she agreed and we went killing! A Wiz and a BM together, is a great team btw. Anyway... I remember that when ever something good or even decent dropped, she would get it and I said ok, that doesn't seem random. She got 12 straight drops in a row, it was unbelievable. I thought it might have been a **** or something but, then i noticed that I was getting the **** like 16 coins and woven bone darts (worth 1coin ea) and I was really getting mad about that one...
  • Angelle - Heavens Tear
    Angelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    x'DD Love how you mentioned number seven-- I was on my cleric yesterday fighting off those level 51 (or was it 52?) Tauroc Commander things...and just after I slay one of those mancows, they knock a final blow at me, swiping me down to like 52 HP or something. Yeah...even though I could heal, I did not plan to go down with the beast. >>;

    A comment about number two though-- what do you mean? o_< Your char shouldn't forget to do anything when you're the one controlling, lol.
    Former Leader of 卓越的 {Transcendent}
    -- DoIl - Venomancer - 6X

    ;D You can call me Minny.
  • Drazo - Heavens Tear
    Drazo - Heavens Tear Posts: 947 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    I actually got killed because of the character or interface not responding, lag, monsters having an extra free hit or two after I killed them, etc. Basically all that you have listed were causes for all of my deaths.
    Non-mule alts:

    Drazo - Venomancer - Dreamweaver - Semi-active
    Knatami - Barbarian - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    Drazorus - Archer - Sanctuary - Inactive
    Cidemami - Cleric - Dreamweaver - Inactive
    Recilsami - Blademaster - Heavens Tear - Inactive
    DrazoThePsy - Psychic - Dreamweaver - Active
    DrazoTheSas - Assassin - Dreamweaver - Active
  • Tara - Lost City
    Tara - Lost City Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Let me guess your a melee class as am i cause most of what you said annoys the hell outta me too and i'm melee let it be known that this game is heavily Bias to mage classes and they don't feel our pains ... that being said mages at low levels have it tougher on melee mobs strange theres so little though...
  • imaginos
    imaginos Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2008
    Yup, blademaster as a matter of fact. Gets really irritating when I need to find mobs not gathered into doom squads and seeing some of those little energizer bunny venos in the area. "Great, guess I'm not getting anything done here for a few hours." And no, squadding generally is not an option, due to the 80% Drops (comprising 95% of the value) Go To Not You distribution the game seems to use. Really wish I would have read a "yeah, blademaster? don't bother" article before getting so committed to my current character. Matter of fact, the only RPG I can think of where melee doesn't actively get screwed above and beyond any other combat style is Oblivion. Then again, I don't usually play tons of RPGs. Almost all of the ones I've ever come into contact with seem to exhibit such bias though. And I'm really sick of it, cuz I'm just not really interested in playing casters a lot of the time, especially if their lolwtfpwnage is some sort of "payoff" for sucking for several levels. I really shouldn't need to prove I'm worthy of having fun.

    Oh, it's maintenance day, that reminds me that I need to append my suggestion list.