Lyago - Raging Tide Arc User


  • Actually, Guild Wars did it rather well by limiting the amount of skills you can carry with you at one time. It kept the game rather balanced and, at the same time, still fun to play. Some combinations are much "better" than others, but nothing is 100% unstoppable. But I do agree. In order to make it work with a game like…
  • Shame about the Instances being locked, mine is Brimstone Pit for it's Atmosphere. But to choose one in the world? Maybe the area around Anglers Village or Tusk Town.
  • I always noticed that when a kiting mob runs, it only tends to run away from you twice. After that it should sit still, unless it's a boss like Khewy who is told to run again around 20% hp. But if you do Snare or Stun it, that "Kiting script" resets. Making you having to waste more time running back and forth when facing…
  • From my run, I noticed about halfway through it used one of the Barb's new Morai skills, Blood Rush (More hits taken = Higher weapon damage). Theoretically a veno could Purge it when they see it. But overall, I guess that would stop most of the APS population.
  • Well, pretty much the only use I found for it, other than to stop kiters, is to pull an extra group while AoE grinding from far away. There was a theory someone had that it stole/reset aggro, but that was easily disproved. But I guess keep in mind that it does have basically the largest range any skill can have, as well as…