Luxio - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • IF it was useless it wouldnt be able to kill, it can kill things above its lvl. Which is good for me stating that i dont judge people like you do. You get your kicks out of making people feel useless
  • Im not judging your builds, dont judge mine, people disrespectful. i was just stating that you dont have ot be lvl 30 to fly indefinately. may be my archer is a little weaker, but i find ways past that. geez dont start taking down people's pride by claiming them ot be useless, you were a noob before, you were useless…
  • if your as an archer want to fly forever, like i said as slapsmcsux, by lvl 9 put all ap into dex and mp...lvl 20s lie about having to be their lvl + to fly forever