I thought you were into that sort of stuff?
. . . I'm pretty sure you actually own that same shirt. I hate you so much.
Eventually Mystic will grow up into a real boy, he's just a late bloomer. b:chuckle
Fans? Stop trying to be as cool as Steopie. It just won't happen. Perhaps you should try using "brothers"?
Oh my god. I love you, Alpha.
I bothered logging in just to LOL at Crones/QueenSmexy and "really pro team" being used in conjunction. That is all. b:shutup
Excuse me! I am the full package without the package.
I only miss PWI for all the epic drama. Life just isn't the same. b:sad
This video seems more.. Drakon-esque. Just sayin'. Ex-radiance ftw! b:cute
inb4 it gets chaotic. Just for the good ol' days. b:chuckle
Don't even miss it. b:shutup
People keep blaming pwv for a lot of the issues in Enrage.. but the problems all started long before pwv even came out. The problems started before the map reset. The problems started before the Karma people left. All of those things were just catalysts to the inevitable. Nothing was done to help Enrage. It was kind of.. a…
It really doesn't matter who supports him, Anne.. I don't even think it would matter if it was someone else who stood up and said they would lead. People just wanted some sort of change. That has always seemed to be one of the biggest issues with Enrage.. it was always about what "was" not what "will be". Too many people…
I was online. I still had 2 characters I had access to within the guild. I'm well aware of the situation. Regardless, 112 is still a bit more than your little elite group of 19. Also, I didn't leave over "petty relationship drama", my situation with Mystic had nothing to do with my choice to leave. In fact, I believe I…
19 non-delusional members? Out of the 120 just days ago? With those odds, did you ever stop to think that maybe you are the one who is a little delusional, Anne? I never had an issue with you.. hell, I'm not even in the guild anymore, and just all that has come from this has made me lose all the respect I had for both you…
I use my devil in defense mode with the stun skill on auto, and I move around a lot. They are less likely (and have more trouble) attacking a moving target. If I do get attacked by a sin, I have my genie set up so that I can expel myself when they first attack (most of the dumb ones will waste their CCs during the expel)…
Lol. More like, "We're money hungry and since the game is failing, we need to make as much as we can before the game implodes upon itself." Honestly, just keep all the general summer's stuff in there permanently. You pretty much do it anyway, so save the guy who has to turn sales on and off about 2 minutes of his life and…
Was a fun time last night. I wasn't really into going to TW last night, but once I was there I didn't regret it. Wars with GD is the only thing that keeps me logging in each weekend.. really not looking forward to the map reset. The new patch better be interesting enough to keep me here. My hopes aren't that high. I hope…
As far as I know, we were working on cleaning up around our cities. The reason we separated all of the guilds on the map was to force the ganks which in turn gives us our "fun TWs". We've been doing this for a while now, and I don't see it as any sort of aversion from TWs with GD. We have one night of progress in taking…
Gale is fine to use if you wait until right after a BM stuns the mobs. It's more damage than lysing a sting. I'd recommend opening with befuddling, which gives the BM a second to stun, then I'd throw a gale immediately after so the mobs can't run.
When is anything in this game normal anymore? No, we cannot purge.. but with the gear today, do you really need to purge ape? Two years ago, when I first did ape, we had to go with 2 venos to alternate the purges. Today, I can solo heal a typical farming BM through the buffs. Technically speaking, yes, we as mystics *can*…
I'm a rank 9 mystic, and with that I only have a stunning -16% channeling total. I both do PVE and PVP. Even with only -16% I can keep myself and squadmates alive in both. Channeling really isn't a concern with a mystic, so I really don't see a need for it. You're gimping yourself if you go for channeling gear.. why play a…
You'll want to max everything when you can, but spirit usually won't allow for that until you're doing frost runs in your 80s and 90s. As a lower level mystic, keep your break in the clouds, natures vengeance and pet heal maxed. You'll use those the most. Your plants can wait, aside from vital herb. The other attacks you…
Just checked again out of curiousity, because Mystic info never showed before.. now some of it does but it is missing a lot of the correct info. ie. There are a lot of the mystics missing on the level list (myself and several guildmates included), kills are not being displayed for most of us.. it goes from 1633 kills to 52…
The capes depend on the players who are providing the run. You need 8 medals to obtain the cape, and generally you can find people charging anywhere from 700k to 1m per run, and one run is one medal. So, just keep an eye on world chat. The 28m cape you may be referring to is the higher grade one, which you can get from…
Is it from before my time? I'm only 22.
Who let in the riffraff.
Thanks for the fight GD. Oh, wait.. b:shocked
Why you build so much chi and not use it, Trem? b:chuckle
Week long "black friday" sale.. news flash, black friday was last week. You guys sinking so much that you can't pay the person who comes up with the sales to come up with something new?