Lunalinne - Sanctuary Arc User


  • No, you didn't do anything wrong. Honestly, if the cleric slapped up BB, and the squad needed supplemental heals, I'd take care of them and then DD, not listen to the Sin who's ordering you to DD. No one has the right to order anyone around, so be confident in the fact that you helped support the squad by healing, and not…
  • - Summons don't need to be fed, but they do require the Summoner to pump Mana into it for it to use its skills, and in the case of Storm Mistress and Salvation, you're almost required to pump MP into it for it to be useful. - Veno pets take much longer to summon/Stow than a Mystic's summons. When a Veno's pet dies, the…
  • That's because the armor that you're seeing is probably the newbie armor from the quest, (If the player is EG). The other races in it probably had it before you came to pwi. The event isn't active, so you won't see it on your UI. It's event armor from a quest that has the same stats as level 30 armor.