Lockon_X - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • pressa just mad cause he wasn't mentioned as one of the best venos even though he is still in tt99 gear. b:chuckle
  • Bale you are more of a Pantlessteer than anything b:chuckle
  • Dude ikisud is growing fast, alot faster than the rate rad is going and people from ikisud actually go to tw and they don't even have to sign up. we have alot of fun with our tws and there is no nagging and btching about sign ups and being told what to do. if ikisud were to do signups they'd get more than rad any day.…
  • Here is another link for Pimp and some of you in rad can learn from this. Sadly there is no Angry Paranoid Housewives Anonymous for Kim Jong Mint http://dbagsanonymous.blogspot.com/
  • Lol it's simple, because she will not accept she is at fault for the death of Radiance and having so many good people leave. She is too busy enjoying her high horse. Pimp man gotta stop drinking so much you're too delusional.
  • Yeah Rad is dead beyond repair, the core members who made Radiance Radiance are all gone. There's no point in continuing with the faction it should disband before the Radiance name gets even more dirtied and shat upon. Kim Jong Mint and her followers should just disband give urban lead and make a whole new faction and let…