ty b:thanks ill see if when i get home from work :p
is it just me or is the new mount not here? :p
FedTehNoob I love your sig :D
Mmm ice cream :D I only speak english, unless im asking you for n ashtray in french! Or telling you there is no parking for old people (in Welsh) I pick up random quotes :p
Yay! *Hugs* It's really early and theres not been enough coffee yet :P whats a gato? o.o Arrr? :P b:pleased
yeh :p i like to know whats going on before i go to work lol b:shutup
I mean server time :) it's 7.37 am here so theyd be way out :p
'Starting after tonight's maintenance and lasting through 11:59 p.m.' thats what it says on the main page by the kitty.... but on this forum it says till 1am im confuzzled.
I just like new stuff o.o Its gotten dull in the late 70's with the lack of quests, and i know theres more to come. Pretty thigs keep me amused :D b:pleased
I wanted fashion too, but i guess charm packs will do ;)
Me too, but euw work in 20 mins so i have to wait 9 hours b:sad
- there?
haha :p mines mats, herbs, stuff i cant bring myself to npc
b:dirty - The first place winner will receive ANY Ground Mount of their choice. When we say 'any' we mean ANY. Any, as in even mounts that aren't currently available in PWI. Should you win feel free to check out sites such as ecatomb for info on other mounts in available in other versions of this game.
haha yeah mats too o.o
Finally, more space for my clothes :D lol
b:chuckle cool...Hell hole is more appropriate though, evvvil place >.<
I dunno, ive often asked in game what HH stands for and thats the only answer i got so :p
Hell hole lol :D
Good luck with quitting smoking, i did it months ago, but only cause i was so sick i spent most time passed out b:chuckle
- That link has less funny writing :D
They'll release more clothins, its all about timing :p
Thanks :) a lot of reading b:shutup Good job im on wq right now :D I'll give it a go sometime :)
See I'd love to be able to get chips from the cube but I have no idea how to do it lol :D
True, but then you could use the mid grades to do mold runs? I dunno ive never really thought of the logistics of it :p If i were axes id love calamitys, theyre nice
People do fb69 'mold runs' long process, lots of wines involved and for my friend it took him like 75 runs to get his lol. but calamitys are hot.
Very nice, I'm a lvl 75 pole bm, and i grind on nightscream using pretty much this format. Although grinding is slightly disheartening at this lvl cause it takes so long to get even 5% lol.
Mines already updating :D shame i have to leave in 5 mins lol :p
Ish done, and sorry aryanna (Sp?) for the new thread, currently still half asleep >.< *slaps wrist*
The one time i did get bored, i jumped on the 'walls' around the swamp...and onto the tree, and continued this :D sometimes alternating with the tent aswell....