Livebynight - Sanctuary Arc User


  • does anyone know if their is going to be new armor sets like for the seekers?, will they be HA or are they going to have armor sets of their own?
  • to be honest with ya i made the name because alot of my gaming happens at night when i get home from work and hanging out with my friends and family lol, Livebynight :3 also have a wiz named livebyday....hes a failure lol
  • I know how you feel man i hated going through thta lvl range but once you hit 60 you will love it lol i love using all the Aoes that are avaialbe at this lvl hell if ya have the money when you reach this area id try mixing weapons if ya can i prefer using Sword and Spear but that is my preferance :3, but like everyone else…
  • lol i fear no class as long as you know you can win and they dont out lvl you by like 20 xD but if i HAD to choose a class im afraid of it would have to probly be other bms even tho we have diamond sutra we can use all sorts of weps and with each wep coems different skills which means different uses -.- i personally am a…
  • Antelope Pups are the mobs tht i seem to get hay from the most even tho im sure there are several other mobs that drop them, i grinded with a cleric friend and we got some good amount of hay and dqs and soem equips
  • Glad to see so many spear bms now ^ _ ^ now i dont feel so alone, and i do beleive now tht spear bms may not have the strength of axes and hammers bute we coem very close in skills and many other attributes, i have dualed people and i win more than i used to farstrike and other skills help out alot, if u stun em bleed em,…
  • wht do u guys beleive are the best stats are to have on your spear, exp quicken, berserk, phy damage +, phys def, magical def,element damage, sockets? b:thanks
  • wow all this information is great guys but im still curiouse,with all this information on spears being good till lvl 60 and then converting to a axe bm is a lil bit much for me, my friends think tht it is good to stick with one weapon choice and now switch around, i kinda agree with em i like to stick with one type of…
  • wow so many more ideas for being a spear bm, ill be sure to start getting roar of the pride lvled up and get more vitality and dexerity, i have 90 str atm 51 vit, 40 dex 10 mag, so i think i might want to raise that up so that i can last a lil longer in battle,and ty for the opinions on berserk, yes it is suicide…
  • thts kool guys thanks alot, glad to finally see some other spear bm's out there i see alot of people using axes, dual hammers alot because they beleive tht strength is the only way, i prefer the spears because u get in a few hits before the monster can get one in(if its a cqc monster), also spears do have soem great AOE's…
  • max it out i havnt yet but i have friends on here tht have and its a life saver when grinding and during FB's
  • I personally know that axes and hammers are good as long as u have the DEX for them, but i am a spear BM and i do pretty well with hits, i dont miss as much as i did with other weps, and with some of the moves like piercing winds if you get a train going and get em in straight line you can hit em all at once, but claws are…
  • man it happens all the time it gets old real quick, i help out my friends on their quests and then some guy will just run in and kill the one were attacking , it gets real old i can understand if u accidently attack one tht someone is attacking but if you continue to hit it or go after tht same person again and again then…
  • No offense to you people who love pking its wht u do best but it is kinda ridiculouse when you see a lvl 50 or higher killing someone 20 or more LVLS below them. Honestly if your going to pk someone fight in your own lvl area unless you just afraid of losing or you are just a sore loser. So jsut remember that. if u love…