LilyFairy - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I am appalled that GMs would ban a fac leader for biding on a territory they have no chance of winning. I understand it's difficult for GMs to tell between a fake bid and a bid from a small fac who's just trying to have fun, but there are other ways of weaning out the fakes (higher bidding price, secret bids...wasn't that…
  • Same thing happened to me, and I pretty much had the same reaction...I was sooo happy, I thought I'd get this cute rare pet and people would offer me millions!!!b:pleased boy was I wrong!! Noone was willing to pay a penny, so I also decided to keep it, I think it's a good conversation starter. I called mine "Toaster" cause…
  • I think it all depends if your party knows how to play or not. I have lots of horror stories, but I also have a lot of barbs who offer mp pots, and never complain if their charms tick. I do agree that charms are expecially for emergencies, but I think not taking heal agro counts as an emergency, as we all know the cleric…