I hate that 90% of female hairs are short. I want long hair cuz i am a girl i am not a men. All the hairs are short and ugly so I totally agree with this topic. WE want long hairs! b:shocked
Thank you very much. I saw at Auction house and is called TreeFrog but can be evolved. Yay! You been really sweet. Thank you lots. b:cute
We can do after update squads for BH with 10 people? b:cute
I hate when seekers dont vortex when they have to and all squad dies because they dont wanna consume blue pots so be happy that they vortex instead of complain lol
The true is that this game is very hard to play. No one help low lvl's anymore on quests. people make lots of alts 100+ in 1 week and there are not many ways to make coins, is very hard even after lvl 100. People dont play this game anymore because R9 people farm and they lower the prices at mats, raps, cannys, T3 gears,…
Maybe guys like to play female cuz we have pretty fashion b:cute. Men are ugly anyways lol Now seriously ....I have no idea why a men wanna be a girl , is strange thing to me. I cant never play a male character cuz I dont feel like myself if people called me "dude" b:chuckle and i am a girl
I seen a mystic on my server that had black make-up on her eyes. How can you do that? Mystics have no make-up options. Anyone knows? b:shocked
I have the same problem with my sin for years now. You have to teleport or reset game to be back to normal. I was leader in full delta one time and cannot log out and I stay 2 h like that without spark or use skills. is really annoying.
I been doing TT for years. The drop is very very low. There are no green mats either not just gold. I have photo from TT 1 year ago that was amazing drop but If I post maybe no one believe me anyway. You want proof? 3 years on farming TT is and I know the drops now and then. How can you get only purple mats at 3-1 for…
A Barb, a Veno, and a huggy hare walk into a bar... ......The bartender says, "I'm sorry we don't serve food here"
PV and maybe Crazy Stone except BH of course.
Why are we even fighting about this anymore, there was a decision make to let FC the way it is. Live with that! The game is all about 100+ anyway like Full Warsong, Fun NW (not 1 shot cuz of low lvl), AEU, BH rewards, TW in best factions, R9 and T3 gears and much more.
Is there a easy way to farm? b:nosebleed
what is sleep? b:surrender
Can we get the skill to **** the GM account? lol You must shared with someone or maybe someone saw on your computer or maybe someone saw you when you enter the game to some spy program or something, the items cant just disappear and it's impossible to know someone ID and password to game , there are millions and billions…
LOL b:laugh I love that I have that impact over you
b:chuckle Haters gonna hate next update lol
Easy for you to care, you 103 lvl and don't care anymore. How about to close NW and go back to Nirvana when is X2, will you care then? That is my argument and it does a lot of sens. Just cuz you dont care anymore about FC dont mean you should decide for other people how they choose to lvl the characters.
Ohh wow is the first time i hear about this bug. I have to tell my sister. Thank God she got 10% more to lvl 100 and she cant take the skill new form yet. Thank you so much for posting, she dont have sage amp dmg yet and all of her skills in fox tree are low lvl b:shocked Thank you, thank you!
OK so...Close FC, close NW (get your eggs from Nirvana), make only 2.0 APS on sins, take back R9 and T3 gears, Close Morai and all that comes with it and then we will be just perfect to learn our characters and have time to farm and play, how about that? We can all return to years 2008-2009. How exiting ! Those people have…
It will be best if they made a NPC for bound stuff and give us a lot of money for them or something really nice in return other that full out inventory with them. And I dont mean the NPC that destroy them just to get some money back or something really nice that is worth and we dont loose all that we invest in them.
Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how hard is to make lvl 105 when after lvl 101 you get 1% per run in FC? If they raise lvl cap they better give us a better instance to lvl.
If they lvl faster then you that does not mean they dont know how to play. I been in squads with people from our TOP factions with R9 and they all died in a pull at Lunar. I been with clerics that played before even sins existed and they will be DD instead of healing the squads and everybody died so no matter how fast you…
And you are happy to lvl in years when only 100+ people get all the fun?
Lvl cap is good I agree 100% just dont close it forever cuz is not fair to other players.
Fc babies? LOL How do you people know that people who power lvl dont have alts for years or they are pro cuz maybe they play in private servers and we all know you learn a lot from there. And if someone choose to make lvl 100 in 2 days what is your problem? All I see here are jealous kids that they are to mad cuz they lvl…
OMG you are so smart! I was thinking the same. If you want FC the old ways why not all of you who voted 85+ or voted to stop hyper in FC go to Nirvana and get raps, why take it in 2 hours at NW? IT was fun and easy when all of you got 5-6 characters over 100+ and sell FC and get rich cuz it was sold with 500k few years…
Dont bother with this people please . They think is so easy to change the game and if it does not come the way they want they start using names. I dont know why they are so desperate about FC anyway.....Ohhhh I know....they dont need anymore the FC and the hell with everyone else, if I dont need i dont care anyway. You can…
And what if you 105? I dont care if I am 100-101 or 105....I am not in a hurry to be 105 cuz it does not give me anything good so if i get 101 I dont need more. Fc will give you 1% per run anyway at 101 so....I dont wanna spend years again to make 105 lvl like I did 1-100.