LeoSpirit - Lost City Arc User


  • Ok. I ain't sittin' on this sideline. I just ran some route just to see for myself. 1st route took me 27.7 minutes to farm 10 subs. Double picks were happening about one of every 4 to 5 digs. 2nd run took less time. 24.9 minutes. Reason. I had leftovers of some of the double picks from the first run. 3rd run 25.3 minutes.…
  • As stated by another member earlier - any and all actions taken against someone who violates the ToS is at the sole discretion of PWE and staff will never discuss the status of an account you do not own with you and most certainly will not post the status of disciplinary actions on a public forum. EVER!!! If you suspect…
  • What you're failing to grasp is yes, some of us have read your OP, understand what you are asking for and if anyone here is 'not getting it' it's most definately YOU. Grow up.
  • ROTFL! Call it what you want, what you're asking for is clearly against PWE policy for no staff is ever going to post publically the status of any punishments against anyone and you know it. And the fact that you people look like you're on some sort of freakish crusade against the goon glitchers makes you look like you…
  • And what's it to you people? How would anyone telling you anything about what happened to the glitchers going to change anything? How is knowing what happened or what's going to happen to the glitchers going to affect your gameplay? As others have already posted it's: Against PWI policy to discuss disciplinary actions…