Lemuria - Harshlands Arc User


  • That's because they don't. The poster you quoted has no idea what he's talking about. The spells accuracy is entirely independent of its animation. They can be resisted, but NEVER evaded. To be honest, I had originally thought casting time to be of little interest, since im already performing the attack, but I soon…
  • Sounds like an almost overpowered advantage to anyone who owns that particular land. Sometimes I really wonder whether they thought about the PvP ramifications in adding in various things without at least counterbalancing it elsewhere (Point and case: Jonas' Blessing). ...on my server the potions very rarely show up on…
  • I think the point is he was trying to complete his quest and that, people, is known as a grievance. All I can suggest here is to get some high level friends. There is ZERO justice on PvP servers. There's tons of ganking because there's tons of jerks who fail to succeed against their own levels. There's powerful high…
  • There are a few other games which have visible (animated) capes, so its not impossible to add in, but to be honest it might look a little odd with some of the armors we have, so I'm in no rush to see them added. Besides, many players use fashion so they would rarely see their capes or headgear anyway. (And does anyone…
  • Welcome to catch 22... On PvE servers, since people can pick and choose whether they want to be attacked or not, you'll only be fighting against the select few who activate PK mode. Be prepared for quite a fight though, since rarely do people activate it unless they can retaliate. On PvP servers, since you're automatically…
  • Most speed enhancements will NOT work with flight, they are ignored completely. The exceptions are genie skills specifically designed to enhance speed and Flight Mastery, which only works with the starter and elven wings. And yes, your total flight speed is Base Land Speed + Flight Speed. In the case of a cleric using…
  • I've always preferred to add more HP, so I'd lean towards citrines. I can understand your dilemma though, with the extremely low defense damage will be much higher eating through that extra HP quickly. Having said that, bear in mind that while there are bosses who do physical AoE, there are many more who use magical AoE.…
  • Errm... how do you figure that? The basic defence of arcane armor is incredibly poor. So much so you need heavy sharding to match light armors basic defence alone. You can also further shard LA to boost that defense. As an example, the highest level (legend) AA gives 233 p.def while LA gives 673. That means you need 440…
  • Nice thought, but factually incorrect. Since many arcane builds go with vitality, the difference in actual magic stats isn't that wide. Furthermore, your weapon provides the vast majority of all your magical attack power. As long as you're able to equip the latest weapons (and Light Armor builds can do this just fine)…
  • Oddly enough, while I lament players who use Blessing of the Purehearted too much, it does in fact have its merits in combat situations. Stream of Rejuvenation is incredible, but has the downside of overwriting your stacked Ironhearts with its own recovery. It's not terrible, but only slightly better than a single normal…
  • My setup is a bit of a mix. Fast casting attacks on the left (Plume, Cyclone), followed by fast casting heals (Wellspring, IH, Stream), then slower but harder attacks and finally big cures and purify. The reason I keep purify separate is because I can reach the key for it much easier after quick-targeting with the numeric…
  • 20 dex = 1% critical rate which is why light armor classes crit far more often. I'll admit though, a cleric doesn't get much out of it really (even a Light Armor cleric) to make it worth assigning extra points to.
  • Tempest really shines on multiple mobs, but don't waste it on singles or bosses. You're better off using your 2-spark, regaining MP and firing off a string of other attacks (starting with Wield Thunder) since you'll get far more damage out of it overall. At least until you have access to demon/sage version.
  • You need the same level of tailoring, blacksmithing or craftsmanship as it would take to craft the item normally. So if you can craft "Sunsprites Warmth" at level 3, you'd need level 3 tailoring to decompose it. Check the item against what you can manufacture to see what level it requires.
  • Being blamed for people dying is par for the course of any healing class of any game. Sorry to say, but if that sort of thing bothers you a lot you're probably better off rolling an archer or a wizard. But one thing that does bother me is clerics who refuse to heal anyone besides the tank. Some really don't like the idea…
  • I set my shortcuts to the numeric keypad (1-5). Its faster than holding the shift key every time, and means I'm less likely to mis-press and hit a skill key (ie, hitting 1-5 without holding down Shift). One huge downside with the way the game is designed, however, means there's no quick method for self-targeting. Seems a…
  • At lower levels quests are the single best way to level up. Giving relatively high EXP for doing a moderate amount of work, there's simply no reason you wouldn't want to do them. Sadly, it doesn't last as higher level quests give lousy experience points and only serve to hide the grinding aspect by giving you a mob total…
  • Another little tip... Set shortcuts in the key configuration to quickly target your squad members. That way you can cycle them and heal much faster than you would otherwise by clicking them under the squad menu. In tougher fights, time is one luxury you won't have, so be prepared to switch your attentions from the tank…
  • I hate to play devil's advocate here but I don't like either of them. It feels like I wasted 2 million spirit on these skills since I rarely find a use for them beyond extreme circumstances. Wings of Protection only defends a target against 20% of their total HP in damage. Thus for weaker targets like arcane users its…
  • Hmm... well, I'll give you cheap, but powerful? Stream gives over 1.8k + 60% magic attack, casts faster and rejuvenates additional HP over time while Blessing only gives 1.3k + 50% magic attack and takes an eternity to cast. I'll admit you save about 450 mp by using Blessing, but im not really sure its worth the spirit to…
  • I continue to be surprised at posts like this. For starters you can learn a LOT about your class by soloing. Keeping yourself alive while dealing damage to a target, for example, is far more taxing than spamming every attack under the sun like most DD's do in a squad. There are, of course, plenty of things you don't learn…
  • You can get by without, but not easily. Herc venos are prime material for FC squads and most other dungeon-based romps and are chosen almost exclusively over non-herc Venos. There are similar tanking mobs you can use instead of Hercules, but none which offer his unrivalled defense and HP. And for TW, Phoenix is godly.…
  • Light Armor offers considerably higher defense against physical damage, freeing up those precious equipment slots for HP rather than defense. That said, you do suffer slightly reduced MAG. Considering, however, that the bulk of your magical attack power comes from your weapon this is generally only a minor difference…
  • I gave a brief account for simplicities sake. Considering the mainstay of our role in any squad is healing it stll takes up the bulk of our time, so the point is still pretty valid. Besides, there are more members to a squad than just the barbs, and certainly at 50+ those AoE cures need to be fired more than a few times to…
  • I thought after 80 levels of nothing but healing people, even those who probably deserved to die horribly, would make me bored of the job. I was wrong. In fact, if anything it's only strengthened my enjoyment of the class. So, here's my top reasons for loving clerics above all others. 1) Most wanted. We're pretty much top…
  • 1: Two possible reasons. a) Not enough money to fuse them (you require an amount of coins relative to the level of the gem being imbued). b) Not the right level gem for the weapon. Higher level gems can only be applied to equipment of greater rank. Be sure to check the level of the equipment (This is NOT the same as the…
  • When you craft items there is a chance for sockets to be added to the gear. How many sockets and the quality of the gear is almost entirely random, so even if you manage to get a 4-slotted armor, the stats on it might suck compared to other items you may have crafted. Some legendaries and twilight items are guaranteed to…
  • If you want flashy skills, both Archer and Blademaster get them later on in their careers. Blademasters get a powerful fire-dragon attack as one of their spark abilities and archers get to rain a neverending hail of arrows onto enemies. Earlier levels you'll be rather restricted and the only classes which really get much…
  • No, if someone isn't willing to share thats their problem not yours. You are perfectly within your right to be there and fight. There can be instances on PK servers, however, where people will attack other players trying to quest if you're both after the same mobs, which can cause problems if you're lower level or not…
  • If you have access to an account stash then even bound and 'unable to trade' items can be swapped freely amongst all of your characters on that account. Some items, such as Rank equipment, cannot be placed into the account stash though. Those items will tell you that they are exempt thogugh.