Latoyya - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I know resurrection doesn't work out of the list of skills. I even made a thread about it in the suggestions forum.
  • Yeah, but the person constantly dying could of began with 0 % exp :P. Anyways, getting exp after casting revive would be nice addition. It would definitely encourage clerics to level up this spell, and in return it would help other players stop groaning after dying.
  • I'm not a cleric, so I don't specialize in knowing about their spells. All I know is that when I'm revived, I'm always at a low critical hp level. That's why I came on here to seek changes for the spell. Since it is in fact a bug, I hope the necessary changes come for it sometime in the future.
  • Yeah, just not too much exp though so nobody can revive abuse. Don't think anyone would waste their time doing this anyway because they'll eventually get low mp obviously.
  • Revive does benefit clerics in the long run. They're jeopardizing their life by allowing a tank to stay down in a boss fight. They need them to take the painful attacks of course. Right now it's sometimes hazardous to even think about reviving in the midst of a battle. For one, revive takes awhile to cast, and two,…
  • Oh, I never knew about that, that's interesting. Now that I see the whole picture, you're probably right Klath, it's a possibility. Well then, if this is suppose to happen then why is it not then...
  • I can't recall that I can remember you. Maybe we will eventually meet up in the game :P. Anyways, yeah true, people could always use a healing potion, but why not make it easier for everyone? The majority of the time I'm revived around a boss. I'm happy for a few moments til I'm brought back down again due to the multiple…
  • The topic is open for discussion, so please don't hesitate to post your opinions everyone. I would love to hear what you have to say about this. I need more feedback then absolutely nothing lol.
  • Yeah, if they're actually going to make the santa clothing cost, so much for Christmas spirit, woohoo. I hope to expect something much more than just this. Edit:Hmm, I change my mind, it seem that they have been trying their hardest to make this update good.