Latokona - Lost City Arc User


  • Okay, HA isn't a noob build, people just need to know how to use it. AA may be best for attack, but the phy def is atrocious if you aren't sharded. I chose HA because I found more psy def to be more appealing, and I have access to my fox debuffs much faster than a mage does. "You don't see many archers going ha do uya"…
  • Thanks. ^^ You have a good point there, I like to PvP but it gets really unfair when R9 people come and mess it up by 1 shoting people that don't have it. @witniss I was referring to the dates the posts were made. @VolItare So what if it is white knighting? He has a lot of good points. White knighting does not equate to…
  • 1. I didn't originally necro it, read the posts again 2. Why would I be butthurt over a build I actually like?
  • I really like using my HA Veno. I use fox form(like I'm supposed to as HA) and I have CRAZY phy def but if I QQ over anything, it is only my mag def but I won't because I can sacrifice my HA boots and wrists for AA ones if I wanted to but I'll wait until my higher levels to see if I have to do that, even if I did I would…
  • I decided to make an alt Veno for going HA. And to the people that actually contributed something helpful, thank you.
  • It isn't "some pixels," it was the rude remarks that were upsetting. Now, arcane venos are the best if you want to go for damage, I'm sure heavy would be able to do a better job with defense.
  • -headdesk- Yet another person says arcane. I already stated, I refuse to go pure arcane. I wouldn't be tired of you if you could actually say something that can be considered helpful. The rude comments were uncalled for. The only thing the rude posts tell me is that you can't say anything logical and that you are a low…
  • It isn't whining, I have had enough of you. Contribute something helpful or do everyone a favor and leave.
  • Mystic, that is enough! I never submitted one, they are stupid sheets. I am tired of this! If you don't have any helpful advice to share here then leave! I made this thread to figure out what build would be best for a PvP Veno, not to put up with your bullcrap. This thread is becoming more of your nonsense then it is help…
  • Woah. That is awesome! I might resat to HA. I learned that HA would be best for survivability if paired with magic defense charms.
  • Mystic, stop! This is a thread for discussing what build I should be (excluding arcane.) Leave me alone if you don't have anything to say that will help in my decision. Those sheets are stupid, I don't even play on Heaven's Tear. Jeez, use your brain for once.
  • Oh wow, a lv 7, what a noob. b:laugh
  • Wow, what a stupid noob.
  • I'm not a good Veno because Barb is my main class I play. And I want to be a good Veno, but I don't need lessons from Mystic. Your rudeness was unnecessary on ALL levels. You are probably just a kid because no grown adult would be that immature.
  • I'm better than him because I'm not the one calling names and I'm better than you because you are rude, I am provoked to be rude. You are just rude to everyone. b:laugh
  • I already stated I refuse to go AA, how many times do I have to say it?! -facepalm-
  • Oh yeah, I don't even play on Heaven's Tear so b:laughb:laughb:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • 1. I'm not crying 2. Get the f*** out Have a horrible day/night
  • Wow, if you thought it was stupid, you have a back button on your browser for a reason, use it. Your comment was unnecessary, people like you don't deserve to be on the forums, get lost.
  • Fully refined HA+citrine stones and even a Veno has a good chance against a Sin.
  • Of Off. Typos, I hate you so.
  • Yeah but lets not forget Arcane has the LOWEST physical defense. I'm an easy kill if the sin gets to me. Heavy Armor is for the better. They may stun me but there are plenty of skills to remove that. Heavy Armor stops physical classes from one shotting you for the most part so if I take of stun the Sin is pretty much…
  • Even if there are a lot of threads about dying PvP, no need to spam a thread that is COMPLETELY unrelated to the topic at hand about it. The topic at hand is what build should my Veno be NOT about dying PvP. Post your little rants somewhere else, not here. There is a new thread button for a reason, to stop people from…
  • Didn't I just say I REFUSE to go pure arcane? Just to throw this in, if you want to rant about how PvP is dying, make a new thread for that.
  • I agree with you! Let's see that noob do that with pure mag! Looks like they will end up as ROFLpwned! xD
  • 1. I'm a girl even though I play as a Barb, trolololo 2. I don't even want to go R9, Nirvana armor is what I had in mind if I ended up going pure HA 3. I would get R9 if I went HA/AA hybrid 4. WHAT DO YOU THINK FOX FORM IS FOR, EINSTEIN?! It is for more survivability against physical classes(more tanking capabilities) and…