I joined your forums as Aeriya, are you still doing the giveaway? :D
I hope suggested ideas will be implemented in this patch (like girls being able to give guys or other girls rides on mount/flying etc.. that'd be nice). And housing.
I'm having the same problems trying to get the update, it's going so far then quitting.
1. Please allow all sexes to be able to give all sexes rides on mounts/flying etc. Just get rid of the intimacy on same sex flight/rides. Also if you buy a mount, and you're a girl, it's kind of a waste of money if u can't even give anyone a ride on it!! I've sent an email to developers with a poll of 90% ppl agreeing and…
I was fighting something and for some freak reason the pet disappeared and I died. X.x And it wasn't dead either. And I'm pretty sure I didn't desummon it. It was odd.
Ya haven't done that. :P
Sorry meant main map not mini map. :P