LadyTwilight - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Ok seriously..this has gone on far too long. QUIT THE ARGUEMENTS ABOUT FS AND FAC! How about we resolve everything, and wipe out the cleric class altogether, guess what, all of you who keep the arguement burning are gunna be screwed.'s one thing to say you dislike a certain build, but to segregate and be…
  • Granted - However, you contemplate the mysteries of the world far too often, and become skitso because you claim you hear voices as you're talking to yourself about the molecular structure of a black hole involving the theory of relativity. *Gives bob a cherry pie and chocolate chip cookies* Theres your 10 points.…
  • Um, am I the only one who notices that the threads lately are criticizing both FS and FAC mostly based off of PVP? PVP is NOT the only thing in this don't pvp to level up.. IMO - let them play how they want to play, if 1 is better than the other, then too bad, you don't have to pull arguements out your rear end…
  • Granted - However because the earth isn't warming, we all end up in another Ice Age, and you become friends with a violent penguin. I wish someone could cancel out this uncancable wish that everyone seems to cancel, yet it seems to be cancable, but its not. *heh heh confusion, 10 pts to person who gets it :D*
  • Well..bosses are supposed to be a challenge.. although I do think pwi went a little overboard with it. I think it's just another way to make us buy charms or other useless **** from boutique. As it stands, you're pretty much screwed if you attempt any boss w/o 2+ clerics. (Not including bosses under Qing Zi) As for the…
  • Well it could be useful to them, and to us. I'm sure theres alot of people out there who regret leveling a skill or etc. Maybe like 2g to reset 1 skill? 15g to reset all your skills (given that you're over a certain level, such as lv 50 or so) and get all your spirit/cash back. Chances of this being implemented however,…
  • IMO, I think it's one of the worst male cash shop items. It looks pretty ugly, so I'm sure nobody would want it >.>
  • Under your minimap is a gold coin like button, click that to visit the boutique. You need "gold" to buy boutique items, and you can either use real life cash, or transact with coins, (100-130k coins = 1 varies from time to time). and 1$ = 1 gold, so um yea. :P Edit: You can also press "O"
  • My veno and cleric look the same :P *my bf likes big ****, deal with it!* Veno: Cleric(not my main...yet):
  • 10 guilty people. Just shoot them as they walk out.. Maplestory or Runescape XD
  • Granted, however your masters is corrupt and federal forces make you go through school all over again. I wish pwi would get it together and catch up with the other pw versions.
  • Pandora, this is pointless. You can't tell clerics to be something they don't want to be. If that particular cleric doesn't want to help others, and wants to deal damage, then let them, don't get up in their face and say they're doing everything wrong. EVERY CLERIC HAS MAXED IRONHEART! How about getting that through your…
  • You would think someone would notice the price thing at bottom says 175k instead of 1.5m.. I guess they play so much (Probably how they got so many mirages) that their eyes were straining and they couldn't tell difference between 3.5k and 35k :D
  • Devs would actually have to design the cape itself, then code it to sway with the character, not to mention the lag of all these people running around with capes on. PW is a f2p game after all..can't really expect anything big from devs. Don't get your hopes up.
  • Sounds interesting, but would be WAAAY too complicated for devs.
  • Well put kensaki, treat others the way you'd want to be treated. @bobzilla- kids see stuff 900x worse when they flip on the tv, or in real life society for that matter. If people are that worried about being "exposed" to a guy on guy embrace, then they can turn on the "only show characters within 10m radius" and not go…
  • red gooey stuff..(Idk it reminds me of blood O_o) >.> <.< Pepsi or coke :D *Someone should have seen this coming*
  • Granted, but you die from confusion, trying to figure out what to wish for with the other 999,999 wishes. I wish guys could understand a girl and what we go through D: :(
  • Any person with the intelligence greater than a rock would check before putting up their shop. Just resell the mirages, even as an honest person, take advantage of a person's mistake(If it really was a mistake). It is a game you know..take the opportunities presented to you.
  • A little off-topic, but if anyone has played Lunia, you would know that Lunia was taken over by a new company in the U.S and shortly after, the game failed miserably, because they neglected to fix the issues and just kept on adding cash shop items claiming, "We need the money to do the fixes" This is exactly whats…
  • If I see someone killing monsters for a quest, I'll remember how irritating and annoying that quest was, so I'll party them and go on a killing spree so they get it done faster. :) Plus buffing random people is something I do all the time O_o Especially in the starting zones, I mean..these level 1's are getting lv 10…
  • The "?" monsters drop pages for level 89 spiritual cultivation, or so I've heard. Try to avoid them, the ? = level 150
  • A cleric database I'm working on, and atm has Full support stuff in it :)
  • LadyTwilight has a bit of a yeah..let's begin! I'd always considered myself as "Lady-like" material, even though my brother says otherwise; so I began using that as a prefix for everything. Twilight however, relates to alot of things in rl that I love, such as Legend of Zelda, Twilight Zone, and actually…
  • Granted, however now you can't surpass the Spiritual Cultivation that requires you to suicide. I wish clerics weren't so boring to level after 55..
  • Max out Ironheart Blessing, it heals hp over 15 seconds, and stacks. Leave Blessing of the Purehearted and Wellspring alone, they're not that much use to you..(Well wellspring isnt until later) No more into con, keep str up to date with your armor/weaps and rest into mag
  • Just as darknin said, it plays a role in gaining respect as a player. If you want to play your class, play your class, but if you want people to look up to you, and have people know you and want to be friends with you, then you shouldn't be a jerk. 9/10 people are grateful when you revive them or buff them, leveling…
  • Why not? It's a kind gesture, plus what would be the purpose of Revive if you only used it for a fb or something...If you died grinding, you'd probably want a revive so you don't have to re-grind what you would have lost by going back to town.
  • That's the point..barbs DON'T get paid for clerics DON'T get paid for ressing... I really see no point in argueing about wether you should charge for a res. If you're really THAT poor..theres this thing, it's called SOLOING you know..and FARMING...try it for a actually get these things..they're…
  • Npc the hat, you don't need 35 str until about lv 50-55. As for the Hp on weapon, don't do it. It's better to put Magic attack soulstones (Sapphire ones) on your weapons, and put hp on your cape and hat. For the rest of your armor you should put physical defense soulstones to help you get hit for less damage. About the…