Write a story? Think of your story, how the faction was created and what are the faction's goals... but having the story written for me (me being forced to sth) is a no no. So that a few people interested was 2?
So... you've just started playing PW and want to create a guild? How do you expect it to run? Did you check if there are any such guilds on the server? Was anyone interested?
but you know there are toons before lvl 30 that are selling/buying things too, right?
WTF is with my replies? >.> Why the quote don't work correctly? Mods, please delete them. I can't even voice correctly my different opinion... T.T Ah, well, wanted to say that I disagree with Deep Sting being useless. I use it in combination with puncture wound and it's great. Keeping it up to date, and one of my…
I chose sin (female) cause lately in many games (****, Warhammer) I was playing assassins with double daggers. I like it, so I decided to make it my main on a new (for me) server on PWI.
I do not want to get rid of this event. It's useful to me. I love the Chi stones. What does it have with the possibility of doindg 220-29 quests? No living snowmen is a big no-no. But... you know, I'm an assassin and I managed to kill snowmen for the worth of 90k stamina for my genie. And no, I don't use always throw knife…
O.o Actually, I managed to craft 3* weapons in the first day. Sure, they weren't higher than 15 lvl, but... I haven't crafted higher lvl weapons yet :P No molds for higher level weapons? I have the 22 lvl weapon from mold, next craftable weapon that is better than this is on lvl 45. I started here with Tideborns in reality…
On 25 lvl sin with 25 lvl psy CONSTANTLY in my party, I have to say 2 things are true: they steal aggro from me and he kills off mobs before I can run up a bit to the mob and launch slisptream.
Um... and what about the quests? PWI (just like any other game) is obliged to give us events if they want us to play their game. Mindless grininding makes you bored faster. You get bored, you go to another game. But PW MS doesn't have Raging Tide expansion./ And no Snowmen this year, too. They had special Anti-Christmas…