Uziels Sin guide for pvp/pve

Uziel - Harshlands
Posts: 38 Arc User
Instead of updating the Blade Master guide and posting it I figured I would make an Assassin Guide first. Within this guide you will find information regarding the following:
1. How to build your character with your stat points.
2. Armor and weapons along with what gems to use.
3. Stealth and you
4. Genies for both PvE and PvP
5. Skills
6. Basic PvP offensive Tactics
7. Assassin Stun-Lock. (Soon to come)
This is a PVP guide for Sin’s and a basic starting point- this is also based on my own experience and not all information maybe 100% accurate also since assassins are still new and I’m only 7x this guide will be updated on a regular basis- Enjoy!
Stat point distribution and effects
Assassins require three dex per level to use the best daggers that you can acquire at your level with and one strength to wear light armor, with that being said I will describe how each attribute affects an Assassin.
Vit: Vitality increases your maximum HP by 13 per vit point. Vit also increases your physical and magical defense.
Mag: Increases your magic attack.
Str: Increases your physical defensive and melee damage with all weapons except for with daggers.
Dex: Increases your range and dagger physical attack, accuracy, evasion, and physical/magic crit rates. (Every twenty dex points = one crit %)
With the above information you should be able to determine what is best for you. The most common builds are listed below along with my build.
Pure Dex build – 4 dex every level with 1 str
This build will give you the highest dps capabilities and critical rate. However this build will also make you very squishy.
Hybrid Build- 3 dex 1 str and 1 vit
This build will give you more survivability in pvp/pve but you will also be sacrificing dps/evasion and accuracy for a small portion of hp.
Heavy Armor- 2 str 3 dex
Don’t do it. You’re an assassin not a tank with knifes. You will lose out on DPS, evasion, and will still be squishy.
My build: vit 30 – 1 str – 4 dex every level after my vit was 30. At end game once I get decent gear and shards I will restat my vit to 15 and dump those extra points into dex. I will also be removing points from mag to make it 3.
Armor, weapons and gems
Armor and weapons should be a simple decision, All of your Assassin skills require Daggers and since Daggers require Dex for their DPS what better than to utilize light armor. LA does require 1 str per level and gives you an okay physical defense and magical defense. The best way to describe LA would be the old saying “Jack of all trades” You won’t be able to tank with LA like a BM or Barb does with heavy armor nor will you be able to resist the same amount of magic damage that a wizard or veno can but with Dex and LA you will find an equal balance between defense and evasion. Evasion at lower levels may not seem like much but towards end game in PvP it can determine who wins the fight. I play a BM and know there are numerous ways around a characters evasion but that is irrelevant to this guide.
In short LA and Daggers is what every Assassin should be using. I have seen Nemours assassin’s playing with a bow. Why? Perhaps they eat paint chips.
Gems: There is always a debate with LA and what gems to use along with what ones to socket into your weapons and light armor. In the end it really comes down to personal preference but from my experience in pvp and over all game knowledge HP shards (Citrine) and Physical Attack shards (Garnet) are the two best bets for both PVE and PVP. Other common shards that I’ve seen people lean to are evasion and garnet for there armor. As an assassin you’re already low on HP the extra evasion and defense from the shards is not going to even come close to comparing to the health you get from Citrine shards. If your Assassin is dex based for max dps you will also not need accuracy shards on your weapons.
Stealth and you
Stealth can be used as a deadly offensive tactic or pvp or a defensive one. The way that stealth works is very simple. Each level of stealth that you have reduces the mp cost not the actual stealth level. The stealth level is based on your characters levels. So for an example a level 50 Assassin would have stealth level 50- This means that anyone his level and lower cannot see him but players higher or mobs higher can (However this rule can be changed with Sharp Observer and stealth detection pots)
Increasing your stealth and increasing your abilities to see stealth players are affected by the two skills listed below.
Sharp Observer- Each point into this skill increases your ability to detect players in stealth by two. So for an example. If you’re level 50 and there is a sin nearby in stealth at level 52 without points in Cat-Like Tread you will be able to see them at level 50.
Cat-Like Tread- This increases your stealth level by 2. So for example if you are a level 50 Sin and you have upgraded the skill to level 2 players 4 levels higher than you will not be able to see. As well as mobs.
So in short- Sharp Observer increases your stealth detection and Cat-Like Tread increases your stealth. The higher your level + either of these talents will increase your stealth and your stealth detection.
Genies for both PvE and PvP
Since genie’s have came out they have become a very power defensive and offensive tool that can be molded into anything you wish wither it be debuffs, buffs, healing, pulling and so on. These are just a few skills from my opinion that work well with the sin.. There are no class specified genie skills at the moment so this is what I’ve come up.
PvE Genie skills for sins:
Tree of Protection – Heals X amount of hp aswell as adds a DOT heal effect to you for x amount of time.
Second Wind – Instantly heals X amount of hp.
Leaf Dance – Increases crit strike chance by 2 for X amount of time.
Wind Shield – Increases attack rate and evasion for X amount of time.
Impact – Deals X amount of water damage to a target and debuffs there defense by X- Like tangling mire.
Tangling mire – Reduces targets movement speed and defense by X. Stronger than Impact but no damage.
Relentless Courage - Increases your attack speed by xx%, your movement speed by xx% and your channelling speed by xx%
Pvp Genie skills for sins:
Tangling mire – Works great with Chill of the Deep for massive damage.
Leaf Dance- 2 sparks can be costly for a increase in crit for x amount of seconds. This easily replaces that – however at later levels Power dash may prove to be more useful
Occult Ice – Stuns the target at 10 meters/ Great pvp skill for all classes . Stun rate is based on genie’s str otherwise its rather low.
Bramble Rage- Could be used like thunderstorm used to be I have yet to test it.
Tree of Protection/Second Wind- Although both skills are great for pvp I tend to want to use my genie as more of a source of DPS rather than survival.
There are more than likely many that will disagree with my choices but genies are always very different aside from BM’s who if they pvp should have Balance and True Emptiness.
Every skill with *** beside it should be leveled up asap for pvp.
Twin Strike – A swift strike both daggers. Deals a great amount of physical Damage.
Leave this skill at level 1.
***SlipStream Strike- a superb assassin skill deals a great amount of physical damage to the target.
Level this skill as you level it’s proven to be a very hard hitting skill and quick for pvp.
Puncture wound – Deals great amount of damage and causes a bleed effect on the target.
This is a great skill for pve and although it deals decent damage in pvp the DOT from the bleed is not that great, Level it as you level but as a priority.
Raving Slash- Deals physical damage to the target and increases your movement speed.
An okay skill but not useless compared to other ones as you level. Keep it at a low level.
Shadow walk- Stealth only use able when not in combat
Get level 1 and leave it there.
Wolf Emblem- Increases your critical strike damage
Great skill for pvp and pve. Level it as you go- Also gives chi.
Wind push – Increases your movement speed
Like sprint on a BM level it as you go.
Deep Sting- A bloody assassin skill deals a great amount of damage and has a chance to put the target to sleep.
Costs 50 chi and is useless in pvp and pve- level it as you go but don’t make it you’re top priority.
***Focused Mind- Temporary increases your chance to avoid damage
Great buff- although it doesn’t last very long its very effect and can save your life. Also gives a little bit of chi.
Knife Throw- Has a chance to interrupt a target and deals physical damage
Great skill for pulling and pvp has a great range level it as you go.
***Rib Strike- Deals physical damage to the target and reduces its attack speed.
Great pvp skill deals very high damage and will become one of your primary damage dealing skills. Also gives chi.
Shadow Escape- Instant stealth or “vanish” dispels negative effects and increases own chi
Great skill keep it at level one, I have yet to test it on a nix’s bleed. Gives chi but takes a few secs to cast.
Bloodpaint- party buff for yourself, BMs and barbs. Gives 2% of damage delt back to the damage dealer in the form of HP.
Okay buff for pve. Doesn’t work in pvp . Keep at level one
***Tackling Slash- immobilizes your target (they cant run jump etc) and deals damage + increases chi
Good skill to get great in pvp and pve level as you level.
Shadow Jump- teleports you to your targets location.
Great skill for pve and pvp increase it when you’ve got random SP to spend.
***Throatcut- Deals physical damage and has a CHANCE to silence the target.
Great skill for pvp and pve if used at the appropriate time. Use in combination with a stun when it’s almost up and with Tackling slash. Cast time is slow however and costs 1 spark. Silence and duration increase per level.
***Deaden Nerves- Avoid one attack that would otherwise kill you and return to life with 20% hp.
Nothing beats having to be killed twice- Great for pvp and pve keep at a low level however till end game. Not sure if the duration of the buff increases with its level.. but mp does for sure.
***Chill of the Deep – Reduces your attack rate by X and increases your Attack level.
Amazing PVP skill for sins- Mix this with tangling mire and watch your enemy’s crumble before you.
Maze Steps- Increases movement speed and makes your character immune to stun/paralyze debuffs for the duration of the buff.
It’s exactly like Will of Bodhivista on a BM. Great skill for pvp against classes that can stun- Level it when you have free points.
Earthen Rift- Deals physical damage to all units around you
One of our only AoE skills. Good for pve but in pvp its not as affect as other skills. Level it as you go if you want.
***Rising Dragon Strike- never misses/deals great amount of physical damage and increases your chi
Amazing pvp and pve skill- You gain chi and deal good damage that never misses what more could you want?
***Subsea strike- Causing the extreme poison effect on enemy’s in the area and deals physical damage.
Good AoE and debuff for both PvP and PvE. Mix with tangling mire or dragons- Does not stack with Extreme poison.
***HeadHunt – deals physical damage and stuns the target
Amazing PvP skill a must get for all sins.
Power Dash- Deals physical damage and increases your own critical hit rate.
Good skill for pve and pvp but at the cost of two sparks not worth it at low levels maybe better at higher levels – Does not stack with Leaf Dance
Tidal Protection- increases your chance to avoid negative debuffs.
Useless skill in my opinon with this on you cannot use Focused mind however it may prove to be useful at end game if it makes you immune to stuns, nix poison etc.. Have yet to test it in pvp.
***Inner harmony – Greatly increases your chi
Great skill for pve and pvp description says it all gives you 1 and half sparks at level one.
***Shadow Teleport- Teleports you to your targets location and stuns them
Great skill for pvp- costs one spark but most certainly worth it when ganking/chasing/ or being ganked.
(Skills used after the stun have a small delay)
***Dagger Devotion- You’re Dagger masteries
Title says it all.. Level it every level you can for PvE and PvP.
Tide Form- Turns you into a fish
This useless skill turns you into a mermaid or merman while in this skill you swim faster and have a great defense but cannot use skills. Just normal attacks.
***Sharp Observer – Increases stealth detection by 2.
Great for endgame when there will be more sins wait till then to level it
***Cat- Like Tread- Increases stealth by 2 levels.
If you plan on pvping at lower levels and ganking or even at medium levels this passive skill is great for ganking players higher than you. At level 86 with this skill maxed out no one will be able to see you in stealth unless they have stealth detection pots or Cat- Like tread and are your level or higher.
1. How to build your character with your stat points.
2. Armor and weapons along with what gems to use.
3. Stealth and you
4. Genies for both PvE and PvP
5. Skills
6. Basic PvP offensive Tactics
7. Assassin Stun-Lock. (Soon to come)
This is a PVP guide for Sin’s and a basic starting point- this is also based on my own experience and not all information maybe 100% accurate also since assassins are still new and I’m only 7x this guide will be updated on a regular basis- Enjoy!
Stat point distribution and effects
Assassins require three dex per level to use the best daggers that you can acquire at your level with and one strength to wear light armor, with that being said I will describe how each attribute affects an Assassin.
Vit: Vitality increases your maximum HP by 13 per vit point. Vit also increases your physical and magical defense.
Mag: Increases your magic attack.
Str: Increases your physical defensive and melee damage with all weapons except for with daggers.
Dex: Increases your range and dagger physical attack, accuracy, evasion, and physical/magic crit rates. (Every twenty dex points = one crit %)
With the above information you should be able to determine what is best for you. The most common builds are listed below along with my build.
Pure Dex build – 4 dex every level with 1 str
This build will give you the highest dps capabilities and critical rate. However this build will also make you very squishy.
Hybrid Build- 3 dex 1 str and 1 vit
This build will give you more survivability in pvp/pve but you will also be sacrificing dps/evasion and accuracy for a small portion of hp.
Heavy Armor- 2 str 3 dex
Don’t do it. You’re an assassin not a tank with knifes. You will lose out on DPS, evasion, and will still be squishy.
My build: vit 30 – 1 str – 4 dex every level after my vit was 30. At end game once I get decent gear and shards I will restat my vit to 15 and dump those extra points into dex. I will also be removing points from mag to make it 3.
Armor, weapons and gems
Armor and weapons should be a simple decision, All of your Assassin skills require Daggers and since Daggers require Dex for their DPS what better than to utilize light armor. LA does require 1 str per level and gives you an okay physical defense and magical defense. The best way to describe LA would be the old saying “Jack of all trades” You won’t be able to tank with LA like a BM or Barb does with heavy armor nor will you be able to resist the same amount of magic damage that a wizard or veno can but with Dex and LA you will find an equal balance between defense and evasion. Evasion at lower levels may not seem like much but towards end game in PvP it can determine who wins the fight. I play a BM and know there are numerous ways around a characters evasion but that is irrelevant to this guide.
In short LA and Daggers is what every Assassin should be using. I have seen Nemours assassin’s playing with a bow. Why? Perhaps they eat paint chips.
Gems: There is always a debate with LA and what gems to use along with what ones to socket into your weapons and light armor. In the end it really comes down to personal preference but from my experience in pvp and over all game knowledge HP shards (Citrine) and Physical Attack shards (Garnet) are the two best bets for both PVE and PVP. Other common shards that I’ve seen people lean to are evasion and garnet for there armor. As an assassin you’re already low on HP the extra evasion and defense from the shards is not going to even come close to comparing to the health you get from Citrine shards. If your Assassin is dex based for max dps you will also not need accuracy shards on your weapons.
Stealth and you
Stealth can be used as a deadly offensive tactic or pvp or a defensive one. The way that stealth works is very simple. Each level of stealth that you have reduces the mp cost not the actual stealth level. The stealth level is based on your characters levels. So for an example a level 50 Assassin would have stealth level 50- This means that anyone his level and lower cannot see him but players higher or mobs higher can (However this rule can be changed with Sharp Observer and stealth detection pots)
Increasing your stealth and increasing your abilities to see stealth players are affected by the two skills listed below.
Sharp Observer- Each point into this skill increases your ability to detect players in stealth by two. So for an example. If you’re level 50 and there is a sin nearby in stealth at level 52 without points in Cat-Like Tread you will be able to see them at level 50.
Cat-Like Tread- This increases your stealth level by 2. So for example if you are a level 50 Sin and you have upgraded the skill to level 2 players 4 levels higher than you will not be able to see. As well as mobs.
So in short- Sharp Observer increases your stealth detection and Cat-Like Tread increases your stealth. The higher your level + either of these talents will increase your stealth and your stealth detection.
Genies for both PvE and PvP
Since genie’s have came out they have become a very power defensive and offensive tool that can be molded into anything you wish wither it be debuffs, buffs, healing, pulling and so on. These are just a few skills from my opinion that work well with the sin.. There are no class specified genie skills at the moment so this is what I’ve come up.
PvE Genie skills for sins:
Tree of Protection – Heals X amount of hp aswell as adds a DOT heal effect to you for x amount of time.
Second Wind – Instantly heals X amount of hp.
Leaf Dance – Increases crit strike chance by 2 for X amount of time.
Wind Shield – Increases attack rate and evasion for X amount of time.
Impact – Deals X amount of water damage to a target and debuffs there defense by X- Like tangling mire.
Tangling mire – Reduces targets movement speed and defense by X. Stronger than Impact but no damage.
Relentless Courage - Increases your attack speed by xx%, your movement speed by xx% and your channelling speed by xx%
Pvp Genie skills for sins:
Tangling mire – Works great with Chill of the Deep for massive damage.
Leaf Dance- 2 sparks can be costly for a increase in crit for x amount of seconds. This easily replaces that – however at later levels Power dash may prove to be more useful
Occult Ice – Stuns the target at 10 meters/ Great pvp skill for all classes . Stun rate is based on genie’s str otherwise its rather low.
Bramble Rage- Could be used like thunderstorm used to be I have yet to test it.
Tree of Protection/Second Wind- Although both skills are great for pvp I tend to want to use my genie as more of a source of DPS rather than survival.
There are more than likely many that will disagree with my choices but genies are always very different aside from BM’s who if they pvp should have Balance and True Emptiness.
Every skill with *** beside it should be leveled up asap for pvp.
Twin Strike – A swift strike both daggers. Deals a great amount of physical Damage.
Leave this skill at level 1.
***SlipStream Strike- a superb assassin skill deals a great amount of physical damage to the target.
Level this skill as you level it’s proven to be a very hard hitting skill and quick for pvp.
Puncture wound – Deals great amount of damage and causes a bleed effect on the target.
This is a great skill for pve and although it deals decent damage in pvp the DOT from the bleed is not that great, Level it as you level but as a priority.
Raving Slash- Deals physical damage to the target and increases your movement speed.
An okay skill but not useless compared to other ones as you level. Keep it at a low level.
Shadow walk- Stealth only use able when not in combat
Get level 1 and leave it there.
Wolf Emblem- Increases your critical strike damage
Great skill for pvp and pve. Level it as you go- Also gives chi.
Wind push – Increases your movement speed
Like sprint on a BM level it as you go.
Deep Sting- A bloody assassin skill deals a great amount of damage and has a chance to put the target to sleep.
Costs 50 chi and is useless in pvp and pve- level it as you go but don’t make it you’re top priority.
***Focused Mind- Temporary increases your chance to avoid damage
Great buff- although it doesn’t last very long its very effect and can save your life. Also gives a little bit of chi.
Knife Throw- Has a chance to interrupt a target and deals physical damage
Great skill for pulling and pvp has a great range level it as you go.
***Rib Strike- Deals physical damage to the target and reduces its attack speed.
Great pvp skill deals very high damage and will become one of your primary damage dealing skills. Also gives chi.
Shadow Escape- Instant stealth or “vanish” dispels negative effects and increases own chi
Great skill keep it at level one, I have yet to test it on a nix’s bleed. Gives chi but takes a few secs to cast.
Bloodpaint- party buff for yourself, BMs and barbs. Gives 2% of damage delt back to the damage dealer in the form of HP.
Okay buff for pve. Doesn’t work in pvp . Keep at level one
***Tackling Slash- immobilizes your target (they cant run jump etc) and deals damage + increases chi
Good skill to get great in pvp and pve level as you level.
Shadow Jump- teleports you to your targets location.
Great skill for pve and pvp increase it when you’ve got random SP to spend.
***Throatcut- Deals physical damage and has a CHANCE to silence the target.
Great skill for pvp and pve if used at the appropriate time. Use in combination with a stun when it’s almost up and with Tackling slash. Cast time is slow however and costs 1 spark. Silence and duration increase per level.
***Deaden Nerves- Avoid one attack that would otherwise kill you and return to life with 20% hp.
Nothing beats having to be killed twice- Great for pvp and pve keep at a low level however till end game. Not sure if the duration of the buff increases with its level.. but mp does for sure.
***Chill of the Deep – Reduces your attack rate by X and increases your Attack level.
Amazing PVP skill for sins- Mix this with tangling mire and watch your enemy’s crumble before you.
Maze Steps- Increases movement speed and makes your character immune to stun/paralyze debuffs for the duration of the buff.
It’s exactly like Will of Bodhivista on a BM. Great skill for pvp against classes that can stun- Level it when you have free points.
Earthen Rift- Deals physical damage to all units around you
One of our only AoE skills. Good for pve but in pvp its not as affect as other skills. Level it as you go if you want.
***Rising Dragon Strike- never misses/deals great amount of physical damage and increases your chi
Amazing pvp and pve skill- You gain chi and deal good damage that never misses what more could you want?
***Subsea strike- Causing the extreme poison effect on enemy’s in the area and deals physical damage.
Good AoE and debuff for both PvP and PvE. Mix with tangling mire or dragons- Does not stack with Extreme poison.
***HeadHunt – deals physical damage and stuns the target
Amazing PvP skill a must get for all sins.
Power Dash- Deals physical damage and increases your own critical hit rate.
Good skill for pve and pvp but at the cost of two sparks not worth it at low levels maybe better at higher levels – Does not stack with Leaf Dance
Tidal Protection- increases your chance to avoid negative debuffs.
Useless skill in my opinon with this on you cannot use Focused mind however it may prove to be useful at end game if it makes you immune to stuns, nix poison etc.. Have yet to test it in pvp.
***Inner harmony – Greatly increases your chi
Great skill for pve and pvp description says it all gives you 1 and half sparks at level one.
***Shadow Teleport- Teleports you to your targets location and stuns them
Great skill for pvp- costs one spark but most certainly worth it when ganking/chasing/ or being ganked.
(Skills used after the stun have a small delay)
***Dagger Devotion- You’re Dagger masteries
Title says it all.. Level it every level you can for PvE and PvP.
Tide Form- Turns you into a fish
This useless skill turns you into a mermaid or merman while in this skill you swim faster and have a great defense but cannot use skills. Just normal attacks.
***Sharp Observer – Increases stealth detection by 2.
Great for endgame when there will be more sins wait till then to level it
***Cat- Like Tread- Increases stealth by 2 levels.
If you plan on pvping at lower levels and ganking or even at medium levels this passive skill is great for ganking players higher than you. At level 86 with this skill maxed out no one will be able to see you in stealth unless they have stealth detection pots or Cat- Like tread and are your level or higher.
Former BM Masakari
Post edited by Uziel - Harshlands on
Sorry about the wall of text.. forums wont accept my Microsoft's office format..Ill fix it soonFormer BM Masakari0
Should fix it
Add that Mag gives also mana pool
How much mana do you have?
This is my opinion i don't say you are wrong it's just how I feel about these skills
Raving slash:no need to spam it in pve unless you duel or pvp so i leave it at 1
Deep Sting:i don't level it because i don't really use it because i just quickly kill the enemy and i only use it if im about to die i left it at lvl 1
Rib Strike:just as good as slipstream and has a debuff so should use it in pve also0 -
Lvling Deaden Nerves just decreases the skills CD so that u can cast it again faster... but at the cost of using more mp b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
didn't someone test that increasing your stealth skills DOES indeed raise your stealth level?0
Yes, it's been tested by several people, on several occasions.
I've also tested it myself at level 44 against level 48 mobs
Level (44) + Cat-like Tread level 1 (2) + Shadow Walk level 3 (3) = 49 I was able to hide from them
Level (44) + Cat-like Tread level 1 (2) + Shadow Escape level 1 (1) = 47 They still saw me.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
it didnt work like that for me. the skill shadow walk and force stealth did nothing to my stealth lvl when i tested it. only catlike thread did.
i remember because before i had catlike thread i tested shadow walk on a guy that was 1 lvl higher then me but my shadow walk was lvl 3. he was still able to see me despite my shadow walk being lvled..0 -
Has anyone tested if shadow escape removes nixes bleed or debuffs in pvp?Former BM Masakari0
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »it didnt work like that for me. the skill shadow walk and force stealth did nothing to my stealth lvl when i tested it. only catlike thread did.
i remember because before i had catlike thread i tested shadow walk on a guy that was 1 lvl higher then me but my shadow walk was lvl 3. he was still able to see me despite my shadow walk being lvled..
How do you know what lvl he was?many ppl just say that they're low lvls despite that i can clearly see that he's not just looking at his armour and then own you.Ok if you were in a party with him and you could see his lvl,still he can see you while you're stealthed if you're in a party with him.0 -
Mizore_P - Sanctuary wrote: »How do you know what lvl he was?many ppl just say that they're low lvls despite that i can clearly see that he's not just looking at his armour and then own you.Ok if you were in a party with him and you could see his lvl,still he can see you while you're stealthed if you're in a party with him.
Which is why I tested it on mobs. I could be 100% sure of what level they were, and I didn't have to be squaded with them. b:cute[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
also regardless of level squad mates can always see you when you stealth0
Mizore_P - Sanctuary wrote: »How do you know what lvl he was?many ppl just say that they're low lvls despite that i can clearly see that he's not just looking at his armour and then own you.Ok if you were in a party with him and you could see his lvl,still he can see you while you're stealthed if you're in a party with him.
he was in my guild? theres lots of ways that u can know what lvl someone is. also u can easily join a squad, see what lvl the person is, and leave it right after. which i also did to check his lvl since right before we dueled we were in a party waiting to help with a fb. after we did it we left the squad and dueled each other for fun.0 -
Deep Sting- A bloody assassin skill deals a great amount of damage and has a chance to put the target to sleep.
Costs 50 chi and is useless in pvp and pve- level it as you go but don0 -
Uziel - Harshlands wrote: »Deep Sting- A bloody assassin skill deals a great amount of damage and has a chance to put the target to sleep.
Costs 50 chi and is useless in pvp and pve- level it as you go but don0 -
WTF is with my replies? >.> Why the quote don't work correctly? Mods, please delete them.
I can't even voice correctly my different opinion... T.T Ah, well, wanted to say that I disagree with Deep Sting being useless. I use it in combination with puncture wound and it's great. Keeping it up to date, and one of my priorities.0 -
Ballistixz - Heavens Tear wrote: »it didnt work like that for me. the skill shadow walk and force stealth did nothing to my stealth lvl when i tested it. only catlike thread did.
i remember because before i had catlike thread i tested shadow walk on a guy that was 1 lvl higher then me but my shadow walk was lvl 3. he was still able to see me despite my shadow walk being lvled..
in the testing it was proven that shadow walk, and shadow escape have 2 different stealth levels. so if you have lvl 4 stealth WALK and say no catlike thread then a guy 4 levels higher can see you. but if you use shadow escape instead(say its level 1) then only guys 1 level higher could you hide from.
please correct me if im wrong[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Parental Advisory: Beware the heal monkey0 -
LadyKirah - Heavens Tear wrote: »WTF is with my replies? >.> Why the quote don't work correctly? Mods, please delete them.
I can't even voice correctly my different opinion... T.T Ah, well, wanted to say that I disagree with Deep Sting being useless. I use it in combination with puncture wound and it's great. Keeping it up to date, and one of my priorities.0 -
As for Force stealth it doesn't remove poison or bleed. I don't know about the other debuffs though.[SIGPIC][SIGPIC]0
I'm assuming (could be wrong) that Dex is the major force behind building accuracy. Does anyone happen to know if so by how much for a Sin? (Such like 1 vit gives 10HP to a Psychic)
Also, I've been building a dex Sin, and of course I'm very squidgy, does light armour effect my dex negitively?
(can't find these answers elsewhere and have been really enjoying this build and one other in forum. combining the 2, will share results when I have some heheh)
Ciao tutti0 -
LadyKirah - Heavens Tear wrote: »0
Two year necro, but the answer is 8 accuracy per dex. At 500 dex with 2 +50% accuracy rings, I would have exactly 8000 accuracy, which breaks down to 8 per point of dex.
And no, LA armor does not affect your dex negatively. Light armor is really meant for long range combat with an agile weapon, like a bow. But as an Assassin we have to wear that as well as get within melee range of a target to kill.
So we get the squishiness of LA while being melee based. The best thing to do is to get HP regenerating apoth and pots, and/or a charm. Sparing some points into vit will help early on as well.[SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!0 -
_Skai_ - Raging Tide wrote: »Two year necro, but the answer is 8 accuracy per dex. At 500 dex with 2 +50% accuracy rings, I would have exactly 8000 accuracy, which breaks down to 8 per point of dex.
And no, LA armor does not affect your dex negatively. Light armor is really meant for long range combat with an agile weapon, like a bow. But as an Assassin we have to wear that as well as get within melee range of a target to kill.
So we get the squishiness of LA while being melee based. The best thing to do is to get HP regenerating apoth and pots, and/or a charm. Sparing some points into vit will help early on as well.
knife throw > bleed skill > sleep > wait
i used that alot at low lvls0 -
SpazzMcAps - Harshlands wrote: »knife throw > bleed skill > sleep > wait
i used that alot at low lvls
It kinda stinks that around 65+ there's absolutely no use for Puncture lol.
Gratz on 2 year necro. b:victory0 -
it was spiritals who necroed ijs0
Jesusisback - Raging Tide wrote: »It kinda stinks that around 65+ there's absolutely no use for Puncture lol.
Gratz on 2 year necro. b:victory
necro can bring out old little convo lol.
btw, any use of raving slash in pvp?
Ebrithalia -Sage Seeker0 -
Ebrithalia - Dreamweaver wrote: »necro can bring out old little convo lol.
btw, any use of raving slash in pvp?
Only 'tards use raving slash in PvP. IJS[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Current Sin Build:
Current Wizard Build: -
CritCat - Archosaur wrote: »Only 'tards use raving slash in PvP. IJS
Even in PvE. I got it demon for the sake of having all demon skills, but I have only used it once, and that was for my skills video.[SIGPIC]Octavia is best pony[/SIGPIC]
Vicious's Brony. Brohoof! - Assassin PvE/PvP Videos!0 -
_Skai_ - Raging Tide wrote: »Even in PvE. I got it demon for the sake of having all demon skills, but I have only used it once, and that was for my skills video.
i got mine for no reason, i occasionally **** around with it0 -
_Skai_ - Raging Tide wrote: »Even in PvE. I got it demon for the sake of having all demon skills, but I have only used it once, and that was for my skills video.
The problem with Raving Slash is that running mobs are non-issue with Shadow Jump and Windpush/Maze Steps/Holy Path.
And Sage Raving Slash is like a puppy version of Frenzy. And totally useless.I am Olba. Not Ol, not Baze nor Blaze. And even less would I go by Olblaze. Please, take a second to read a person's username.
If you see b:cute be sure to take a second, calm look at anything I said.0 -
This discussion has been closed.
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