As of almost 10 am est I am unable to log in with the same errors as everyone else. Come on peeps what is going on over there?
A little update from the gm's would be nice.
Sweetiebot what is server status please?
One favorite thing...attack while running. Love it!
I can live with waiting for the stone. Don't mind the interface. Like the new class...after all glitches have been a part of the game since the beginning. As has people who continue to complain about them and threaten to quit over them...but can we please fix this quest item landing in my regular inventory? b:surrender…
I'm not one to troll the forums and complain, but the jade packs were a joke. Every year since you've opened we've gotten something. As the years passed the ones who have been on since the beginning have gotten a little something more or different. This year we all get the same jade pack that most people discovered they…
Lol thats the irony. I spent almost two hours downloading the manual patch and am now spending the same amount of time installing.
It took me longer to download the patch then to download the original game years ago. I figured it would install no has been installing for well over an hour now...closer to two. What is up with this?!
I see people talking about how it was all because of Archo's problems that we got these. Ok for all those people who are saying that: ARCHO WAS NOT THE ONLY SERVER HAVING PROBLEMS! b:angry Yes they had the most issues (that i'm aware of) but others servers had problems as well. Harshlands character list disappeared and…
Actually check the first post by the gm. This code was released for everyone to use not just Archo. It was just intended to be used once per account not multiple times.
Personally I entered the code only once and still ended up with double what we were supposed to have gotten. I think some people (clearly not all) ran into problems with loading the page when they tried to redeem the codes. What they should have done is what they did with the anniversary packs and email each of us a code…
There should be a IDC either way option on the poll. Seems to me both sides have some vaild arguments about whether or not it should be rolled back. People are taking this far to seriously. Its just a game .. *quickly ducks to avoid anything thrown*
Thank you for replying and letting us know what is going on. It is very much appreciated to see that someone cares about us poor (serverly game deprived at the moment) gamers.
"Cannot retrieve character list" b:surrender I find it only ironic that the maintence they put something in for all the trouble lately is the day they have YET another problem. What did they do hire someone who doesn't know how to write code? This is getting ridiculous.
So still no word from a gm? I accept that somethings take awhile to fix especially with the problems Harshlands has been having (don't play on other servers so unaware if they are having issues) but it would be nice if a gm or someone who knows what is going on would have the courteosy to let us know what is going on. This…
Okay so that is weird I've been playing since closed beta but my join date under my icon says I joined in 2009? Oh if I miss out cause of a glitch I might resort to QQing.
So we get all the gifts according to how many years we've been registered? No word on what the fifth year gift is going to be yet?
Have them pk all the people who are to afraid to pk ppl their own lvls. After all there is no glory in pking someone who is 40 levels lower then you.
I have been playing this game since closed beta. Way back in the beginning things were a lot different. We played as a group, when we did fb's people actually knew what they were doing (and it wasn't like pulling teeth to get help). Not to long ago I took a lvl 39 character through fb with a level 10x character...the…
YAY!!! b:laugh Someone else who remembers the good days. And you are completely right. All these Bh's and 2x have ruined things. Getting a mold in a bh used to be exciting now its "oh **** now I gotta try to sell the fckn thing" I may only be lvl 90 (dam lvl is wrong on my pic) but I've been playing a very long time and…
I'm one of those ppl who will put things up for a lower price just to sell it and things still don't sell. Yeah I know I can sell TT/HH items but even those aren't selling that great atm coming off that dam 2x drop rate period. I use to be able to sell ancient serpent skin for over 100k now i'm lucky to get 50k out of it.…
The lower lvl armor is are quest rewards when you reach lvl 12ish - 15? I can't remember the exact levels. As to where to get tideborn armor after that I don't know. i am in arch on my Psy and none of the tailors sell it. Can it be that all the armor is going to be quest rewards, is there a shop set up i don't know about,…
NVM got it