Knightmaiden - Lost City Arc User


  • Ah, you must be one of those supporters of the "jump him while he's busy with a mob" routine lol. You go for the easy ones because you know you can't take the heat of head-on PVP lmao. And what are you gonna' say next? That I'm a noob in Perfect World, and that you rock in Perfect World PVP? Uh... yay? Perfect World is a…
  • I beg to differ. If a guild has a black sheep, and the guild leader knows about it and tolerates it... and allows him to remain in that guild.. then that whole guild is black sheep. RageQuit? PVP? LMAO? I read a post about how to jump players while they are busy with a monster? lol Please... any PVPer worth his mettle…
  • Ya well, RageQuit is a **** guild from what I can tell. Anyone who jumps another player while that player is fighting a mob is a noob. I'm wiling to bet every single member of RageQuit will get owned in a game where pvp is closely moderated to ensure all fights are on level ground. All they can beat are noob to…
  • That is also specifically why I'd like to see the levels. I enjoy pvp, no... I love pvp. I'm one of those people that truly enjoy friendly competition. I don't jump people fighting mobs. I sit there and wait for them to heal up, and then I go for it... on even ground. A real fight. The reason I want to see levels, is so I…
  • In some respects the guide is good... for informational purposes. In some respects, I'm sort of put off by the knowledge that people actually jump players while they are fighting monsters. The thrill of pvp for me has always been running up to someone, you both know that you are of equal gear, power, and you both know…